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bobcat nation has lost it

:lol: I chuckle and think it must be early out at the local elementary schools. I mean the root of such adolescents is they're bitterness of being beat 16 years in a row. Sixteen I mean how do you lose 16 times in a row :lol:
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!
Westcoastfan said:
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!

I don’t think it really bothers us. So by all means, continue the chant during your regularly scheduled times. During football games, concerts, children’s birthday parties, after waking up in the morning, stuck in traffic, etc… :lol:
Westcoastfan said:
Trust me, we will.

Your response:
Westcoastfan said:
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!

If you can promise that Sixx will run the famed FFGPTB, I will be there, just douching hard in the SXSE bleachers. Do you think you can get him to wear the foam hat?
Westcoastfan said:
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!

It bothers us only in the same way that it bothers us when people add a "t" to the word "across", as in "He went acrosst the street".

Garizz, can we get one? It's been too long. And by "too long", I mean it's been several hours. Bonus if we can get an Ol' Foamy on those sick looking Clark's Honeybear picked out at the Main Mall.
Your wedding story doesn't surprise me at all. I've lost track of the number of times Bobcat fan friends of mine have introduced me to someone in their circle by saying something like, "This is my friend, he's a UM graduate and Griz fan," and then the 'round the horn barrage of insults begins: "Still losing thousands of students every year? What's your degree in, underwater basket weaving? Raped anyone on campus lately? No means no, go Cats go, amiright? You know, you can't spell 'dumb' without UM!"

These people are grown ups, stuck in a 13 year-old boy's awkward and desperate "look how cool and funny I am" phase. It's not insulting, it's pathetic. I'm actually kinda sad and embarrassed for them.
nzone said:
:lol: I chuckle and think it must be early out at the local elementary schools. I mean the root of such adolescents is they're bitterness of being beat 16 years in a row. Sixteen I mean how do you lose 16 times in a row :lol:

Not to mention our men's basketball team has beat them something like 20 out of the last 22 games, which has to contribute to their ongoing psychosis and PTSD.
I have to thank bobcat nation for your replies. You confirm the actual point of the thread. Nowhere in the original post nor the Griz responses has anyone expressed hurt or even offense to the words. The whole point is the absolute obsession of bobcat nation with the Griz and the sense of inferiority that has lead to your derangement and mental health issues. Your response to demagogue the issue, oops, I forgot, you are a bobcat, your response to twist the issue into something not in the thread to inaccurately insinuate hurting while nobody said anything about hurting only reinforces the premise of mental health issues within bobcat nation. You heard something that clearly, was not said. We know better than to get hurt by the hateful words from someone suffering from mental health issues. We also know better than to worry about the ramblings of someone who hears things not said.
Westcoastfan said:
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!

Pretty sure I speak for all of Griz Nation when I say “I could give a Fuuuuuuu*k!”😂😂 All any of that does is reinforce our belief in your little brother complex😂.
Like a lot of Montanans, I’ve attended both universities, so I’ve had pleeeennty of contact with cat fans. And I gotta say the sh!# bobcat fans spew is not normal. It’s weird. It’s weird to be playing South Dakota State or Austin Peay and chant about the Griz. I keep telling my bobcat friends they, as a fanbase, have to grow up because it’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for them. I don’t think any other fanbase in the country is so obsessed with their rival. Get over it little brother.
Rural Juror said:
Like a lot of Montanans, I’ve attended both universities, so I’ve had pleeeennty of contact with cat fans. And I gotta say the sh!# bobcat fans spew is not normal. It’s weird. It’s weird to be playing South Dakota State or Austin Peay and chant about the Griz. I keep telling my bobcat friends they, as a fanbase, have to grow up because it’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for them. I don’t think any other fanbase in the country is so obsessed with their rival. Get over it little brother.

Here is an easy question for you.

what do you consider is worse, the msu bobcat fan base chanting esggcg at a sporting event, or Montana grizzlies posters starting random derogatory trolling topics every other day on the egriz message board about the bobcats when the time between the last game was Nov. 20th 2021 and the next game is Nov. 19th 2022.
Westcoastfan said:
😂😂😂😂 it is so satisfying knowing how much FTG, Eat shit grizzlies go cats go and Poooor grizzlies bothers the Griz faithful. Nothing better then getting under the skin of the most delusional fan base in college football. See you douche bags in Bozeman, can’t wait!

We’re laughing AT you, not WITH you. :lol:
Cowboys84 said:
Rural Juror said:
Like a lot of Montanans, I’ve attended both universities, so I’ve had pleeeennty of contact with cat fans. And I gotta say the sh!# bobcat fans spew is not normal. It’s weird. It’s weird to be playing South Dakota State or Austin Peay and chant about the Griz. I keep telling my bobcat friends they, as a fanbase, have to grow up because it’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for them. I don’t think any other fanbase in the country is so obsessed with their rival. Get over it little brother.

Here is an easy question for you.

what do you consider is worse, the msu bobcat fan base chanting esggcg at a sporting event, or Montana grizzlies posters starting random derogatory trolling topics every other day on the egriz message board about the bobcats when the time between the last game was Nov. 20th 2021 and the next game is Nov. 19th 2022.

Definitely the former. The latter is just funny.

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