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Feels good to be...

GE1963 said:
I guess when you can’t articulate an intelligent retort, you resort to childish emoticons. simply a flacid response to my questions.

I realize you Griz have a single-minded hate for the Cats, but once again, I am not a Cat fan. Now, focus your alcohol-affected synapses. Do an objective assessment of your team and then ask yourself, are we really a good team?
Maybe if you were to say something intelligent, people would refrain from emoticons? However since it is completely obvious that you are only trying to make yourself feel better about your team by coming here and talking ill of the GRIZ no one is going to take you seriously. And having a Cat fan point out that the GRIZ have not played a quality team is laughable.
GE1963 said:
Actually, the way the Griz let up is kind of a sign of weakness.

That's bullcrap. I hate that attitude. Kicking an opponent when they are down is a sign of weakness. Griz did it right. I wish the 'Cats could be in position to make that decision against an FCS team. If you don't like the Griz there are better ways to attack. They are up, our 'Cats are down. Accept it.
kdigz said:
GE1963 said:
Actually, the way the Griz let up is kind of a sign of weakness.

That's bullcrap. I hate that attitude. Kicking an opponent when they are down is a sign of weakness. Griz did it right. I wish the 'Cats could be in position to make that decision against an FCS team. If you don't like the Griz there are better ways to attack. They are up, our 'Cats are down. Accept it.

Here's how the opposing coach viewed it:

"“What an incredibly class act by Coach Delaney,” Panhandle State coach Russell Gaskamp said of UM’s decision to plug in reserves before the end of the first frame, protecting the Aggies’ dignity.

“That game could have gotten out of control. There’s a lot of coaches across America that would have used that game to pad stats and do different stuff.”
GE1963 said:
Your rhetoric against the “Cats” is quite one-dimensional. There are much bigger sharks out there than the Cats. I must commend biga75 for supporting his team. However, long term, I have doubts your season will be as prosperous as you Griz fans think.

I watched the game today and noticed a huge difference between your #1s and backups. Such lack of depth and even less experience against good opponents doesn’t bode well for long-term success. I expected significantly more domination against your opponent today. Actually, the way the Griz let up is kind of a sign of weakness.

Don't feed the Trolls.
There is already enough responses to similar stupid posts.
Just let this one die here and GE can go ask his Mom to make him a sandwich.
PlayerRep said:
kdigz said:
GE1963 said:
Actually, the way the Griz let up is kind of a sign of weakness.

That's bullcrap. I hate that attitude. Kicking an opponent when they are down is a sign of weakness. Griz did it right. I wish the 'Cats could be in position to make that decision against an FCS team. If you don't like the Griz there are better ways to attack. They are up, our 'Cats are down. Accept it.

Here's how the opposing coach viewed it:

"“What an incredibly class act by Coach Delaney,” Panhandle State coach Russell Gaskamp said of UM’s decision to plug in reserves before the end of the first frame, protecting the Aggies’ dignity.

“That game could have gotten out of control. There’s a lot of coaches across America that would have used that game to pad stats and do different stuff.”
That's way Cool!! Everyone knows how bad the Griz would have wiped them out. I was at the Carroll game during the Griz game and when my ESPN app was lighting my phone up like a Roman Candle in the first quarter I figured that it wouldn't be long before the 2s and 3s came in. Plus, hopefully we found a new kicker!
Delaney put the reserves in so quick I had to text Titleist to make sure that Johnson didn't get hurt! REALLY wasn't expecting SSH 9 minutes into the game.
NLGrizFan said:
GE1963 said:
I guess when you can’t articulate an intelligent retort, you resort to childish emoticons. simply a flacid response to my questions.

I realize you Griz have a single-minded hate for the Cats, but once again, I am not a Cat fan. Now, focus your alcohol-affected synapses. Do an objective assessment of your team and then ask yourself, are we really a good team?
You're kidding right? The Griz coulda punched another one in on App State but took a knee instead. They absolutely shredded UND, the same UND that held up against #6 SDSU. Plus Jordan Johnson set a efficiently record of 322.3 at UND. Now ask yourself, are the Griz really this good? Yup, I would have to say so. UND whipped up 17 points against them, that's the best anyone has done. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're an EWU fan??

I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "did they just beat two teams, or three?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a Griz year, the most powerful team in the world and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?
fencer24 said:
NLGrizFan said:
GE1963 said:
I guess when you can’t articulate an intelligent retort, you resort to childish emoticons. simply a flacid response to my questions.

I realize you Griz have a single-minded hate for the Cats, but once again, I am not a Cat fan. Now, focus your alcohol-affected synapses. Do an objective assessment of your team and then ask yourself, are we really a good team?
You're kidding right? The Griz coulda punched another one in on App State but took a knee instead. They absolutely shredded UND, the same UND that held up against #6 SDSU. Plus Jordan Johnson set a efficiently record of 322.3 at UND. Now ask yourself, are the Griz really this good? Yup, I would have to say so. UND whipped up 17 points against them, that's the best anyone has done. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're an EWU fan??

I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "did they just beat two teams, or three?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a Griz year, the most powerful team in the world and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?

I'm not sure where you're going with this but I'm gonna consider that you're still drunk from the night before, sober up before posting, punk.
fencer24 said:
Chill Dude! It's from Dirty Harry's 44 Magnum speech. Just borrowed it to emphasize your point.
Oh ok. I'm sorry. The coffee is still kicking in. Ugh. This might be the start to a long day :x I recognized the quote but wasn't sure how to take it. With the FTC at the bottom of my page I get a few cat fans hating on me so me first reaction is to look at their info posted and most msu guys don't post who they're a fan of so I just figured there was so trash talking gettin started. :lol:
EWURanger29 said:
Yukon said:
GE1963 said:
Wow, you people really rally to the cause. That is commendable. But, my main point is that the Griz have not played a quality team and until you do, you have no reason to thump your chests.

Well, shucks. I guess we'll never know. There is no quality team that the Griz will play this year in the BSC. The Griz ARE the quality team.

Yes, clearly the Griz are the only quality team in the BSC this season. The rest of us might as well pack it in 'cause Montana has the NC in the bag already.

NLGrizFan said:
With the FTC at the bottom of my page I get a few cat fans hating on me so me first reaction is to look at their info posted and most msu guys don't post who they're a fan of so I just figured there was so trash talking gettin started. :lol:

I signed up for eGriz before they had that option.
Gotta love Eastwood movie quotes.

Aren't we gonna bury NAU?

Clint - "Buzzards gotta eat the same as worms." :cool:

Go Griz!

fencer24 said:
NLGrizFan said:
With the FTC at the bottom of my page I get a few cat fans hating on me so me first reaction is to look at their info posted and most msu guys don't post who they're a fan of so I just figured there was so trash talking gettin started. :lol:

I signed up for eGriz before they had that option.
I noticed your join date. Been around a while! You probably noticed that I just signed up last year. I'm self employed and finally got to the point where I can finally enjoy some time for myself. And after the Southern Utah game last season I couldn't stand just reading all the posts. I had to vent and had some questions. I'm glad I started an account!
Sorry if I came across as an ass :oops:
rimrockgriz said:
GE1963: I'm certainly one of the largest critics of my "GRIZ". It's a DNA thing I guess. After briefly scanning your posts it's obvious "you've never played the game". Your comments are "after birthed" from a google/stats summary. You have below avg. insight and haven't demonstrated "experience". The 2013 Montana Grizzlies have DOMINATED every team that has stepped on the same playing field from start to finish. The quality of the competition at this point is meaningless and lame at best. It's history.. and all of the contests have ended with a "W"... for a d-bag like you that means win. The revenge tour is well on its way down the schedule and I'm quite sure the next in line is NOT looking forward to being the next victim...doubt me? Read the websites of their fans and see how they handicap their chances... I sincerely doubt you drink "dark beer"... :laugh: more like a tall stemmed glass filled with white wine and a fruity aroma scent. In summary you are a "POSER"... :roll: :roll: :egriz:

A little humble pie is good for the soul.
GE1963 said:
rimrockgriz said:
GE1963: I'm certainly one of the largest critics of my "GRIZ". It's a DNA thing I guess. After briefly scanning your posts it's obvious "you've never played the game". Your comments are "after birthed" from a google/stats summary. You have below avg. insight and haven't demonstrated "experience". The 2013 Montana Grizzlies have DOMINATED every team that has stepped on the same playing field from start to finish. The quality of the competition at this point is meaningless and lame at best. It's history.. and all of the contests have ended with a "W"... for a d-bag like you that means win. The revenge tour is well on its way down the schedule and I'm quite sure the next in line is NOT looking forward to being the next victim...doubt me? Read the websites of their fans and see how they handicap their chances... I sincerely doubt you drink "dark beer"... :laugh: more like a tall stemmed glass filled with white wine and a fruity aroma scent. In summary you are a "POSER"... :roll: :roll: :egriz:

A little humble pie is good for the soul.
:thumb: :lol:
Brock Landers said:

Waaaa - those darn refs...... those stupid coaches....... that altitude....... waaaaa......
EverettGriz said:
GE1963 said:
Wow, you people really rally to the cause. That is commendable. But, my main point is that the Griz have not played a quality team and until you do, you have no reason to thump your chests.

Oh, and please get a thesaurus. Find a synonym for the word “classy” you so over use that word that it no longer has any relevance.

Yeah, App sucks.

What are you gonna say when the pitty kitties lose to ND next week?

You asked if the Griz are good. The answer is an adamant yes.

So, my question to you: is it fun to be a troll? Because we're certainly having fun making you look silly.

Just thought this was funny
Simple fact. Cal Poly dominated the griz yesterday and gave that game away. The luck of the griz will not help you next week.

The griz better get it together because a better team than you played yesterday is coming for a visit next week.

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