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Bison player suspended over banned substance

2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Why do you assume the AD is lying?

Because you're saying the banned drug came from a "rah rah" speaker. Didn't the AD say the banned drug came from another student-athlete? Please correct me as needed as I don't wish to accuse rah rah speakers nor ADs. Who is the liar? The player, or the AD?

When did I say Brock Robbins got a supplement directly from Ben Newman????

I don't know who Ben Newman is. I thought you were saying that a rah rah speaker was the source of the drugs. Are you saying that another student athlete was the source of the drugs, and that the suspended player and his family are all liars?

EDIT: regarding your edit, Benny Newman was a "representative of an institution's athletics interests". Let's assume the entire UNDSU graduating class from 2011 is defending this. It's not a great start.

Alright man. I’m done. You get the last word in.

Zero games will be forfeited because a player took a workout supplement recommended from a motivational speaker. Sorry to crush your dreams but it won’t happen.

7 players from JMU got popped for PED’s right after NDSU lost to them in 2016, and the NCAA hasn’t gone and taken away that win.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Because you're saying the banned drug came from a "rah rah" speaker. Didn't the AD say the banned drug came from another student-athlete? Please correct me as needed as I don't wish to accuse rah rah speakers nor ADs. Who is the liar? The player, or the AD?

When did I say Brock Robbins got a supplement directly from Ben Newman????

I don't know who Ben Newman is. I thought you were saying that a rah rah speaker was the source of the drugs. Are you saying that another student athlete was the source of the drugs, and that the suspended player and his family are all liars?

EDIT: regarding your edit, Benny Newman was a "representative of an institution's athletics interests". Let's assume the entire UNDSU graduating class from 2011 is defending this. It's not a great start.

Alright man. I’m done. You get the last word in.

Zero games will be forfeited because a player took a workout supplement recommended from a motivational speaker. Sorry to crush your dreams but it won’t happen.

7 players from JMU got popped for PED’s right after NDSU lost to them in 2016, and the NCAA hasn’t gone and taken away that win.

Haha! Get that NC2A poking around, and you could be very surprised what comes to light. You guys didn't need this catalyst, that's for sure. Chances are, they will turn a blind eye, but the program definitely has a black eye, now. Nobody will call the AD a liar, and nobody will call the player a liar. Someone is lying, and you know it.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
When did I say Brock Robbins got a supplement directly from Ben Newman????

I don't know who Ben Newman is. I thought you were saying that a rah rah speaker was the source of the drugs. Are you saying that another student athlete was the source of the drugs, and that the suspended player and his family are all liars?

EDIT: regarding your edit, Benny Newman was a "representative of an institution's athletics interests". Let's assume the entire UNDSU graduating class from 2011 is defending this. It's not a great start.

Alright man. I’m done. You get the last word in.

Zero games will be forfeited because a player took a workout supplement recommended from a motivational speaker. Sorry to crush your dreams but it won’t happen.

7 players from JMU got popped for PED’s right after NDSU lost to them in 2016, and the NCAA hasn’t gone and taken away that win.

Haha! Get that NC2A poking around, and you could be very surprised what comes to light. You guys didn't need this catalyst, that's for sure. Chances are, they will turn a blind eye, but the program definitely has a black eye, now. Nobody will call the AD a liar, and nobody will call the player a liar. Someone is lying, and you know it.

I said you win.

Get over it.
2011BisonAlumni said:
uofmman1122 said:
Jesus, I thought we were bad.

You guys make circling the wagons and eating your own an art form. :lol:

I’m not making excuses...I’m telling you what happened. It’s crappy for Brock, but it is not some sort of conspiracy or institution wide cheating.

Again, nearly 600 players from NDSU have been tested by the NCAA (not even counting internal testing) in playoff games since 2010 and 1 player failed a drug test. 1.

Sucks for Brock. NCAA is the biggest problem. There is not a banned substance list for this kind of supplement , by specific supplement name, so the players have to go through the vetting themselves. That is their responsibility, but issues happen like this and everyone gets frustrated.

Ben Newam in this case probably shouldn’t have mentioned it if he didn’t know it was legal/not legal. He’s a motivational speaking coach and really has no business getting involved in discussing a workout supplement.
How many of those 600 players that you say were tested have been tested more than once?
Blgs Griz Fan said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
uofmman1122 said:
Jesus, I thought we were bad.

You guys make circling the wagons and eating your own an art form. :lol:

I’m not making excuses...I’m telling you what happened. It’s crappy for Brock, but it is not some sort of conspiracy or institution wide cheating.

Again, nearly 600 players from NDSU have been tested by the NCAA (not even counting internal testing) in playoff games since 2010 and 1 player failed a drug test. 1.

Sucks for Brock. NCAA is the biggest problem. There is not a banned substance list for this kind of supplement , by specific supplement name, so the players have to go through the vetting themselves. That is their responsibility, but issues happen like this and everyone gets frustrated.

Ben Newam in this case probably shouldn’t have mentioned it if he didn’t know it was legal/not legal. He’s a motivational speaking coach and really has no business getting involved in discussing a workout supplement.
How many of those 600 players that you say were tested have been tested more than once?

I have no clue, but Ben Newman was not hired as motivational speaker until 2014.

FYI , here is the specific supplement


250mg of caffeine in it. You take a few scoops extra than recommended and it is illegal...according to the NCAA...because caffeine is a regulated stimulant

So ya, there is is.
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.
If only there were a phrase the NCAA could use in this situation to control the institution. Something vague that says the institution needs to have more control over its agents and student-athletes to enforce its rules. Because that’s what this sounds like to me.
garizzalies said:
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.
If only there were a phrase the NCAA could use in this situation to control the institution. Something vague that says the institution needs to have more control over its agents and student-athletes to enforce its rules. Because that’s what this sounds like to me.

The NCAA will be so mad at UNDSU that it is going to really hammer Southern Utah for lack of institutional control.
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.


That is the “PED” you are taking about
2011BisonAlumni said:
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.


That is the “PED” you are taking about

"Clean Victory". Clean, but it's a banned drug. Kid used the banned drug in half of the victories last season. Clean Victory! That's priceless. It's like labeling a kilo of cocaine "Not Cocaine".
2011BisonAlumni said:
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.


That is the “PED” you are taking about

"Clean Victory". Clean, but it's a banned drug. Kid used the banned drug in half of the victories last season. Clean Victory! That's priceless. It's like labeling a kilo of cocaine "Not Cocaine".

You do understand the stimulant in it is caffeine right???

All Brock had to do was take too much of it and piss hot, because of fucking caffeine.

I know it made your dick tingle a little bit when you saw this story and thought the sky was falling for NDSU football, but nothing is happening.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Got a program guy doing you're awesome speeches pumping kids with PEDs. Got an AD who says the PEDs came from another player. Doesn't look great.


That is the “PED” you are taking about

"Clean Victory". Clean, but it's a banned drug. Kid used the banned drug in half of the victories last season. Clean Victory! That's priceless. It's like labeling a kilo of cocaine "Not Cocaine".

You do understand the stimulant in it is caffeine right???

All Brock had to do was take too much of it and piss hot, because of fucking caffeine.

I know it made your dick tingle a little bit when you saw this story and thought the sky was falling for NDSU football, but nothing is happening.

Who gave it to the suspended player? Did the suspended player purchase it, or was it given to him because he is (was) a football player?
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:

That is the “PED” you are taking about

"Clean Victory". Clean, but it's a banned drug. Kid used the banned drug in half of the victories last season. Clean Victory! That's priceless. It's like labeling a kilo of cocaine "Not Cocaine".

You do understand the stimulant in it is caffeine right???

All Brock had to do was take too much of it and piss hot, because of f***[*] caffeine.

I know it made your dick tingle a little bit when you saw this story and thought the sky was falling for NDSU football, but nothing is happening.

Who gave it to the suspended player? Did the suspended player purchase it, or was it given to him because he is (was) a football player?

I have no idea.

It’s a legal supplement to use, but a player has to watch it for caffeine content....same as what the NCAA says in regards to energy drinks.
Oops. I think it's pretty clear what happened, now. Also has ties to Clemson. Hmmm.
A representative of athletic interests pushed his own product. I wonder if the player(s) paid him for the banned substance, or if this was more of a "free hotdog at a tailgate" type situation.

Clemson players tested positive for Ostarine.

Brock tested positive for a stimulant...and the stimulant in this product is caffeine...fucking caffeine.

Pretty sure if any football player in Missoula meets a hippy chick at the local espresso shop, and drinks too much while game planning how they are going to pick the granola out of the hippy chick’s pubes, they would piss hot for a stimulant too.

NCAA places a regulation on a product the vast majority of us use every day and also use in excess of quantities allowed by the NCAA.
2011BisonAlumni said:
uofmman1122 said:
Jesus, I thought we were bad.

You guys make circling the wagons and eating your own an art form. :lol:

I’m not making excuses...I’m telling you what happened. It’s crappy for Brock, but it is not some sort of conspiracy or institution wide cheating.

Again, nearly 600 players from NDSU have been tested by the NCAA (not even counting internal testing) in playoff games since 2010 and 1 player failed a drug test. 1.

Sucks for Brock. NCAA is the biggest problem. There is not a banned substance list for this kind of supplement , by specific supplement name, so the players have to go through the vetting themselves. That is their responsibility, but issues happen like this and everyone gets frustrated.

Ben Newam in this case probably shouldn’t have mentioned it if he didn’t know it was legal/not legal. He’s a motivational speaking coach and really has no business getting involved in discussing a workout supplement.

Yayaya......we'll let the NCAA decide bud.
2011BisonAlumni said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
When did I say Brock Robbins got a supplement directly from Ben Newman????

I don't know who Ben Newman is. I thought you were saying that a rah rah speaker was the source of the drugs. Are you saying that another student athlete was the source of the drugs, and that the suspended player and his family are all liars?

EDIT: regarding your edit, Benny Newman was a "representative of an institution's athletics interests". Let's assume the entire UNDSU graduating class from 2011 is defending this. It's not a great start.

Alright man. I’m done. You get the last word in.

Zero games will be forfeited because a player took a workout supplement recommended from a motivational speaker. Sorry to crush your dreams but it won’t happen.

7 players from JMU got popped for PED’s right after NDSU lost to them in 2016, and the NCAA hasn’t gone and taken away that win.

Haha! Get that NC2A poking around, and you could be very surprised what comes to light. You guys didn't need this catalyst, that's for sure. Chances are, they will turn a blind eye, but the program definitely has a black eye, now. Nobody will call the AD a liar, and nobody will call the player a liar. Someone is lying, and you know it.

Im thinking the AD who said the program doesnt supply supplements is a fucking joke. Everyone whos ever played a high school sport knows what programs give you. Hell even in high school they pass out vitamin c tablets.

NCAA would LOOOOOVE to take a crack at a 6 time champion. Was anything done wrong? probably not, but let the NCAA in your doors and they will set up camp and invent shit to make your life hell for the next 5 years.
BadlandsGrizFan said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
I don't know who Ben Newman is. I thought you were saying that a rah rah speaker was the source of the drugs. Are you saying that another student athlete was the source of the drugs, and that the suspended player and his family are all liars?

EDIT: regarding your edit, Benny Newman was a "representative of an institution's athletics interests". Let's assume the entire UNDSU graduating class from 2011 is defending this. It's not a great start.

Alright man. I’m done. You get the last word in.

Zero games will be forfeited because a player took a workout supplement recommended from a motivational speaker. Sorry to crush your dreams but it won’t happen.

7 players from JMU got popped for PED’s right after NDSU lost to them in 2016, and the NCAA hasn’t gone and taken away that win.

Haha! Get that NC2A poking around, and you could be very surprised what comes to light. You guys didn't need this catalyst, that's for sure. Chances are, they will turn a blind eye, but the program definitely has a black eye, now. Nobody will call the AD a liar, and nobody will call the player a liar. Someone is lying, and you know it.

Im thinking the AD who said the program doesnt supply supplements is a f***[*] joke. Everyone whos ever played a high school sport knows what programs give you. Hell even in high school they pass out vitamin c tablets.

NCAA would LOOOOOVE to take a crack at a 6 time champion. Was anything done wrong? probably not, but let the NCAA in your doors and they will set up camp and invent shit to make your life hell for the next 5 years.

I wonder if you took a poll of UM players who drank a cup of regular coffee last year and saw how many said yes. Every single one of them would have been consuming a banned supplement according to the NCAA.

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