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Merek Mihelish Commits!

Probably well known by most on here, but Iā€™ll say it anyway. One of the big things he brings to the table is that his dad is the head football coach at Helena Capital.
He is a tremendous athlete. Had a hamstring injury that severely hindered him in track this year, but has had big time hurdle times previously. Is a true dual threat, who most likely will run track as well. Was leaning toward MSU, but apparently not anymore. Go Griz!
I don't see speed. He seems to have pretty good vision. I can see him as a Safety before a QB. I know someone is going to be upset at this, but that's okay, it's just my perception. UM has a pretty decent stable of QB's right now. I am probably wrong, but I'd bet a dollar he's gonna be on the defensive side of the ball.
I don't see speed. He seems to have pretty good vision. I can see him as a Safety before a QB. I know someone is going to be upset at this, but that's okay, it's just my perception. UM has a pretty decent stable of QB's right now. I am probably wrong, but I'd bet a dollar he's gonna be on the defensive side of the ball.
You do realize he is being recruited as an ā€œathā€ and not qb, right?

Iā€™ve seen him play multiple times. Certainly one of the top in-state recruits. Heā€™s got the frame and athleticism but not sure if heā€™s got the hitter mentality and maybe that's why heā€™s listed as ā€œathā€ right now, imho
He has played very sparingly on defense until now. Capital generally prefers their quarterbacks play only offense. I could see him being a specialist, like a returner or wildcat quarterback, maybe even run end around plays from an inside receiver. He can run the ball really well. Could play as a defensive back, but obviously would have to learn that position. He has talent, no doubt about that.