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kittens might have found their qb

bigsky33 said:
garizzalies said:
Hold up a sec. Are they saying Falco got hurt at the Flagship of Bozeman? What happened to the “QB” they were chirping about just a few weeks ago? Is that who they “found”? Or did he find Jesus or something?
Or did they find another alleged “QB” who was just hiding on their roster the whole time?

I think there were five people who played QB for the Cats on Saturday and none of them were named Anderson. What does it matter when you roll up almost 700 yds of offense, They are getting the job done and then some.
There’s your problem right there—you sound proud of that mess. If you don’t think the most important position in all of sports “matters,” than maybe in another 4 years choach might get lucky and actually find one. I’m convinced he will go 5-for-5 and have a new opening day starter again next year. Probably Mellot. Hell, even if it is RSBV next year, that’d do it. You guys will champion choach’s pathetic struggle again, but it would never fly over here, lil bro.

And nobody answered my question: why did Row-sham-bow-vig start? I know he’s one of the best at it (not talking about football here), but do the other “QBs” not realize he always chooses “rock?” Or is Falco hurt? What the hell happened?
bigsky33 said:
SaskGriz said:
bigsky33 said:
Jaredkuehn said:

Monmouth was playoff team two seasons ago, and a bubble team at 8-3 last year.

Norfolk State hasn’t had a winning season since 2011.

Nice. But none of it really counts. We are starting at O wins going into conference play. Good luck!! 👍🤠

I live in a civilised country where pot is legal and even I can't follow this post. You posted that the two opponents were pretty much the same, so Rovig is great. Then someone countered showing that Monmouth are good and Norfolk is "not as good" and you post "but none of it really counts". You just countered your own argument with your own argument. It's not as stupid as President Trump saying that the Continental Army was named after George Washington, but it's ball park.

Where did I say Rovig is great? I said he did a nice job against a team that has a reputation this season for having a good pass defense. That is encouraging given the Cats QB situation so far this year and last. My other point is that you can argue all day about how how good teams are that you play in pre-conference games. It doesn't matter. What counts is what happens in Conference play. That starts next week. I hope that clears your pot fogged head.

I think it was in your seventh sentence where you said "Rovig looked very good", but I suppose 'very good' might not be exactly the same as 'great'.
CDA is quite obviously the best poster over here and a true friend of Bobcat Nation. Why a true friend of the Cats you ask? Well then, let me explain. I was really thinking about something Choate said in a podcast not too long ago: his two most significant mentors and the people responsible for making him into the person he is today both professionally and personally? Mick Dennehy and Mick Delaney. Yup, the Micks are the reason Choate leads a very physical team that emphasizes dominate play in the trenches and relies on a hard-nosed downhill running game that tries to take the soul from our opponents. While contemplating the significance and importance of the Micks to the Bobcat program, CDA made this post:

33, I don’t read BobcatBoard, so help me out. The Bobs we get here are the super positive ones, I think we can all agree on that. Is there ANY talk at all on your board about how things might be different if your HC was able to sign and develop even a decent QB? I mean, he’s had four f***[*] years and produced nothing but turds behind center. At what point does that fall on the position coach playing house as a HC? Is there any talk of that at all, or is everyone just on cloud 9 based only on Brawl results?

I mean, yeah, Choach has beaten the Griz, but does any Cat fan think what could’ve been if Choach could have pulled his head out of his ass long enough to get someone, anyone, to play QB? Do they hold him accountable at all? I’m honestly not trying to be funny or trying to talk smack, I just don’t understand it. How many years of wasted talent are enough before Cat fans start to doubt this guy as a HC?

This made me realize that CDA is just as important to the Cats as the Micks. Each and every time CDA has called out the Cats in areas where, admittedly, he was correct, it got fixed. The drainage pond showing up in marketing photos? Fixed. I haven’t seen one since CDA posted about it. Fatheads on the porta-potties? Gone. Choate with an overall losing record? Boom. Fixed. And now, thankfully, CDA has stepped up and truly called out our QB play. Is this the next component that CDA fixes for Bobcat Nation? I hope so, and based on CDA’s track record helping the Cats, I believe it will be.

Sometimes it does take some talented QBs time to find themselves in spite of their natural tools and abilities. Perhaps you guys need a reminder that Bobby sat the freshman version of Dalton Sneed after game 5 because he sucked as a freshman despite his natural ability. I remember watching a RS freshman version of Prukop light up the D during a spring game and asking Rob Ash in a quarterback club meeting why his isn’t playing. Rob said he wasn't ready, although he was a damn good QB as a RS sophomore. Maybe, if CDA is right on this one like his track record suggests, the Idaho 5A Player of the Year will turn out to be a good QB for the Cats. We shall see. Time will tell.

Thank you CDA, and a sincere thank you to the Micks.
ABQCat said:
CDA is quite obviously the best poster over here and a true friend of Bobcat Nation. Why a true friend of the Cats you ask? Well then, let me explain. I was really thinking about something Choate said in a podcast not too long ago: his two most significant mentors and the people responsible for making him into the person he is today both professionally and personally? Mick Dennehy and Mick Delaney. Yup, the Micks are the reason Choate leads a very physical team that emphasizes dominate play in the trenches and relies on a hard-nosed downhill running game that tries to take the soul from our opponents. While contemplating the significance and importance of the Micks to the Bobcat program, CDA made this post:

33, I don’t read BobcatBoard, so help me out. The Bobs we get here are the super positive ones, I think we can all agree on that. Is there ANY talk at all on your board about how things might be different if your HC was able to sign and develop even a decent QB? I mean, he’s had four f***[*] years and produced nothing but turds behind center. At what point does that fall on the position coach playing house as a HC? Is there any talk of that at all, or is everyone just on cloud 9 based only on Brawl results?

I mean, yeah, Choach has beaten the Griz, but does any Cat fan think what could’ve been if Choach could have pulled his head out of his ass long enough to get someone, anyone, to play QB? Do they hold him accountable at all? I’m honestly not trying to be funny or trying to talk smack, I just don’t understand it. How many years of wasted talent are enough before Cat fans start to doubt this guy as a HC?

This made me realize that CDA is just as important to the Cats as the Micks. Each and every time CDA has called out the Cats in areas where, admittedly, he was correct, it got fixed. The drainage pond showing up in marketing photos? Fixed. I haven’t seen one since CDA posted about it. Fatheads on the porta-potties? Gone. Choate with an overall losing record? Boom. Fixed. And now, thankfully, CDA has stepped up and truly called out our QB play. Is this the next component that CDA fixes for Bobcat Nation? I hope so, and based on CDA’s track record helping the Cats, I believe it will be.

Sometimes it does take some talented QBs time to find themselves in spite of their natural tools and abilities. Perhaps you guys need a reminder that Bobby sat the freshman version of Dalton Sneed after game 5 because he sucked as a freshman despite his natural ability. I remember watching a RS freshman version of Prukop light up the D during a spring game and asking Rob Ash in a quarterback club meeting why his isn’t playing. Rob said he wasn't ready, although he was a damn good QB as a RS sophomore. Maybe, if CDA is right on this one like his track record suggests, the Idaho 5A Player of the Year will turn out to be a good QB for the Cats. We shall see. Time will tell.

Thank you CDA, and a sincere thank you to the Micks.

You sound tired.
garizzalies said:
bigsky33 said:
garizzalies said:
Hold up a sec. Are they saying Falco got hurt at the Flagship of Bozeman? What happened to the “QB” they were chirping about just a few weeks ago? Is that who they “found”? Or did he find Jesus or something?
Or did they find another alleged “QB” who was just hiding on their roster the whole time?

I think there were five people who played QB for the Cats on Saturday and none of them were named Anderson. What does it matter when you roll up almost 700 yds of offense, They are getting the job done and then some.
There’s your problem right there—you sound proud of that mess. If you don’t think the most important position in all of sports “matters,” than maybe in another 4 years choach might get lucky and actually find one. I’m convinced he will go 5-for-5 and have a new opening day starter again next year. Probably Mellot. Hell, even if it is RSBV next year, that’d do it. You guys will champion choach’s pathetic struggle again, but it would never fly over here, lil bro.

And nobody answered my question: why did Row-sham-bow-vig start? I know he’s one of the best at it (not talking about football here), but do the other “QBs” not realize he always chooses “rock?” Or is Falco hurt? What the hell happened?

Garizzalies, please tell me you did not graduate from UM. Where in the hell do you get I am proud of the QB situation. The QB situation is what it is. Has nothing to do with being proud. Bauman the redshirt freshman is a very raw talent. After three games starting it is evident he is not ready yet. He has come a long way and if he continues to progress, he may end up being a really good QB. Rovig got an opportunity this week and did a nice job. Time will tell if that continues. We are lucky to have a couple of other ex QB's in Jonsen and Kassis who are used in certain packages during the game. Same with Anderson. I think it is good that even at a time when the strating QB has been an issue, the Cats are 3-1 and in the most recent game Saturday amassed close to 700 yds of offense. Looking good going into conference play.
A list of non-FBS QBs that the Cats or Griz have played so far this year that I, a Cat fan, would take in a heartbeat:

Austin Simmons, USD
Kenji Bahar, Monmouth
Daniel Santacaterina, SEMO

Juwan Carter, Norfolk
CatzWillRise said:
A list of non-FBS QBs that the Cats or Griz have played so far this year that I, a Cat fan, would take in a heartbeat:

Austin Simmons, USD
Kenji Bahar, Monmouth
Daniel Santacaterina, SEMO

Juwan Carter, Norfolk

Behar was awfully good. Decisive, accurate & fearless.
uofmman1122 said:
bigsky33 said:
Do not think there was much of a difference between Norfolk and Monumoth. Norfolk came in with an excellent pass defense. Rovig did a nice job against it. Cats run game just all out shredded their defense. The Cats had 3 running backs over 100 yds. That is without Anderson and Ifanse. Rovig looked very good. First time in two years I have seen that. Looking good going into conference play against NAU.

Yeahhhh. Monmouth has one of the best RBs in the country, and their QB is also one of the best in the country and a 4 year starter. I dont think they were the same type of teams right now.
bigsky33 said:
Bauman the redshirt freshman is a very raw talent. After three games starting it is evident he is not ready yet.

Couple weeks ago:
It is a good thing to have some really good talent surrounding a redshirt freshman making his second start to give him time to develop and improve. He will be a very good QB before it is all over.
garizzalies said:
bigsky33 said:
Bauman the redshirt freshman is a very raw talent. After three games starting it is evident he is not ready yet.

Couple weeks ago:
It is a good thing to have some really good talent surrounding a redshirt freshman making his second start to give him time to develop and improve. He will be a very good QB before it is all over.

Yes, what I have said is correct. Bauman may be a very good QB before it is all over. They gave him a chance in three starts. Still needs more time to develop. He will sit for a while and Rovig gets an opportunity in the interim. Don't forget, Bauman is a red shirt frosh. He has plenty of time to develop into a good QB. He does have all the tools and being 6' 7" 230 lbs, he has the size.
Lol. Almost precisely the timeline I predicted. Bauman ==> Rovig ==> Anderson.

I give Rovig 1 1/2 - 2 games, and Anderson becomes the defacto starter for the remainder of the year.
AZGrizFan said:
Lol. Almost precisely the timeline I predicted. Bauman ==> Rovig ==> Anderson.

I give Rovig 1 1/2 - 2 games, and Anderson becomes the defacto starter for the remainder of the year.

I don't think it will happen. However,they will keep winning anyway.
bigsky33 said:
garizzalies said:
bigsky33 said:
Bauman the redshirt freshman is a very raw talent. After three games starting it is evident he is not ready yet.

Couple weeks ago:
It is a good thing to have some really good talent surrounding a redshirt freshman making his second start to give him time to develop and improve. He will be a very good QB before it is all over.

Yes, what I have said is correct. Bauman may be a very good QB before it is all over. They gave him a chance in three starts. Still needs more time to develop. He will sit for a while and Rovig gets an opportunity in the interim. Don't forget, Bauman is a red shirt frosh. He has plenty of time to develop into a good QB. He does have all the tools and being 6' 7" 230 lbs, he has the size.
:clap: Perfect!
The whole point of my post was to show your back-peddling and you did not disappoint.
You went from WILL be very good to MAY BE very good.
Also, “interim.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? The QB carousel will continue? So Choach has not “found” shit, has he?
And you still never answered my question. Did Falco just get benched? Why?
garizzalies said:
bigsky33 said:
garizzalies said:
bigsky33 said:
Bauman the redshirt freshman is a very raw talent. After three games starting it is evident he is not ready yet.

Couple weeks ago:
It is a good thing to have some really good talent surrounding a redshirt freshman making his second start to give him time to develop and improve. He will be a very good QB before it is all over.

Yes, what I have said is correct. Bauman may be a very good QB before it is all over. They gave him a chance in three starts. Still needs more time to develop. He will sit for a while and Rovig gets an opportunity in the interim. Don't forget, Bauman is a red shirt frosh. He has plenty of time to develop into a good QB. He does have all the tools and being 6' 7" 230 lbs, he has the size.
:clap: Perfect!
The whole point of my post was to show your back-peddling and you did not disappoint.
You went from WILL be very good to MAY BE very good.
Also, “interim.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? The QB carousel will continue? So Choach has not “found” shit, has he?
And you still never answered my question. Did Falco just get benched? Why?

You have zero comprehension. Apparently you cannot read as I did answer your question. Also, you cannot string a sentence together. Tell me now you majored in journalism at UM. Wow!

What Choate is doing, is making the best of what he has. So far it is working. They are 3-1 and had 679 yds of offense Saturday.
bigsky33 said:
AZGrizFan said:
Lol. Almost precisely the timeline I predicted. Bauman ==> Rovig ==> Anderson.

I give Rovig 1 1/2 - 2 games, and Anderson becomes the defacto starter for the remainder of the year.

I don't think it will happen. However,they will keep winning anyway.

Yep, especially with that patty cake schedule. 😉
bigsky33 said:
garizzalies said:
bigsky33 said:
garizzalies said:

Couple weeks ago:

Yes, what I have said is correct. Bauman may be a very good QB before it is all over. They gave him a chance in three starts. Still needs more time to develop. He will sit for a while and Rovig gets an opportunity in the interim. Don't forget, Bauman is a red shirt frosh. He has plenty of time to develop into a good QB. He does have all the tools and being 6' 7" 230 lbs, he has the size.
:clap: Perfect!
The whole point of my post was to show your back-peddling and you did not disappoint.
You went from WILL be very good to MAY BE very good.
Also, “interim.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? The QB carousel will continue? So Choach has not “found” shit, has he?
And you still never answered my question. Did Falco just get benched? Why?

You have zero comprehension. Apparently you cannot read as I did answer your question. Also, you cannot string a sentence together. Tell me now you majored in journalism at UM. Wow!

What Choate is doing, is making the best of what he has. So far it is working. They are 3-1 and had 679 yds of offense Saturday.

33, you have to admit that you went from “will be” to “may be”. So, I don’t think what you said in the past is consistent regarding the scared dolphin you guys had behind center.
2 things I got out of this from cat fans:

1) Bauman - they didn't want him anyways

2) the backup QB is better than the starter.

So the question now is who is the backup that's better than Rovig?
Grizbeer said:
2 things I got out of this from cat fans:

1) Bauman - they didn't want him anyways

2) the backup QB is better than the starter.

So the question now is who is the backup that's better than Rovig?

jodcon said:
Grizbeer said:
2 things I got out of this from cat fans:

1) Bauman - they didn't want him anyways

2) the backup QB is better than the starter.

So the question now is who is the backup that's better than Rovig?


You mean Anderson, the first team Big Sky QB last year? :clap:
bigsky33 said:
jodcon said:
Grizbeer said:
2 things I got out of this from cat fans:

1) Bauman - they didn't want him anyways

2) the backup QB is better than the starter.

So the question now is who is the backup that's better than Rovig?


You mean Anderson, the first team Big Sky QB last year? :clap:

Yes. That’s the Anderson. Drift off on the couch, big Cat. Go on off to sleep and think about it tomorrow. It’s a Monday.

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