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UM has top players transferring in, Cats have top players transferring out

"Innocent until not winning."
-Bozeman Administration

The whole "due-process" makes Bozeman State look so transparently silly. Some of the fans during it were hilarious as well. Wasn't there a sportswriter who said it was a good thing to get the first DUI out of the way or something? Am I remembering that correctly?
Please, everyone, just wait until after all the facts come out….once the season is over.

What new facts came out? The fact that they were guilty?

Remember all that talk about their “policy”?
Ha! Yes, new policy says we must not jeopardize a single win.

And yes the sports writer for skyline posted that. Craziest damn thing I ever heard. I had lost all respect for them because of the Griz-are-sore-losers podcast, but that post put it over the top.
Please, everyone, just wait until after all the facts come out….once the season is over.

What new facts came out? The fact that they were guilty?

Remember all that talk about their “policy”?
Ha! Yes, new policy says we must not jeopardize a single win.

And yes the sports writer for skyline posted that. Craziest damn thing I ever heard. I had lost all respect for them because of the Griz-are-sore-losers podcast, but that post put it over the top.
That’s right. Now I remember. Yeah, that sore loser podcast turned me off of that outlet forever.
That’s right. Now I remember. Yeah, that sore loser podcast turned me off of that outlet forever.
I have always supported Skyline and will continue to because they are by far the best source of big sky and griz content. The Nuanez brothers work their ass off, and Andrew Houghton is so talented that I cannot believe he is writing Griz profiles.

That being said, that podcast went over for me like a wet fart in church. I went in wanting to give it the benefit of the doubt, and it was more frustrating than I had even expected. He promised to actually discuss it, then went on that tangent that felt like just responding to egriz people. I was very surprised at that.

We won the big sky. We beat the neighbors. We beat the team that beat the neighbors. Is it still "losing mentality?" Or were we right about how terribly that situation was handled? We didn't need their coordinators gone to win.

The guilty pleas really seal it for me. i did not realize that happened. It was an orchestrated avoidance of responsibility and a complete abdication of any moral high ground in what I keep hearing be called "cat culture." I'd rather be a sore lose than a DUI enabler to get wins, and I'm glad the moral and ethical "good side" ended up winning on the field last year so that it could not be raised again as an attack on people having moral boundaries for public employees.
Well since all YOU ever claim is that it's YOUR board, YOU go look up the numerous threads and posts that cover the Montana state coaches dui charges scandal., they are buried somewhere over on the old Egriz format, I would do it for you but hey, it's YOUR board and YOU want the proof so....

Do you deny that there were numerous posters on Egriz. that were calling for vigen, and Montana state president cruzado To lose their jobs over this?

That doesn't sound very light-hearted to me, sounds pretty hateful, and venomous.
What a lazy defense.
So you went over to "lil bros message board to see what they were commenting on, then came back here to Egriz and cry how they were being meanies to coach bobby,

I have no desire to look at their message board

You don't get a feeling that people over here don't hate the cats, than you definitely have your head buried somewhere.

There have been too many posters past and currant, that have repeatedly said f.t.c. or something similar, even in their signiture line what do you think that implies?

You can't be that ignorant, or can you?
It doesn’t surprise me you don’t understand the emotional difference between ftc and I hate bobby. You seem to not understand much of anything except hating Griz fans. It’s cool to know we take up so much of your thoughts though.
He’s dumb as a post. Can’t read or comprehend. Makes up stupid arguments. Has no knowledge or history of the programs. Is inconsistent. He’s weird. To his credit, he doesn’t talk trashy and doesn’t have a foul mouth.
I have always supported Skyline and will continue to because they are by far the best source of big sky and griz content. The Nuanez brothers work their ass off, and Andrew Houghton is so talented that I cannot believe he is writing Griz profiles.

That being said, that podcast went over for me like a wet fart in church. I went in wanting to give it the benefit of the doubt, and it was more frustrating than I had even expected. He promised to actually discuss it, then went on that tangent that felt like just responding to egriz people. I was very surprised at that.

We won the big sky. We beat the neighbors. We beat the team that beat the neighbors. Is it still "losing mentality?" Or were we right about how terribly that situation was handled? We didn't need their coordinators gone to win.

The guilty pleas really seal it for me. i did not realize that happened. It was an orchestrated avoidance of responsibility and a complete abdication of any moral high ground in what I keep hearing be called "cat culture." I'd rather be a sore lose than a DUI enabler to get wins, and I'm glad the moral and ethical "good side" ended up winning on the field last year so that it could not be raised again as an attack on people having moral boundaries for public employees.
Has he commented on the guilty pleas yet? He said he would report when more info came out. Well it’s out. It’s been out. Does he have a follow up podcast. Maybe one with a little humility?
The DC dui's were as bad or worse than most of us thought. The facts seemed fairly clear. It didn't seem that either had a way out. There was no reason for the head coach, school, AD or president to support them, as it turned out. The school, after speaking about the first one fairly soon, then claimed to have a policy not to provide any information in these situations until due process had run its course. As I and others said repeatedly, MSU (and schools) have no such policy and they were making it up and even being dishonest. I am shocked that the president went along with this. The length of time, the relative inaction early on, the raises, the silence, the dishonesty. And finally, the DC's were gone and changed their pleas to guilty. And then it looks like forever silence from the school.

Maybe karma bit the Cats last season. Or, as I thought all along, they just weren't that good. I wonder if they players know or care how bad their school looked, and looks now. I would be embarrassed. Maybe they just have their heads down and are plowing ahead. None of this bad dui stuff and dishonesty was the fault of the players, obviously.

This saga may not be a national stain on the program, but it is certainly a Montana stain. And the press? I can understand them not asking more questions along the way. I know some of you disagree. But where are they now? Not even a peep? Could there not be some factual stories of what occurred, without criticism?
Oh, Wolf, you just have loser mentality.
As Colter pointed out we all clearly do and he no longer has a dog in the fight. Haha, just dollars apparently. Probably has more to do with crime and punishment in my book. Why should we care about such things as repeat DUI offenders or third strikers? Has nothing to do with public safety or such trivial things right. Colter clearly didn’t go to that other college on campus, the one closer to WaGriz or he might care about such things.
Colter should change his name to NOlter or NOanez.
-no comment,
-no report,
-no podcast,
-no humility,
-no dog,
-no integrity,
-no pride,
-no believability,
-no admitting he was wrong,
-no questioning Cruzado about a massive coverup of MSdUi's involvement in the DUI-gate affairs,
-no concern for public safety while 'due process' played out,
-no questioning why Clayton Christian and the BOR haven't dropped the BOOM on everyone involved in this mess.
As Colter pointed out we all clearly do and he no longer has a dog in the fight. Haha, just dollars apparently. Probably has more to do with crime and punishment in my book. Why should we care about such things as repeat DUI offenders or third strikers? Has nothing to do with public safety or such trivial things right. Colter clearly didn’t go to that other college on campus, the one closer to WaGriz or he might care about such things.
Honestly, the thing that made me check out on that outlet wasn't the lack of coverage/questioning about the raises for coaches out on bail, it was that defensive podcast saying we all have a "loser's mentality" for thinking maybe an outlet that (I believe) claims to cover sports in Montana with more "depth and breadth" than any other might attempt to get more of the story regarding TWO coaches getting extensions/raises while out on bail.

Listen, if you want to be in sports entertainment journalism and not real sports journalism, that's totally fine. I get it. It sells. But you have to wear it when you call Griz fans losers. Can't have it both ways. Skip Bayless Model.
Honestly, the thing that made me check out on that outlet wasn't the lack of coverage/questioning about the raises for coaches out on bail, it was that defensive podcast saying we all have a "loser's mentality" for thinking maybe an outlet that (I believe) claims to cover sports in Montana with more "depth and breadth" than any other might attempt to get more of the story regarding TWO coaches getting extensions/raises while out on bail.

Listen, if you want to be in sports entertainment journalism and not real sports journalism, that's totally fine. I get it. It sells. But you have to wear it when you call Griz fans losers. Can't have it both ways. Skip Bayless Model.
I think it’s an interesting model to take pointed shots, then come on here and post every article or link to your website so you can to drive clicks and traffic directly from this forum.

I get it. We’re fanatical. That’s one of the beautiful things of sports in our country is it’s one of the few things that can unite such a large group of people anymore. However, alienate those people and don’t be surprised when you get the teeth so to speak. Choose not editorialize on this one situation because you say you don’t, but then turn around and do so on many other topics, it makes you a hypocrite. Try and let it die when clearly it is a big issue in our state, and that’s just a lost chance atpublic service. Clearly Tommy and MDT had the right idea and tackling it head on by putting him as the face to show that we shouldn’t accept that bull$hit. Drinking and driving isn’t ok and these aren’t role models to follow. Be like Mellott and not the men we entrusted to lead him at MSDUI.
I slammed the door on Colter when he originally refused to cover the DUIs and the coverup. He could have done a 180° and did a mea culpa but I would never have known it. I don't watch him on SWX or read his website. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.