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No one knows where people are getting infected

gotgame75 said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
Not true. They both lack integrity, equally.

Biden has been plagiarizing, embellishing his personal history, and making things up all his life. Same as Hilary. His handsy creepiness to woman and children should have gotten his WLM card revoked a long time ago. The difference is, he is a career Washington politician. The press, fellow dems and republicans covered for those in the club, such as Biden, and do everything they can to get outsiders tossed out, such as Trump. Thus, the difference in attention may make it seem like Biden has more integrity, but he simply does not.

The democrats may have a better understanding of the constitution than Trump and his supporters, but what they do with that knowledge is try to find ways to evade its restrictions by going around it, or contending it is a living document that is dependent on the social winds of the day.

Trump lost for the same reason Hilary lost to him. They were more disliked than their race opponent. If Trump had not been a dick in the first debate he would have won in a landslide.

Lol... I'm totally ambivalent on Biden, but comparing his integrity (or lack thereof) to Trump is some straight up partisan idiocy to the tenth power. Trump has literally built his entire career on bullshit and dishonesty, from lying about his own net worth for his entire life to pretending to be his own PR person to inflate his own ego. That says nothing of the litany of lawsuits from stiffing the little guy on every major project he embarks on. Or what about the fact that he admittedly knew of Covid's potential for mass spread and fatality early on, yet continued to proclaim the opposite because its politically expedient? I could literally go on all day. Dude is the Michael Jordan of duplicity; he has no equal.

And you want to compare this to plagiarism and hair sniffing? :roll:

I challenge you to count the outright and indisputable lies Trump told on a daily basis for a month (or even a week) and do the same for for Biden. Let's see if you stand by your word.

Funny. You don’t sound totally ambivalent. :| :|
tourist said:
argh! said:
not exactly about the virus, but about what the u.s. and the world are dealing with - an authoritarian dictatorship that wants to keep expanding the territory it rules over, and keep using our freedom of speech against us. anyway, there are new rules for religions in china, they have been ordered to, among other things, "worship the communist party", which stated in the rules they handed out that 'in china, the communist party is the god of all religions'. this isn't socialism, it is dictatorship on steroids, by a bunch of corrupt old men who have become super wealthy by exploiting the chinese people. there is no way in hell we're going to find out for sure the source of the virus, and the ccp has convinced it's prisoners that it didn't come from china. here's the article:


My God, Argh! I'm in total agreement with you! :thumb:

that is like twice, and in just 20 years or so!
AZGrizFan said:
gotgame75 said:
Lol... I'm totally ambivalent on Biden, but comparing his integrity (or lack thereof) to Trump is some straight up partisan idiocy to the tenth power. Trump has literally built his entire career on bullshit and dishonesty, from lying about his own net worth for his entire life to pretending to be his own PR person to inflate his own ego. That says nothing of the litany of lawsuits from stiffing the little guy on every major project he embarks on. Or what about the fact that he admittedly knew of Covid's potential for mass spread and fatality early on, yet continued to proclaim the opposite because its politically expedient? I could literally go on all day. Dude is the Michael Jordan of duplicity; he has no equal.

And you want to compare this to plagiarism and hair sniffing? :roll:

I challenge you to count the outright and indisputable lies Trump told on a daily basis for a month (or even a week) and do the same for for Biden. Let's see if you stand by your word.

Funny. You don’t sound totally ambivalent. :| :|
At all.

Meanwhile, some very interesting and quality information herein:

AZGrizFan said:
gotgame75 said:
Lol... I'm totally ambivalent on Biden, but comparing his integrity (or lack thereof) to Trump is some straight up partisan idiocy to the tenth power. Trump has literally built his entire career on bullshit and dishonesty, from lying about his own net worth for his entire life to pretending to be his own PR person to inflate his own ego. That says nothing of the litany of lawsuits from stiffing the little guy on every major project he embarks on. Or what about the fact that he admittedly knew of Covid's potential for mass spread and fatality early on, yet continued to proclaim the opposite because its politically expedient? I could literally go on all day. Dude is the Michael Jordan of duplicity; he has no equal.

And you want to compare this to plagiarism and hair sniffing? :roll:

I challenge you to count the outright and indisputable lies Trump told on a daily basis for a month (or even a week) and do the same for for Biden. Let's see if you stand by your word.

Funny. You don’t sound totally ambivalent. :| :|

And somebody making that unambivalent statement would have already counted the alleged lies for us all to see and compare to Biden. Fake news......zzzzzzzz.

Nice try with the political talking points, though. There's a modified version of the serenity prayer that ends with having the wisdom to know the difference between fact and propaganda you should get to know. PR will tell you (good) contracts not only set the terms of the deal but what happens if either party breaches. Breaching a contract does not make the party a liar. Nor does filing a suit over a breach make the other party a liar. And ask 20 bankers to look at the same financials and you'll get 20 different opinions of the person' "net worth". All of your examples are non-examples. All swings and misses. Not even a checked swing in the bunch.

They are both exaggerators and used their status and celebrity to bed women. Biden ran with Ted Kennedy for shit's sake. They both have pig shit all over them. You're trying to show one has more covering them than the other, really misses the point that they are both covered in pig shit! Neither of these turds has a "clean" end.
8184, you made a couple of points. However, you seem to indicate that since Biden and Trump have bedded a few women, they are the bottom of the barrel in western civilization. Can you point out anyone that hasn’t done the same?
Spanky2 said:
8184, you made a couple of points. However, you seem to indicate that since Biden and Trump have bedded a few women, they are the bottom of the barrel in western civilization. Can you point out anyone that hasn’t done the same?

while their wife was pregnant with their kid? with a kinda gross looking porn star? i don't know anyone who has done that, although i'm sure there are a few. i imagine i could go into a griz game and keep pointing my finger until my arm gives out and not find a single person that fits the bill. nice try, though.
Spanky2 said:
8184, you made a couple of points. However, you seem to indicate that since Biden and Trump have bedded a few women, they are the bottom of the barrel in western civilization. Can you point out anyone that hasn’t done the same?

Wasn't criticizing them for bedding women, especially those that throw themselves at rock stars and powerful men, just noting that they are cut from the same cloth on the issue of fidelity. The only difference I can see is Trump bedded and groped groupies and Biden his staffers, constituents and their children.
I'm not into picking sides on anything but sports, but remember Bad Lip Reading? Back in the early days of the youtube channel, he did one featuring most high-level politicians. The Joe Biden one was absolutely hilarious with stuff about him not knowing where he is, hitting on chicks, etc. Well, after he got the nomination this time around and the allegations came out, the video was scrubbed from the internet. There's another one of Joe, but it's not nearly as funny. You have to wonder how much they paid the BLR guy.

EDIT: Aaaaaannnnd, I found the original. It's not from the BLR channel, so it could get taken down. Politics aside (which I know is nearly impossible for some these days), funny is funny.

argh! said:
Spanky2 said:
8184, you made a couple of points. However, you seem to indicate that since Biden and Trump have bedded a few women, they are the bottom of the barrel in western civilization. Can you point out anyone that hasn’t done the same?

while their wife was pregnant with their kid? with a kinda gross looking porn star? i don't know anyone who has done that, although i'm sure there are a few. i imagine i could go into a griz game and keep pointing my finger until my arm gives out and not find a single person that fits the bill. nice try, though.

Or bedding the nanny while your wife mysteriously dies in a car crash?
argh! said:
Spanky2 said:
8184, you made a couple of points. However, you seem to indicate that since Biden and Trump have bedded a few women, they are the bottom of the barrel in western civilization. Can you point out anyone that hasn’t done the same?

while their wife was pregnant with their kid? with a kinda gross looking porn star? i don't know anyone who has done that, although i'm sure there are a few. i imagine i could go into a griz game and keep pointing my finger until my arm gives out and not find a single person that fits the bill. nice try, though.
If you did that at a Griz game and people were honest with their answers, I think you would be shocked.
back to the subject... how do we know that the virus wasn't manufactured in china? it didn't fall apart within a year.
Spanky2 said:
argh! said:
while their wife was pregnant with their kid? with a kinda gross looking porn star? i don't know anyone who has done that, although i'm sure there are a few. i imagine i could go into a griz game and keep pointing my finger until my arm gives out and not find a single person that fits the bill. nice try, though.
If you did that at a Griz game and people were honest with their answers, I think you would be shocked.

I’ve never even met a porn star.
"Stormy Daniels Says Alleged Sex With Trump Was ‘the Worst 90 Seconds of My Life’"


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