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Griz/Kitten Game day thread

I like that we're throwing more than running. Still running enough to keep them honest but the Cat secondary is not very good.
Oldskoolgriz said:
Once again Morty needs to shut up. Commenting that our own guy didn't catch the ball. Morty shuuuuut up!!!

Ok. I don’t know if you are calling him Morty intentionally, but damn it that is funny. I personally love the dude and he is a Griz through and through. Now he will be know as Mitty in my house. Beautiful.
Da Boyz Mom said:
I like that we're throwing more than running. Still running enough to keep them honest but the Cat secondary is not very good.

We should be able to score in bunches in the 2nd half after making adjustments.
Here’s what I would like to see. A game so far out of hand that KRIS BROWN gets to come in and finish it off on senior day.
Before you get up to much and I decide my day can be better getting Xmas lights up early! You guys have a lot to be excited for. This Griz team is playing like a Griz team. I won’t throw my Cats under the bus, as I think they have tremendous talent, however, I have not been impressed with them this year. They remind me a bit of your Griz last year, lots of hype surrounding certain units, but no cohesion and not much grit. This is what it’s all about though, this rivalry is bloody amazing, win or lose, every November here we are!
ChemCat said:
Before you get up to much and I decide my day can be better getting Xmas lights up early! You guys have a lot to be excited for. This Griz team is playing like a Griz team. I won’t throw my Cats under the bus, as I think they have tremendous talent, however, I have not been impressed with them this year. They remind me a bit of your Griz last year, lots of hype surrounding certain units, but no cohesion and not much grit. This is what it’s all about though, this rivalry is bloody amazing, win or lose, every November here we are!

We're not counting our chickens yet either. Lots of football left to play in this one.