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Toure entering transfer portal

I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.
racehorsewilly said:
I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.

Right now, athletes at UM on scholarship, have their scholarships renewed on a year to year basis. If they underperform, they can, and will, have their scholarship rescinded. So here we have a player like Toure, who stayed all the way until his graduation date, couldn’t play his SR year due to decisions beyond his control, and is now moving on post graduation to further his career. He more than outperformed his scholarship. I don’t have a problem with it. The BSC screwed over all of these players and coaches.

FWIW, Toure transferring to say, Oregon State isn’t as much that they’re an excellent program as it is him being able to face better competition. The question scouts will have is can he do it against better completion. Sure, he can toast Northern Colorado. How’s he going to do against Oregon? Against Washington? And it’s not just one game a year, but almost every game. Him moving up a level just answers more questions about his game to scouts. Same reason Jabril Cox from NDSU transferred up a level.
racehorsewilly said:
I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.

This is one of the Top 5 dumbest takes ever posted on eGriz. I want to congratulate you on the great accomplishment.
racehorsewilly said:
I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.

You do realize that no coach would want this. I don’t think people understand how often coaches “run-off” players so they can bring in someone better. I would say most transfers are not student-athletes that are looking for something better, but student-athletes that go into the year-end meetings and the coaches tell them they don’t see them ever playing here and think they should go elsewhere.

This comment also applies to all the loyalty/team comments. Coaches don’t have much loyalty to underperforming players.

And while we are at it, if a coach signs a 4-year coach should the coach have to stay for the entire 4-years? Rarely happens, coaches leave for better places in the middle of their contracts all the time.

It amazing to me people want to hold 20 year-olds to standards they won’t hold adult coaches to.
racehorsewilly said:
I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.

I was thinking prison. Maybe 12 months for every school year.
i'm a little baffled why only a couple of posters realize the problem, which is stitt. if he wouldn't have recruited toure, none of this would have happened. if akem leaves, too, then that also would be on stitt. gawdammit.
racehorsewilly said:
I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.

He graduated.

He already fulfilled his "obligation" to UM.

Some of you guys on here are absolutely unbelievable.
Griz Addict said:
I think it's time to start the talk of a move up again. We would have a way better chance of retaining players and Griz players would have way more of a chance to get drafted and prove themselves. The only good thing about the FCS is the playoff system. The only thing. A move up would be beneficial for the program, players, easier access to watch on TV, and a hell of a lot more money. Not too mention it would attract a lot better players! It's time. Let's do it UM!!! Right now we are pretty much a warm up for bigger schools. We will continue having players transfer to prove they can hang. If we moved up this would eliminate a lot of those problems. I think UM would do really well in the MWC, I fully believe within 5 years we could be a power in that conference. [#]f### we are in a position that players have picked EWU and UNC over us... That's a pretty shitty feeling. We have the fan base and the talent. Let's get going! Think about the future! It might be rough first few years but, I have complete faith that UM could turn into a big time program, given them time. This is the only way to save UM from becoming a practice squad.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thinking a dying university with dropping enrollment and budget cuts everywhere should be exploring a move up!!!
argh! said:
i'm a little baffled why only a couple of posters realize the problem, which is stitt. if he wouldn't have recruited toure, none of this would have happened. if akem leaves, too, then that also would be on stitt. gawdammit.

Damn you to hell Bob Stitt where ever you may be
Some stupid comments this thread. He is graduating in Dec or May. If Dec, he would have declared and went somewhere in January. If May, he opted out for spring ball and isn't playing by choice. Playing next fall is what he is hoping for. As for Stitt, he doesn't have anything to do with this decision, it is whether he wants to play for UM and Hauck, which is obvious he doesn't see any added value in playing here this spring or next year, either for coach or the qb tossing to him. Good luck, and unfortunately, it didn't matter if he is grad transfer, he wants to do what everyone will soon be able to do, transfer without sitting.
Montanabob said:
Some stupid comments this thread. He is graduating in Dec or May. If Dec, he would have declared and went somewhere in January. If May, he opted out for spring ball and isn't playing by choice. Playing next fall is what he is hoping for. As for Stitt, he doesn't have anything to do with this decision, it is whether he wants to play for UM and Hauck, which is obvious he doesn't see any added value in playing here this spring or next year, either for coach or the qb tossing to him. Good luck, and unfortunately, it didn't matter if he is grad transfer, he wants to do what everyone will soon be able to do, transfer without sitting.

Pretty sure the Stitt comments were just for jocularity only. We should all be grateful he offered him a partial scholarship when he was a freshman recruit. Good luck Sami make us proud
I'm thankful for the time we did have with Toure.

I hope for Samori that this doesn't turn out to be like Kevin Thomson's situation where after being a Walter Payton finalist and getting NFL attention at Sac State (of all places), he's now 4th string at UW (Frosh Dylan Morris got the first start for UW against Oregon State). Barring injuries or mop up duty (against backups, so...lesser competition :? ), Thomson won't likely see the field and even be able to prove himself to those scouts.

Going to a good team, you run the risk of not even breaking into the depth chart, like Thomson. However, going to a poor team that needs help at a position is also risky because there are usually reasons for poor performance at the FBS besides lack of talent at that specific position (most recruits coming in are 3* and up), such as poor QB play, offensive scheme, etc.

Anyways, hope it works out for him.
DoubleNicks said:
I'm thankful for the time we did have with Toure.

I hope for Samori that this doesn't turn out to be like Kevin Thomson's situation where after being a Walter Payton finalist and getting NFL attention at Sac State (of all places), he's now 4th string at UW (Frosh Dylan Morris got the first start for UW against Oregon State). Barring injuries or mop up duty (against backups, so...lesser competition :? ), Thomson won't likely see the field and even be able to prove himself to those scouts.

Going to a good team, you run the risk of not even breaking into the depth chart, like Thomson. However, going to a poor team that needs help at a position is also risky because there are usually reasons for poor performance at the FBS besides lack of talent at that specific position (most recruits coming in are 3* and up), such as poor QB play, offensive scheme, etc.

Anyways, hope it works out for him.
Spot on post. Indeed, so many variables risk/reward in any move, anywhere. Sometimes it all works out in strange ways. He certainly proved his worth. I have a hunch his talent and work ethic will prove out well for him. I root for his continued success.
Remind me--not just Cooper Kupp, but Samson Ebukom and Nsimba Webster with the Rams, and where's Kendrick Bourne? Meanwhile how 'bout Big Play V.A.? Coaches would do well to remind players like Samori how it works if they really are great players at FCS
kemajic said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
He wont be the last either. This is on the Big Sky believing that theyre going to have some bullshit Spring Season.

Anyone with the dreams of playing in the NFL that is in the last 2 seasons, this is the obvious choice.

They force the kids hands, play a BS short season in the spring in Montana, where a majority of the games will be snow packed and shit conditions....or basically use this time to get bigger and stronger, then go have a real and final season next year at the highest level.

I would do the same thing, risk in injury in March on frozen fields, then potentially miss your fall season, or play it safe and move on.

This shit is ON THE BIG SKY.
Funny. As if the weather is any better here in late November and December. It is not the spring season that frees good players, it's the extension of eligibility.

It is way better in late november and december then in jan february march.

The fact is that nobody wants to play this bullshit spring half assed season.
Larry71 said:
Remind me--not just Cooper Kupp, but Samson Ebukom and Nsimba Webster with the Rams, and where's Kendrick Bourne? Meanwhile how 'bout Big Play V.A.? Coaches would do well to remind players like Samori how it works if they really are great players at FCS

firmgriz said:
Larry71 said:
Remind me--not just Cooper Kupp, but Samson Ebukom and Nsimba Webster with the Rams, and where's Kendrick Bourne? Meanwhile how 'bout Big Play V.A.? Coaches would do well to remind players like Samori how it works if they really are great players at FCS


Sounds like he should transfer to EWU.
Larry71 said:
Remind me--not just Cooper Kupp, but Samson Ebukom and Nsimba Webster with the Rams, and where's Kendrick Bourne? Meanwhile how 'bout Big Play V.A.? Coaches would do well to remind players like Samori how it works if they really are great players at FCS

Bourne is with San Francisco I believe
PTGrizzly said:
racehorsewilly said:
I'm sure there are a multitude of reason why not, but it seems to me that athletics is a business, so perhaps a contract is in order. An incoming athlete (and his legal guardian) might sign a four year athletic/education scholarship and if they desire to eventually go to another school for athletics, they would need to reimburse the school for expenses incurred. Another school might have the ability to reimburse for the athlete, for those expenses instead, but it would stop the "free ride" for transfer athletes.

Right now, athletes at UM on scholarship, have their scholarships renewed on a year to year basis. If they underperform, they can, and will, have their scholarship rescinded. So here we have a player like Toure, who stayed all the way until his graduation date, couldn’t play his SR year due to decisions beyond his control, and is now moving on post graduation to further his career. He more than outperformed his scholarship. I don’t have a problem with it. The BSC screwed over all of these players and coaches.

FWIW, Toure transferring to say, Oregon State isn’t as much that they’re an excellent program as it is him being able to face better competition. The question scouts will have is can he do it against better completion. Sure, he can toast Northern Colorado. How’s he going to do against Oregon? Against Washington? And it’s not just one game a year, but almost every game. Him moving up a level just answers more questions about his game to scouts. Same reason Jabril Cox from NDSU transferred up a level.

Great post.

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