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obvious difference between jmu, ndsu and the rest of the field

PlayerRep said:
BillingsMafia said:
krammer said:
I know how good the cat and weber defense was this year....yet they had no chance vs. the OFFENSIVE LINES of the two playing for the championship.....until or unless the Griz get to that level, imo ,we have no chance of playing for the championship of the fcs.......

I disagree. If we can find the right QB and a coach that truly understands the short passing game, we can beat a team with a superior offensive line. The Griz never have and never will have a totally dominant offensive line. Don Read was the last coach that understood the short passing game. Bobby is better on his second go around but still hasn't got if figured out. I hoped Stitt was going to be the guy but he was clueless. Maybe if the current coaches read Read's book.

The Griz have had dominant o-lines. Quinn and Russum were both first team all-Americans the same year. Horn, Dow, Dyk, Hillesland, etc.
I love that our O-line had Horn and Dyk at the same time. We should have stuck with the theme and recruited Wang, Cox, and Pecker :lol:
Re-watched JMU Weber. Ouch . . . Weber put no pressure on QB, let the QB roll out and run at will, and didn’t hit the QB when he ran. Weber D basically got owned at the LOS. Not good at point of attack.
SaskGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
BillingsMafia said:
krammer said:
I know how good the cat and weber defense was this year....yet they had no chance vs. the OFFENSIVE LINES of the two playing for the championship.....until or unless the Griz get to that level, imo ,we have no chance of playing for the championship of the fcs.......

I disagree. If we can find the right QB and a coach that truly understands the short passing game, we can beat a team with a superior offensive line. The Griz never have and never will have a totally dominant offensive line. Don Read was the last coach that understood the short passing game. Bobby is better on his second go around but still hasn't got if figured out. I hoped Stitt was going to be the guy but he was clueless. Maybe if the current coaches read Read's book.

The Griz have had dominant o-lines. Quinn and Russum were both first team all-Americans the same year. Horn, Dow, Dyk, Hillesland, etc.
I love that our O-line had Horn and Dyk at the same time. We should have stuck with the theme and recruited Wang, Cox, and Pecker :lol:

The UM o-line had all 6 of the guys I listed at the same time.
PlayerRep said:
Okay, I say they were totally dominant. Against Richmond, Russum was hurt and didn't plan to play at all and hadn't been playing much. Dyk got hurt early and couldn't play. Russum stepped up, even tho he was hampered (and had surgery right after the season). He couldn't move off one foot, so couldn't move in one direction. At halftime, Quinn told the team and coaches that he was going to play center, so he could help his teammates in both directions. He did. Bergquist got hurt with a bad thigh bruise early early in the first half, and lost his mobility. He was sacked 6 or 7 times. Sidbury was very good and very mobile. He hurt UM a lot, especially in first half. 4 sacks and 4 TFLs. Bergquist could barely run after tightening up at half time. That severely hurt his game and the offense. The o-line was not dominant in that game. I think one other guy was hurting bad too.
A very good account. In addition to the injuries the travel to JMU and back and on to Chattanooga in the short week, took its toll. The team was worn down from the travel and the tough win at JMU; Richmond was capable of seizing the moment, beating us soundly. The '08 Griz could not go another inch; they left it all on the field. I'm very proud of that team.
PlayerRep said:
SaskGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
BillingsMafia said:
I disagree. If we can find the right QB and a coach that truly understands the short passing game, we can beat a team with a superior offensive line. The Griz never have and never will have a totally dominant offensive line. Don Read was the last coach that understood the short passing game. Bobby is better on his second go around but still hasn't got if figured out. I hoped Stitt was going to be the guy but he was clueless. Maybe if the current coaches read Read's book.

The Griz have had dominant o-lines. Quinn and Russum were both first team all-Americans the same year. Horn, Dow, Dyk, Hillesland, etc.
I love that our O-line had Horn and Dyk at the same time. We should have stuck with the theme and recruited Wang, Cox, and Pecker :lol:

The UM o-line had all 6 of the guys I listed at the same time.
PR, I think you totally missed the joke, Happy New Year!
SaskGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
BillingsMafia said:
krammer said:
I know how good the cat and weber defense was this year....yet they had no chance vs. the OFFENSIVE LINES of the two playing for the championship.....until or unless the Griz get to that level, imo ,we have no chance of playing for the championship of the fcs.......

I disagree. If we can find the right QB and a coach that truly understands the short passing game, we can beat a team with a superior offensive line. The Griz never have and never will have a totally dominant offensive line. Don Read was the last coach that understood the short passing game. Bobby is better on his second go around but still hasn't got if figured out. I hoped Stitt was going to be the guy but he was clueless. Maybe if the current coaches read Read's book.

The Griz have had dominant o-lines. Quinn and Russum were both first team all-Americans the same year. Horn, Dow, Dyk, Hillesland, etc.
I love that our O-line had Horn and Dyk at the same time. We should have stuck with the theme and recruited Wang, Cox, and Pecker :lol:

Don’t sleep on Peter Wrench, Max Hammer, or Saigon University transfer, Phuc Dong.
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Dickenson was a great and very productive college QB. Jensen was good too, but spent much of his time just handing off the ball and managing the offense. Any bison qb could have run the offense and managed things. UM needed Dickenson to make plays and wins games. Dickenson's individual stats were about 40% more than Jensen's.
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

You are right. One ended his career with an undefeated season, winning 3 rings and owning the record for most wins as a starting FCS QB....and the other did not.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

You are right. One ended his career with an undefeated season, winning 3 rings and owning the record for most wins as a starting FCS QB....and the other did not.

And the one is in the HOF, whereas, the other won’t be, unless out of charity. You honestly sound like you’re arguing John Paxson was better than John Stockton.
So WTF does this Alum clown spend 24/7 here? I know there's not much to do in Fargo (sister there) but fer chrisssakes at his age he should at least be out chasing tail. Guess those articles about low testosterone levels have a grain of truth to them.
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

Dolphins released Jensen in favor of Seth Lobato, the “great” Northern Colorado qb
ordigger said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

Dolphins released Jensen in favor of Seth Lobato, the “great” Northern Colorado qb

He tore his labrum
2011BisonAlumni said:
CrunchGriz said:
One last stat line comparison, and comment:

Jensen vs. Dickenson (career):

		Passing Yards 		TDs Responsible For	Total Off/Game
Jensen		8,598 (159/game)	107 (in 54 games; 1.98/game)	182.2
Dickenson	13,486 (321/game)	137 (in 42 games; 3.26/game)	329.2
What these stats tell me is that Jensen rode a better overall team to more titles, not that he was the dominant force that created the titles, like DD was. Football is a team sport; the QB is often the leader, but he can only do so much. When you have a superior supporting cast, you're going to win more titles; that alone won't get him into the CFHOF.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense.

Translation. One handed off a LOT. One passed a lot and had to have actual QB skills.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

You are right. One ended his career with an undefeated season, winning 3 rings and owning the record for most wins as a starting FCS QB....and the other did not.

And the one is in the HOF, whereas, the other won’t be, unless out of charity. You honestly sound like you’re arguing John Paxson was better than John Stockton.

Lol. There is a 10 year waiting period before being eligible, so I guess it’s kind of impossible at this point to be in it. Jensen will make it, along with Easton Stick.

It took Dave Dickenson 13 years, once eligible, to get in.

Dave Dickenson was a fine QB, but he was not nearly the winner Jensen was.
2011BisonAlumni said:
ordigger said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Brock Jensen- 48 career wins as a starting QB. 3 national championships. 4 wins (three over P5 opponents) over FBS opponents.

Dave Dickenson- 33 career wins as a starting QB. 1 national championship. 0 wins over FBS teams.

Jensen ran a ball control, west coast style offense. Dave Dickenson ran an air raid offense. You cannot compare statistics.

Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

Dolphins released Jensen in favor of Seth Lobato, the “great” Northern Colorado qb

He tore his labrum

Doesn't matter. He was replaced by Lobato. Its a fact. I could make excuses too.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

You are right. One ended his career with an undefeated season, winning 3 rings and owning the record for most wins as a starting FCS QB....and the other did not.

And the one is in the HOF, whereas, the other won’t be, unless out of charity. You honestly sound like you’re arguing John Paxson was better than John Stockton.

Lol. There is a 10 year waiting period before being eligible, so I guess it’s kind of impossible at this point to be in it. Jensen will make it, along with Easton Stick.

It took Dave Dickenson 13 years, once eligible, to get in.

Dave Dickenson was a fine QB, but he was not nearly the winner Jensen was.

So sayeth, Brocks older brother, "Rock"....can we all smell what he is cooking? Yep, pure bs, by the troll farm.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Jensen could hand off with the best of them, but he’s not in the same conversation with DD as a QB. Not even close.

You are right. One ended his career with an undefeated season, winning 3 rings and owning the record for most wins as a starting FCS QB....and the other did not.

And the one is in the HOF, whereas, the other won’t be, unless out of charity. You honestly sound like you’re arguing John Paxson was better than John Stockton.

Lol. There is a 10 year waiting period before being eligible, so I guess it’s kind of impossible at this point to be in it. Jensen will make it, along with Easton Stick.

It took Dave Dickenson 13 years, once eligible, to get in.

Dave Dickenson was a fine QB, but he was not nearly the winner Jensen was.

DD didn’t have the amount of career handoffs or wins, but was undeniably a better QB than Brad Jensen. It’s just a fact. There was college football before the Buffs started playing in 2005.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
You are right. One ended his career with an undefeated season, winning 3 rings and owning the record for most wins as a starting FCS QB....and the other did not.

And the one is in the HOF, whereas, the other won’t be, unless out of charity. You honestly sound like you’re arguing John Paxson was better than John Stockton.

Lol. There is a 10 year waiting period before being eligible, so I guess it’s kind of impossible at this point to be in it. Jensen will make it, along with Easton Stick.

It took Dave Dickenson 13 years, once eligible, to get in.

Dave Dickenson was a fine QB, but he was not nearly the winner Jensen was.

DD didn’t have the amount of career handoffs or wins, but was undeniably a better QB than Brad Jensen. It’s just a fact. There was college football before the Buffs started playing in 2005.

He’s trolling. Per his logic, Kellen Moore is the greatest FBS qb in history.

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