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UM has top players transferring in, Cats have top players transferring out

Wouldn’t being a bobcat fan be worse than having herpes?
A fair question, as I don't have either disease. But, let's make it a palpable choice.
Given the choice of wearing either of two sandwich board signs, one stating...

A) "I am bobcat fan"
B) "I have Herpes"

...which one would you prefer to wear for eight hours at the busiest intersections in Billings, Great Falls, Kalispell, Helena, and Butte? I leave off the list Missoula and Bozeman for safety concerns.💥
Definitely off-topic, and I’ve asked it multiple times to the Bobfans, but can anyone explain why the RHS goalposts are so short? Not talking about the crossbar; talking about the uprights. I watch maybe 1-2 of their games per year when we’re not facing them, and I’m always shocked that they are so short. Is it just camera angle? Looks high school-ish. Thanks in advance.
This is a real thing. I asked my neighbor once, “WTF, you bubz have little man syndrome in all other areas and have to compensate with gigantic trucks, truck nutz, obnoxious egos, etc. so why are your goal posts so damn short?”

He said it gives them an advantage because if the ball goes over the uprights the refs count it as good instead of a doink.

To his credit, he acknowledged they need all the help they can get in the kicking department
This is a real thing. I asked my neighbor once, “WTF, you bubz have little man syndrome in all other areas and have to compensate with gigantic trucks, truck nutz, obnoxious egos, etc. so why are your goal posts so damn short?”

He said it gives them an advantage because if the ball goes over the uprights the refs count it as good instead of a doink.

To his credit, he acknowledged they need all the help they can get in the kicking department
....but... but it helps the other team too...
Really?? I call absolute BS. There's much discussion in two different threads right now about the cats and I haven't seen any Griz fans saying over and over and over FTC or I hate the cats or I hate Vigen, etc... There's light-hearted fun and then there's pure hatred. Show me the Griz posts with the pure hatred please, because all those things have been said prolifically against the Griz on bobcat nation.
Well since all YOU ever claim is that it's YOUR board, YOU go look up the numerous threads and posts that cover the Montana state coaches dui charges scandal., they are buried somewhere over on the old Egriz format, I would do it for you but hey, it's YOUR board and YOU want the proof so....

Do you deny that there were numerous posters on Egriz. that were calling for vigen, and Montana state president cruzado To lose their jobs over this?

That doesn't sound very light-hearted to me, sounds pretty hateful, and venomous.
You're confusing your hurt feelings with facts, as per usual. lol
Your thinking my feeling get hurt because of some of the comments made by people I have absolutely no intention of ever meeting, or give two shits about on a fcs message board is absolutly hilarious...
Well since all YOU ever claim is that it's YOUR board, YOU go look up the numerous threads and posts that cover the Montana state coaches dui charges scandal., they are buried somewhere over on the old Egriz format, I would do it for you but hey, it's YOUR board and YOU want the proof so....

Do you deny that there were numerous posters on Egriz. that were calling for vigen, and Montana state president cruzado To lose their jobs over this?

That doesn't sound very light-hearted to me, sounds pretty hateful, and venomous.
You're funny. I've never said it's MY board. It's OUR board, for GRIZ fans.

YOU MIGHT WANT TO WORK ON YOUR READING COMPREHENSION. Stating that someone should lose their job over their gross incompetence and illegal behavior is not hatred, it is just an informed opinion. And most other coaches would have canned their butts immediately. Vigen is open for criticism because he kept them around to the end of the season simply because he wanted to win. Did we make fun of those coaches? Was I one of the people who called them silly names? Yes and yes. Their ridiculous illegal behavior opened them up to that kind of criticism.

When I refer to the things that are said about Bobby, Griz fans, and the team itself, people on BN repeatedly say "I hate Bobby", "I hate the Griz", etc.

I have never once said I hate Vigen. I have never once said I hate the Cats. And, my point is simply that it's not something that gets said on egriz on a regular basis. I'm sure things like that have gotten said but it's not the prevalent attitude.

If you doubt me, go read the game day threads for the Cat/Griz game and the Griz/NDSU game on BN. Over and over and over again the kind of sentiments that I am talking about are stated.
I'm Simply stating the blatant hypocrisy of some on this board and only stating facts... sorry, but not sorry if that hurts YOUR feelings....
You're certainly not beating the caring very much about what we think allegations, my dude, no matter how many times you try to project that onto us.

And like I said, your "facts" are just your own very butthurt opinions, which are often easily and swiftly debunked by a multitude of people on here.

Then you cry about it. I'm sure you'll keep crying in my mentions, too. lol
Yes it would be hypocrisy if the people on here were doing the exact things that I am talking about. But they're not. Which is my whole point. Maybe read better.
And by the way, I was very hard on the Cat coaches on this board and I explained publicly why. My cousin's husband was KILLED by a drunk driver. I take drunk driving very seriously. And it was a load of crap that they were able to keep their jobs all season anyway, and even get contract extensions.

Meanwhile the cat fans lose their minds because "Bobby is so arrogant. How DARE he say out loud that we just got our asses kicked.". They HATE him with a profound passion. No one here has any kind of strong feelings about Vigen.

Not. The. Same. Thing.