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National Search for New Lady Griz Coach

IntuitiveGriz said:
I don't know wether I want Petrino to get the job, or not. Depends on who the final candidates become.

I will say that I like Petrino. I think he is basketball smart, and I have seen enough intensity out of him.

I just think he was dealt an impossible hand with that serious weak overall roster.

Course his JC players he brought in were a disappointment as well...

I just hope the lady Griz start recruiting like our rival that is curb stomping us every year with their fast and athletic roster (that can throw it the ocean) compared to the lady Griz that look like they have cement in their shoes and can't hit the broad side of a barn.

The women's JC talent level is no where near as deep as it is in the Men's game. 15 years ago it was a place where D-1 coaches could add some instant impact players, but not any more. Those players are rare commodity in the jc ranks now. Petrino needed to fill roster spots and had little time (and a Covid hampered recruiting pitch). He took a chance, but it was not like there were dozens of unsigned top notch high school players available last June.

About the "The House That Robin Built" being burned down.......bullshit! The wins are not any where near the Selvig standard yes, but you still have the highest attendance in the Big Sky and your fans are loyal. The Lady Griz have taken a hit recently, but you have a strong fan base who are salivating waiting for the Lady Griz to return to days of glory. The belief is still there, the support is still there hell despite the losses the excitement is still there. Coaches would love to be able to sell this "burnt down house" to recruits every day and every night. Every intelligent coach in the country knows this. Shannon took the hit as the coach who followed a ledged. Everything a coach could be looking for in low to mid level D-1 basketball team is here! It has not left. If you were to give all the Big Sky coaches a truth serum and asked if they would leave their current job to take over the Todays Lady Griz program half of them would do in a heart beat, again if they would answer honestly. The house that Selvig built is not burned down. It is still one of the finist homes west of the Mississippi. <as he continues with his metaphor> It just needs someone to find it right owner who is willing and capable enough to bring the spit and polish back. <and now driving my Metaphor into the ground> that is why we need to get Brint Wahlberg on the selection committee!! If anyone can find the right owner for the house that Selvig Built it is Brint and his team! :shock:
tourist said:
Utah has its next MBB coach, in eleven days.

God created the universe in 6 days and then rested on the 7th day. What is your point? Just because someone else completed their selection process quicker, we are incompetent?
Apparently Colters just not gonna cover this at all. The first national search in 40 years, you’d think everybody would be all over it.
Who is left to cover it? After Geise and Mansch, the Tribune basically shut down, prints its 'news'paper in Helena. What is Lee newspapers(Missoulian)doing?
The priority application date was the 26th of March. That was just Friday. I am sure we will start getting some news after the committee has had some time to look at all of the applications thus far and they start scheduling interviews. I don't think it is reasonable to expect to hear something each time an application is received.

I am as anxious to hear as anyone and I would expect some news to be appearing this coming week.
tourist said:
Who is left to cover it? After Geise and Mansch, the Tribune basically shut down, prints its 'news'paper in Helena. What is Lee newspapers(Missoulian)doing?

What is Missoulian doing? Same thing as the Tribune. Speltz is pretty much the only writer that covers the Lady Griz. He did write an article around a week ago that was loosely connected to the Lady Griz program. But that is about it.
maroonandsilver said:
Interviews are this coming week. Mike on Tuesday. Don't know anything about other applicants.

How will the committee handle interested Assistant Coaches that are still in the NCAAW Tournament if interviews are this coming week? Zoom interviews and resumes only? Personally speaking, I would not be comfortable making an important hire such as this without an in-person interview.
Art Spooner said:
maroonandsilver said:
Interviews are this coming week. Mike on Tuesday. Don't know anything about other applicants.

How will the committee handle interested Assistant Coaches that are still in the NCAAW Tournament if interviews are this coming week? Zoom interviews and resumes only? Personally speaking, I would not be comfortable making an important hire such as this without an in-person interview.

Well, March 31st and April 1st are both dates where no games are going to be played. Certainly an assistant coach could hop on a plane to Missoula to interview for the position.

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