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Should football be cancelled If too many players test positive for colds and flu?

Copper Griz said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
I knew this pathetic effectiveness but just wanted to see which knee-jerk reactionist responded first when using the CDC's estimated numbers. Overall the flu vaccines prevent panic, but really not disease. We have a damn flu "season" every year, for "rice" sakes!

Tell that to the hospital administrators in New York City or the people operating the morgues. Flu vaccine prevents the situation that happened this year with Covid. You are way off with minimizing this.

They already know, and no, the flu vaccine does not work as you wish it would. Covid is a first time virus with no vaccine. Flu has been around forever, and so have a myriad of vaccines that they are largely ineffective. I've had flu shots twice and got the flu each time.

We have routinely closed off hospitals and nursing homes in flu seasons that are particularly bad or when the vaccine missed the mark. That's all that was needed here to prevent nearly all deaths, yet what do politicians do, require nursing homes to take in covid positives. WE, the general population didn't do that, the experts and politicians YOU look to did that. I'm always amazed when someone who looks to be from the 60's who was part of the never trust the government movement decides to trust he government when on or close to social security. Follow the money.....
ilovethecats said:
fanofzoo said:
Who said it was an end all, simply wearing one says you care about other people but you are free do what ever.
And I appreciate that take. Allowing people to do whatever they want is good sometimes.

My point is that if wearing one says you care about other people, than not wearing one all the time must mean that you don't care about other people. I don't personally agree with that, but that's the only way I can wrap my head around interpreting it. Because wearing masks will ALWAYS contribute to saving lives. No matter what. No matter when. Not just with this one, very specific virus that we are currently dealing with.

But I'm in agreement with you. You're not comfortable right now and don't plan to attend games. Totally your choice and hopefully you remain safe.

My view is that people in MT who wear masks when they are outside and inside everywhere except at home, are grossly over-estimating the risk and doing nothing helpful. However, they are welcome to do so. Even our overly conservative Governor (on virus matters), doesn't think that's necessary.

In Missoula and Lake counties, where I am hanging out, there has been one death. A guy over 60 who wasn't healthy. Gallatin County, which has the most cases in MT ( ) has had only 1 death. The Missoula death was April 4th. So, almost 3 months without a death.

MT had 1 death in May and 4 in June so far.

9 car accidents deaths last weekend. 87 for year. Up more than 10 from last year.
PlayerRep said:
ilovethecats said:
And I appreciate that take. Allowing people to do whatever they want is good sometimes.

My point is that if wearing one says you care about other people, than not wearing one all the time must mean that you don't care about other people. I don't personally agree with that, but that's the only way I can wrap my head around interpreting it. Because wearing masks will ALWAYS contribute to saving lives. No matter what. No matter when. Not just with this one, very specific virus that we are currently dealing with.

But I'm in agreement with you. You're not comfortable right now and don't plan to attend games. Totally your choice and hopefully you remain safe.

My view is that people in MT who wear masks when they are outside and inside everywhere except at home, are grossly over-estimating the risk and doing nothing helpful. However, they are welcome to do so. Even our overly conservative Governor (on virus matters), doesn't think that's necessary.

In Missoula and Lake counties, where I am hanging out, there has been one death. A guy over 60 who wasn't healthy. Gallatin County, which has the most cases in MT ( ) has had only 1 death. The Missoula death was April 4th. So, almost 3 months without a death.

MT had 1 death in May and 4 in June so far.

9 car accidents deaths last weekend. 87 for year. Up more than 10 from last year.

The car accident deaths analogy is really spot on imo.
We as a society expend a huge amount of capital and effort to limit car accident deaths. We licence people to drive, set rules of the road, we pay people to patrol those roads and enforce the rules. We have fines and penalties when people break those rules. We require insurance to drive creating whole industries around covering the costs of your mistake or making sure you are made whole if someones mistake effects you. We regulate safety standards in cars. Some manufactures go above and beyond those safety standards and market their product as such. We also have standards for safe design and travel speeds on federal, state and local roads, with each jurisdiction having their own standards they set. Each jurisdiction also has funding mechanisms and staff for keeping roads safe and clear of hazards, maintained, and fit for travel. The federal government budgets every two years around two trillion dollars through an act of congress for road improvements prioritizing safety. I have no idea how much money we spend as individuals and as governments on keeping people safe on the roads. I bet it is mind boggling.
So lets be real, driving is not a free for all. It is highly regulated at every point, almost all for safety of the public, and still people die. We as a society have had decades to figure out the rules, how to make it safer, and how much risk the public is willing to accept. We are always working to make it safer, for the most part, but sometimes we pass rules making it less safe.
The point is with covid, we are still figuring this thing out. We can pass rules and regulations to make it safer, the science is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out how much risk the public is willing to accept. People are not going to accept sitting in isolation at their house for months and months and months. People are also not going to accept letting the virus run rampant. It's going to be somewhere in-between, and not everybody will like where we land.
druhag said:
PlayerRep said:
My view is that people in MT who wear masks when they are outside and inside everywhere except at home, are grossly over-estimating the risk and doing nothing helpful. However, they are welcome to do so. Even our overly conservative Governor (on virus matters), doesn't think that's necessary.

In Missoula and Lake counties, where I am hanging out, there has been one death. A guy over 60 who wasn't healthy. Gallatin County, which has the most cases in MT ( ) has had only 1 death. The Missoula death was April 4th. So, almost 3 months without a death.

MT had 1 death in May and 4 in June so far.

9 car accidents deaths last weekend. 87 for year. Up more than 10 from last year.

The car accident deaths analogy is really spot on imo.
We as a society expend a huge amount of capital and effort to limit car accident deaths. We licence people to drive, set rules of the road, we pay people to patrol those roads and enforce the rules. We have fines and penalties when people break those rules. We require insurance to drive creating whole industries around covering the costs of your mistake or making sure you are made whole if someones mistake effects you. We regulate safety standards in cars. Some manufactures go above and beyond those safety standards and market their product as such. We also have standards for safe design and travel speeds on federal, state and local roads, with each jurisdiction having their own standards they set. Each jurisdiction also has funding mechanisms and staff for keeping roads safe and clear of hazards, maintained, and fit for travel. The federal government budgets every two years around two trillion dollars through an act of congress for road improvements prioritizing safety. I have no idea how much money we spend as individuals and as governments on keeping people safe on the roads. I bet it is mind boggling.
So lets be real, driving is not a free for all. It is highly regulated at every point, almost all for safety of the public, and still people die. We as a society have had decades to figure out the rules, how to make it safer, and how much risk the public is willing to accept. We are always working to make it safer, for the most part, but sometimes we pass rules making it less safe.
The point is with covid, we are still figuring this thing out. We can pass rules and regulations to make it safer, the science is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out how much risk the public is willing to accept. People are not going to accept sitting in isolation at their house for months and months and months. People are also not going to accept letting the virus run rampant. It's going to be somewhere in-between, and not everybody will like where we land.

Pretty well summarized. The only sure thing is that no matter where we end up, a lot of people will disapprove.
druhag said:
PlayerRep said:
My view is that people in MT who wear masks when they are outside and inside everywhere except at home, are grossly over-estimating the risk and doing nothing helpful. However, they are welcome to do so. Even our overly conservative Governor (on virus matters), doesn't think that's necessary.

In Missoula and Lake counties, where I am hanging out, there has been one death. A guy over 60 who wasn't healthy. Gallatin County, which has the most cases in MT ( ) has had only 1 death. The Missoula death was April 4th. So, almost 3 months without a death.

MT had 1 death in May and 4 in June so far.

9 car accidents deaths last weekend. 87 for year. Up more than 10 from last year.

The car accident deaths analogy is really spot on imo.
We as a society expend a huge amount of capital and effort to limit car accident deaths. We licence people to drive, set rules of the road, we pay people to patrol those roads and enforce the rules. We have fines and penalties when people break those rules. We require insurance to drive creating whole industries around covering the costs of your mistake or making sure you are made whole if someones mistake effects you. We regulate safety standards in cars. Some manufactures go above and beyond those safety standards and market their product as such. We also have standards for safe design and travel speeds on federal, state and local roads, with each jurisdiction having their own standards they set. Each jurisdiction also has funding mechanisms and staff for keeping roads safe and clear of hazards, maintained, and fit for travel. The federal government budgets every two years around two trillion dollars through an act of congress for road improvements prioritizing safety. I have no idea how much money we spend as individuals and as governments on keeping people safe on the roads. I bet it is mind boggling.
So lets be real, driving is not a free for all. It is highly regulated at every point, almost all for safety of the public, and still people die. We as a society have had decades to figure out the rules, how to make it safer, and how much risk the public is willing to accept. We are always working to make it safer, for the most part, but sometimes we pass rules making it less safe.
The point is with covid, we are still figuring this thing out. We can pass rules and regulations to make it safer, the science is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out how much risk the public is willing to accept. People are not going to accept sitting in isolation at their house for months and months and months. People are also not going to accept letting the virus run rampant. It's going to be somewhere in-between, and not everybody will like where we land.

Uh guys, you’re REALLY not supposed to discuss other means of death on this thread. It’s insensitive and really makes light of how serious and deadly this virus is. Please try and think about the children....

Cats, we understand that you are of the opinion the virus isn’t a serious problem to our country and the world. Not any worse than the flu, pneumonia or even automobile accidents. Right? About 120,000 deaths so far with some projections at 200,000 deaths by year end.
We all hope to see football this fall, although, many concede multiple players may get the virus. Generally, it is understood that most young athletes will quickly recover from the virus, but what about the young athletes that won’t easily recover? Hopefully, you realize that all virus deaths aren’t old people.
Spanky2 said:
Cats, we understand that you are of the opinion the virus isn’t a serious problem to our country and the world. Not any worse than the flu, pneumonia or even automobile accidents. Right? About 120,000 deaths so far with some projections at 200,000 deaths by year end.
We all hope to see football this fall, although, many concede multiple players may get the virus. Generally, it is understood that most young athletes will quickly recover from the virus, but what about the young athletes that won’t easily recover? Hopefully, you realize that all virus deaths aren’t old people.

For God's sake think about the refs.
Da Boyz Mom said:
grizindabox said:
But, I am kind of done. People are so polarized on this, that it is pretty useless to over debate. But to summarize from a sports perspective, the Griz will most likely play football, but I am not so sure that all their scheduled opponents will. I also won't be surprised if their are limitations on spectators and tailgating.

Well at least we agree on something! I am not so sure about spectators either, although I am so hoping that season ticket holders can still manage to attend. My sister has an extra season ticket and I have time and air miles.

I usually have at least one extra ticket, so anytime you want to come to a game, let me know!
...I've have talked with a lot of people in business in and out of state ,I have not met or heard of anyone that
has the virus ...seem strange if its a pandemic one would think it would be noticeable ....not saying it doesn't
exist but where is it.. it is unknown a least in my circles...
Copper Griz said:
The flu virus has a vaccine. The death rate associated with it is far less than with Covid. Are college players going to get sick if they contract Covid? Probably, but most will recover without complications. The real worry is who are they transmitting it to? An elderly at risk individual or just younger kids in their peer group? A virus doesn’t care how young you are, who you hang with or what your bank account says. Transmission is the real risk. Until we get a vaccine we have the debate of -
Let it run its course and infect people until we reach 70-80% and build antibodies OR wear a mask, use very precautionary measures and try to keep hospital beds/ventilators open for patients. I don’t have an answer, but I don’t make light of a situation where people are on their death bed. If your family member was fighting for their life some of you might not have such cavalier attitudes. I hope football happens and it will be a major downer if the season doesn’t commence as usual. It would also be a bigger downer if fellow Americans died because we didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible and sacrifice for others. Welcome to the generation of me me me. Yes, that generation starts with the boomers.

This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh fuck no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.
Spanky2 said:
Cats, we understand that you are of the opinion the virus isn’t a serious problem to our country and the world. Not any worse than the flu, pneumonia or even automobile accidents. Right? About 120,000 deaths so far with some projections at 200,000 deaths by year end.
We all hope to see football this fall, although, many concede multiple players may get the virus. Generally, it is understood that most young athletes will quickly recover from the virus, but what about the young athletes that won’t easily recover? Hopefully, you realize that all virus deaths aren’t old people.

Of course not. But as of a couple days ago, people 54 or younger made up barely 7% of the deaths. And of course all of these numbers are of the 1.2% of our population that we KNOW of that will die.

I know your opinion too. It’s all good!
Griz Addict said:
Copper Griz said:
The flu virus has a vaccine. The death rate associated with it is far less than with Covid. Are college players going to get sick if they contract Covid? Probably, but most will recover without complications. The real worry is who are they transmitting it to? An elderly at risk individual or just younger kids in their peer group? A virus doesn’t care how young you are, who you hang with or what your bank account says. Transmission is the real risk. Until we get a vaccine we have the debate of -
Let it run its course and infect people until we reach 70-80% and build antibodies OR wear a mask, use very precautionary measures and try to keep hospital beds/ventilators open for patients. I don’t have an answer, but I don’t make light of a situation where people are on their death bed. If your family member was fighting for their life some of you might not have such cavalier attitudes. I hope football happens and it will be a major downer if the season doesn’t commence as usual. It would also be a bigger downer if fellow Americans died because we didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible and sacrifice for others. Welcome to the generation of me me me. Yes, that generation starts with the boomers.

This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh [#]f### no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.

MT has the fewest cases in nation. Missoula and Gallatin each have 1 death total. In 4 months. The counties where I am have a total of 1 death and 69 cases.

Sorry, but I don’t see the crisis here.

I don’t feel threatened. I am careful, but see no reason to be paralyzed with fear Or ranting and raving at others. No one around me seems threatened.

Where do you live?
ilovethecats said:
druhag said:
The car accident deaths analogy is really spot on imo.
We as a society expend a huge amount of capital and effort to limit car accident deaths. We licence people to drive, set rules of the road, we pay people to patrol those roads and enforce the rules. We have fines and penalties when people break those rules. We require insurance to drive creating whole industries around covering the costs of your mistake or making sure you are made whole if someones mistake effects you. We regulate safety standards in cars. Some manufactures go above and beyond those safety standards and market their product as such. We also have standards for safe design and travel speeds on federal, state and local roads, with each jurisdiction having their own standards they set. Each jurisdiction also has funding mechanisms and staff for keeping roads safe and clear of hazards, maintained, and fit for travel. The federal government budgets every two years around two trillion dollars through an act of congress for road improvements prioritizing safety. I have no idea how much money we spend as individuals and as governments on keeping people safe on the roads. I bet it is mind boggling.
So lets be real, driving is not a free for all. It is highly regulated at every point, almost all for safety of the public, and still people die. We as a society have had decades to figure out the rules, how to make it safer, and how much risk the public is willing to accept. We are always working to make it safer, for the most part, but sometimes we pass rules making it less safe.
The point is with covid, we are still figuring this thing out. We can pass rules and regulations to make it safer, the science is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out how much risk the public is willing to accept. People are not going to accept sitting in isolation at their house for months and months and months. People are also not going to accept letting the virus run rampant. It's going to be somewhere in-between, and not everybody will like where we land.

Uh guys, you’re REALLY not supposed to discuss other means of death on this thread. It’s insensitive and really makes light of how serious and deadly this virus is. Please try and think about the children....


cool, a meant-to-be ironic statement to defend changing the subject of the thread.
Griz Addict said:
Copper Griz said:
The flu virus has a vaccine. The death rate associated with it is far less than with Covid. Are college players going to get sick if they contract Covid? Probably, but most will recover without complications. The real worry is who are they transmitting it to? An elderly at risk individual or just younger kids in their peer group? A virus doesn’t care how young you are, who you hang with or what your bank account says. Transmission is the real risk. Until we get a vaccine we have the debate of -
Let it run its course and infect people until we reach 70-80% and build antibodies OR wear a mask, use very precautionary measures and try to keep hospital beds/ventilators open for patients. I don’t have an answer, but I don’t make light of a situation where people are on their death bed. If your family member was fighting for their life some of you might not have such cavalier attitudes. I hope football happens and it will be a major downer if the season doesn’t commence as usual. It would also be a bigger downer if fellow Americans died because we didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible and sacrifice for others. Welcome to the generation of me me me. Yes, that generation starts with the boomers.

This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh [#]f### no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.

My much better half has had three colleagues pass away from Covid-19 and a young man struggle mightily to recover from the virus (he was a college football player for Ohio State and is only in his 40s) and a school I formerly worked in has been identified as a source of the spread by the idiotic decisions of the central office administration to have the teaching staff assemble student work packets, have staff members distribute those work packets and then collect those packets of busy work and grade them. All the damn packets were nothing but review and busy work. By the time Governor Bullock closed the schools, any new concepts ought to have been covered already and the staff only concentrating on test prep.

Said school system administrators did not want to distribute chromebooks to the students because "..
not all students have access to wifi and it would violate FAPE", etc...

Personally, I'm in excellent condition, run every day and eat healthy so I don't feel I'll be at risk however the head of the house continually reminds me of the struggle the former football player experienced when he contacted Covid-19. She also points out how many relatives on my side of the family working as health care and first responders have contacted the virus and tells me to get my mask on and wear gloves when we go out to eat.

Anyway, there's no way in hell I'm going to get on a plane any time soon (hate flying anyway), AMTRAK is basically shut down, or congregate with the masses watching an UGA versus Tennessee, Florida or even fucking Nick Satan's bunch this fall. And I love hanging out in those gameday venues--but not this year. Truth be known, what we get to watch on television this fall is going to really stretch the limits as to what is truly acceptable given what some are advocating athletic departments do just to have a season this year. Small college football and the playoffs? I hope we get to watch college football, but...
We really shouldn't be sucked into virus infection/death comparisons of the US which over reports covid deaths including those with the virus and countries which under report those deaths from the virus. And the CDC today stated US infections are actually 10 x higher than the positive test numbers. Guess what that means for the mortality rate? When virtually all "new" info walks back more doomsday projections, there seems to be less non emotional reasons for any liberty infringement
Griz Addict said:
Copper Griz said:
The flu virus has a vaccine. The death rate associated with it is far less than with Covid. Are college players going to get sick if they contract Covid? Probably, but most will recover without complications. The real worry is who are they transmitting it to? An elderly at risk individual or just younger kids in their peer group? A virus doesn’t care how young you are, who you hang with or what your bank account says. Transmission is the real risk. Until we get a vaccine we have the debate of -
Let it run its course and infect people until we reach 70-80% and build antibodies OR wear a mask, use very precautionary measures and try to keep hospital beds/ventilators open for patients. I don’t have an answer, but I don’t make light of a situation where people are on their death bed. If your family member was fighting for their life some of you might not have such cavalier attitudes. I hope football happens and it will be a major downer if the season doesn’t commence as usual. It would also be a bigger downer if fellow Americans died because we didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible and sacrifice for others. Welcome to the generation of me me me. Yes, that generation starts with the boomers.

This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh [#]f### no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.

seems to me your the one making the commotion and name calling....99% of people that get the virus will live...
its not the black plague they told it would be...2 million deaths the experts said..yes if you are compromised and live
in a nursing home than you may be at risk.. otherwise stay
at home it's your choice ...over 3 million yearly in U.S. die of something...so one way or other were all at risk
of dying from something so why live in fear...
Griz Addict said:
Copper Griz said:
The flu virus has a vaccine. The death rate associated with it is far less than with Covid. Are college players going to get sick if they contract Covid? Probably, but most will recover without complications. The real worry is who are they transmitting it to? An elderly at risk individual or just younger kids in their peer group? A virus doesn’t care how young you are, who you hang with or what your bank account says. Transmission is the real risk. Until we get a vaccine we have the debate of -
Let it run its course and infect people until we reach 70-80% and build antibodies OR wear a mask, use very precautionary measures and try to keep hospital beds/ventilators open for patients. I don’t have an answer, but I don’t make light of a situation where people are on their death bed. If your family member was fighting for their life some of you might not have such cavalier attitudes. I hope football happens and it will be a major downer if the season doesn’t commence as usual. It would also be a bigger downer if fellow Americans died because we didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible and sacrifice for others. Welcome to the generation of me me me. Yes, that generation starts with the boomers.

This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh [#]f### no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.

Gentlemen, sadly this isn't about common sense or compassion. It's about politics. Because one side has attempted to minimize the implications and dangers of Covid for political gain, so too do all the sheep who blindly follow the "leaders" of that party. It's politics, pure and simple. Baaaaaaa!
EverettGriz said:
Griz Addict said:
This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh [#]f### no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.

Gentlemen, sadly this isn't about common sense or compassion. It's about politics. Because one side has attempted to minimize the implications and dangers of Covid for political gain, so too do all the sheep who blindly follow the "leaders" of that party. It's politics, pure and simple. Baaaaaaa!

EverettGriz said:
Griz Addict said:
This. Got some real "geniuses" in here though. I don't think they can comprehend how it's not the flu. In a few months over 100k deaths.... Guess what every other countries rate is going down and The US is going up. Because of idiots. US is filled with over privileged, ego maniac, wannabe tough guys, and stupid people. It's not that hard to figure out you're putting people's lives at risk, take some precautions. But, they're like "oh [#]f### no! if we die we die". How does that not sound idiotic? You're going to risk spreading a virus to someone's mom? To someone's son? Daughter? Dad? That's just evil. And most of these people claim to be Christian's. All you have to do is wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance, and use hand sanitizer for awhile. Until a vaccine or a medicine that provenly helps. There are actually smart people in this world and I'm sure something will be discovered. Please don't be a douche and just take precautions. It's really not that hard. Not worth all this commotion these crazy people are making.

Gentlemen, sadly this isn't about common sense or compassion. It's about politics. Because one side has attempted to minimize the implications and dangers of Covid for political gain, so too do all the sheep who blindly follow the "leaders" of that party. It's politics, pure and simple. Baaaaaaa!

Remind me what happened to Chicken Little when the sky never fell? When nearly every prediction falls flat, when every claim of catastrophe is based on false information and junk models, and those who "minimize the implications" prove to be correct, and when he reasons for government infringing on fundamental rights prove to have no validity, let alone constitute compelling reasons if if they were true, the blind compliance with edicts so pleaded for here predictably wanes after a short period of time.

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