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McDowell Says

Like an old girlfriend that we a lot of great memories with we need to let Clif go. Wish him luck and quit looking at his social media.
Like an injured Pigeon you nursed back to health, ya gotta let him go, fly away. Say your goodbyes, take him out of town, open the cage, at the weekend Skeet Club, and let him FLY! đź’Ą
I kid, I kid!
Sorry to disappoint you mom, but I stepped on my maroon colored glasses long ago. I did, however, put some fresh batteries in an old TI Calculator I have and crunched some numbers, and concluded there was no way in hell Da Griz could win. So, I saved myself from 3-4 hr of anger and frustration. Besides, there was always reruns if I was wrong. Don't remember what the hell I did during that time, though...🤔
For real, Elrod.
I watched through the third quarter, then went out and kicked a can down the street for a while. I thought there was a shot until they called Gillman's TD back. That's when I knew the writing was on the wall,. That took the wind out of UM's sails, at least in my perspective.
McDowell Says: Listened to an interview with the coach from Mcneese and he says the reason they have Mcdowell because he Mcdowell listened to the advice of a couple people he amits he should not have and entered the portal.Obviously looking to move up to the FBS. Pretty much as has been stated before and now confirmed.Wonder who those people were giving him advice ?