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MBBALL GCU Mirrors Gonzaga

Let's see, you claim to have helped get Hauck hired, both times. You claim to have helped get Haslam hired. You claim to have helped get Bodnar hired. Yet you deny trying to get Holsinger fired. But I know the real story about that. Missoula is a small community. Such an important person like you, all-knowing, and all-omniscient, should get an agent and stop handling himself
Never helped anyone get hired at UM other than Bodnar. Sent an email on Petrino. You are so dishonest. Most everyone knows it.
I would assume that if you see me as condescending it is because you feel inferior...which I can't say I disagree with.
If we could buy you for what you're worth, and sell you for what you think you're worth, we'd solve the national debt. You're the lessor offspring of a greater sire

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