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Griz/Kitten Game day thread

503Griz said:
For those who missed Bobby on mic

'I don't know what they call it, a brawl, the brawl whatever...an ass kicking is what they call it.'


Thats what I thought he said. I was bouncing around off the ceiling, floors, and TV at the time, so I caught the "ass kicking" part. Classic Bobby. :thumb:
YouTube link to the replay from Wallythebronco is posted in the classic game thread. I’m sure it will also be replayed at some point soon by MTN for recording.
Ummm, not sure many will watch the post game presser. Notice 1 thing. Hauck asked about lopsided scoring in the Brawl the last 3 years. His response was great. Especially the part where he said he didn’t have an answer why, but he would like to figure it out so the Griz could get the W NEXT year. Yes, as in he will be the coach next year. Bobcats should be losing their minds over that statement. Especially given some posts on BN about sending him “off” with a loss in the Brawl. Lots can happen between the playoffs and offers coming in for coach Hauck. Just pleasant to hear him talk in that presser though.

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