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Yes. FBS in a state with 12 such programs. If Texas was a car lot, there'd be a little strip of asphalt out front for the Corvettes of the SEC and giant gravel lot for the North Texas and and UTEP types.
I'm not arguing that they're good FBS schools (I live in TX BTW) but the label itself is often very alluring to these kids.
I'm not arguing that they're good FBS schools (I live in TX BTW) but the label itself is often very alluring to these kids.
Not that its gonna be the main reason for borderline FBS/FCS kids to go FBS, but the new NCAA 25 could have some pull. Being in a video game could be a big deal with this next generation.
Lubbock is terrible. The Jones is a pig with lipstick on it. They keep throwing millions upon millions toward that thing and it's just a crappy old stadium inside. I guess if you like having tortillas thrown at you, it's the place to be.

Been to probably 30 games in that stadium. It's a lot like Wa/Griz...lots of glitz and glamour, but underneath it's showing its age. But every weekend there's 65,000 faithful fans in Jones, pulling for the Red Raiders....it's an awesome football experience with one of the coolest runouts in all of sports.