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MBBALL Championship game vs the kitties

As one who was at the game where Doug S hit the game winner to knock off Idaho when they were #8 in the country in front of 9200 maniacs I hate to say this, but this is the ceiling for this program at present. Maybe it's just the state of collegiate low level D1 hoops today. Just can't get that excited about it and I've been a college bball junkie for over 5 decades. Pretty depressing on both the micro and macro level.
Pretty simple explanation for what happened tonight. City has brought this up long ago, as I have also. The offense that DeCuire uses is beyond pathetic. Just watch the Cats offense compared to ours. The Cats players move without the ball, they screen. They use the pick-and roll (three lob dunks in the 1st half for a walk-on player). Montana's offense has no purpose. It consists of dribbling around the perimeter after a hand-off at the top of the key by one of our bigs. There is little movement by players without the ball.... way too much iso, which results in poor shots and hurried desperation shot-clock attempts.

MSU also out-hustled us tonight. And DeCuire was out-coached tonight. A total butt kicking and an embarrassment on national TV.
Man, you're so unhappy, it's sad. It's bad, a terrible performance. But you, just seem like a really bad person. I hope you don't have a wife (doubtful, you're pretty pathetic). But if you do, man, between the abuse I'm sure you inflict on her and I'm sure you're impotence in the bedroom that would be a shit life. Thank God you're too much of a bottom dwelling pile of waste that no one would ever be able to be attracted to you.
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Utter embarrassment. Coaching. Players SUCK SUCK SUCK. No offense no defense. No heart. Vazquez should have stayed home.
Bobcats played a great second half. Finished around the rim when it mattered, and created turnovers when it mattered. Tip of the cap to them. They deserve it.

As for the ugly stuff in this thread, I hope it’s dealt with accordingly.
Well that’s probably one of the most embarrassing Griz Basketball losses I’ve ever seen. I hate to throw anyone under the bus but this whole collapse started early in the second half when Decuire took Oke out of the game and put Nap in. I think Nap is a good player, but he has not had a good tournament. He’s had a lot of unforced errors and tonight and he tried to dribble into the paint despite the fact that his ball handling isn’t the best, that led to the TO that gave the cats the lead. Then on the next trip down the floor, Moody with the frustration technical foul, and that was really the beginning of the end. Decuire should’ve never taken Oke out of the game there. He was killing them down low on both ends of the floor. After that, they built a lead and we panicked.

Decuire could’ve answered a lot of questions tonight and silenced the doubters, and now I think he’s gonna have to answer some big questions this offseason. With all 5 starters going out the door, where do we go from here? The cats just proved you can completely re-build a team in 1 year. Can the Griz? I seriously have my doubts
Go touch yourself to a Klan rally you weirdo. I swear, you must have just such a pathetic life. You're trolling, we get it, you made this account 25 minutes ago because you're a cats fan that wanted to come here and spout crazy bs to rile us up. Congrats, kinda did it. But we all know you're a big pussy, you'd never say this in person. You're a keyboard warrior, a real computer screen hard-core thug. So cool. This is what people who don't experience love in their life do, you pop onto a message board to spread hate, like pure hate, in pure anonymity. It's a fun little pass time for people without genuine human connections. So just go end it all, you're more than likely a huge drag on society. Just do the world a favor, save us some oxygen and go clean out the cleaning supplies, throw it in a blender, have a night cap of all that shit, go to bed, and please, you don't seem smart so I want to highlight this part, do NOT wake up. Slip into the darkness, go away forever
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Glad to see they are still not teaching civics or basic human decency over in Bozeman. You’d think with all the rich out of staters moving in from New York and California that these type of people would be relegated to the small town bars. 🤦‍♂️
Utter embarrassment. Coaching. Players SUCK SUCK SUCK. No offense no defense. No heart. Vazquez should have stayed home.
Scored 20 tonight to lead the team.Played in more games than any Griz in history. Got screwed his junior season. I'll take another JV before a Robby Beasley any day

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