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Bison player suspended over banned substance

2011BisonAlumni said:
HookedonGriz said:
Any bison on here making this about a “caffeine” supplement is missing the forest for the trees. This always has been about Robbins claim of a Bison staffer (a person employed and paid by NDSU) giving this kid (and plenty of others) a substance banned by the NCAA....and then NDSU coaches, staff, and athletic dept denying that fact. Someone is lying. I am 100% certain it isn’t the Bison All American mom, son, or their family. Talk about being thrown under the bus by your “Bison family”....that’s what this is about you gravy tards.

It’s well known what the product is. I posted on here.


Go ahead and read through the ingredients. The banned ingredient is caffeine, but I’m pretty sure every college program in the history of the NCAA is technically giving their kids a banned product if they ever provide SODA or Coffee.

Workout supplements are extremely common. I can almost guarantee you the vast majority of college football players are using them.

Call me an asshole, but if I was a 22 year old, I would not have my f***[*] Mom sitting down with me for an interview, regardless of the situation. In this case, the NCAA puts out specific guidance on how to avoid testing for caffeine. Brock’s mom might be pissed, but if “everyone” was using it like she said, apparently the 53 other players who took it, and were tested, knew the threshold the NCAA says is OK to use without going over the limit.

What part of “this has nothing to do with a player taking a caffeine supplement” did you not understand. Holy shit, try reading my post again gravy boat.
Hammersmith said:
Honestly, if I was a Fargo fan, I wouldn't be worried about this suspension or what it was for or everyone calling us cheaters. That's nothing. I'd be worried about potential improper benefits given that everyone seems to know where the kids got the stuff. That ain't small potatoes in terms of sanctions.

So why hold out on the exact product, the exact person, and the exact banned substance? Well, if it turns out we are correct with our Clean Victory caffeine deductions, think how it will play out in the court of public opinion. It will come out that the 'banned substance' is not steroids or HGH or illicit drugs, but caffeine. A staff member was providing caffeine; a substance probably 80+% of people consume at least on a weekly basis. The uproar goes poof. And if it was Clean Victory, then the immediate response by everyone is to show the side of the package and explain that you could only fail a drug test by taking at least a double dose; in other words, using the product improperly. Mom's moral high ground disappears in a flash unless she can show the players were instructed to prepare it that way. It's in the family's best interest to keep things vague in order to keep emotions high.

I didn't quote your whole post (good post, BTW). Interesting theory about the money/family and why the family is being vague.

The flip to that is why would the University keep the details vague? Well, what if everyone is correct about the product, the provider, and the substance? The substance is immaterial, but the rest is not. I have read a lot about how the mental coach was NOT a staffer, so what's the big deal? If he wasn't a staffer, the last thing the University wants is the NCAA looking into each and every transaction whereby a player obtained Clean Victory supplements since 2015. Who? How? How many? Payment amount? If the NCAA wants to do so, it will find something in poking around. And that's not even to say NDSU itself did anything wrong. The AD has a lot to gain by being vague about the source if it didn't come from the program.
We should have seen it coming. The warning signs were right in front of us:

Griz1952 said:
Go stick your head under water for 20 minutes, when you come up maybe I will have a suggestion.

Take your trash back to 2003 and dump that crap on your board which is the site of a dirty program that thrives on violating NCAA rules.

Griz1952 said:
Jealousy is the worst of human failings; there is no upside to the Fargo crew's jealousy of WA Griz.

Was in Seattle last weekend for Seahawks and Falcons, did not learn of N**U B***N loss until today the 21st.

Now understand why I got more than the usual glares when I wear my usual Griz polo flying back into Fargo on Monday.

You guys in Fargo need to not let your NCAA violating scumbag program affect your mood.

Life is too short for that.

Griz1952 said:
National Championships - agreed, one major difference between us and them we comply with NCAA regulations they dont.

Very accurate well thought out post, just dont dip to level and mention Fargo outfit by name, they deserve no respect.

Griz1952 said:
They are not legit, there is enough smoke with this scumbag program to open NCAA investigation.

They fly under the radar as a cow college in Fargo.

Beauty is most of their fans are fag faced sneering smarmy wannabe men thinking they are untouchable.

They are cowardly f***[*] plain and simple, yes it is personal with me

Be patient these slimy snakes are going down and going down hard.

Griz1952 said:
Keep emotions in check and control what we can control.

Send a private message with verified evidence of scumbags supporters of this NCAA violating wanna be program who harassed Griz fans in Fargo today.

Take our time with a 3-7-77 approach payback will be issued.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Griz1952 said:
$60/ticket for the biggest game in Montana history isn't a big deal

Saw this comment from someone, must be some obnoxnious fan following a non descript NCAA rules violating institution in Fargo, ND. These people(people is best the best thing I will even attempt to call those who follow this outfit) are delusional. Real sports fan who know what this out is all about have no respect for them.

Good news is credible information being assembled to force NCAA hand to start investigation. Was in Grand Forks recently; caught wind of supporters of UND starting to put together a credible package to show what this outfit is all about now that NCAA is beginning to ease up on them.

Griz1952 said:
griz5700 said:

Act like Montana that is all we have to be.

Reality is NCAA is going to allow this Fargo outfit to continue to cheat until the UND name is resolved.

As Montana we do not lower ourselves to the level of this outfit in Fargo.

When the playing field is level it will be "Who?" when the outfit from Fargo is mentioned.

Griz1952 said:
get'em_griz wrote:Isn't there some minimum allotment of tickets that the NCAA requires host teams to sell to visiting fans? I thought it was something like 500. Whatever it is, if NDSU is only giving UM 200-300 tickets, that's pathetic.

That is reality of that outfit, they do not have to follow NCAA rules because they know NCAA could care less and will not do anything to them. It is the only reason for their success.

Just accept the snarky pathetic idiots that run and follow them for what they are - a combination wanna be/never was who are irrelavents wastes of human debris.

Griz1952 said:
The Big Sky Conference presidents acted responsibly.

This program represent the worst in college athletics.

The former president was a punk who got two chancellors fired through his shenanaigans and absconded funds to build his on campus residence. He was quietly relieved and sent down the road.

The current president has deliberately deleted several thousand emails to hide his inappropriate behavior.

The current athletic director dances Sioux suck when their program wins games to rub it in the face of the University of North Dakota

The school openly tolerate theft rings at local businesses by having alumni make business hurt by athletes theft rings whole.

The school tolerates election fraud by athletes.

The fans think it is ok to taunt the wife of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill when he collapsed on the sideline yelling "Watch him die bitch" and you hear no outcry from their fans.

They get away with this because of the hypocrisy of the NCAA who has it in for University of North Dakota over a indian nickname and can illegally pay athletes to come there knowing no sanctions will happen.

Any program can look good if they are playing under a different set of rules, play by the same rules everyone else does and see how impressive you look.

To say they are impressive is a misguided statement.

There is no way the Big Sky conference would tolerate any of its member schools engaging in the behavior that is tolerated and encouraged by a program I will not mention by name in Fargo.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
HookedonGriz said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
HookedonGriz said:
Any bison on here making this about a “caffeine” supplement is missing the forest for the trees. This always has been about Robbins claim of a Bison staffer (a person employed and paid by NDSU) giving this kid (and plenty of others) a substance banned by the NCAA....and then NDSU coaches, staff, and athletic dept denying that fact. Someone is lying. I am 100% certain it isn’t the Bison All American mom, son, or their family. Talk about being thrown under the bus by your “Bison family”....that’s what this is about you gravy tards.

It’s well known what the product is. I posted on here.


Go ahead and read through the ingredients. The banned ingredient is caffeine, but I’m pretty sure every college program in the history of the NCAA is technically giving their kids a banned product if they ever provide SODA or Coffee.

Workout supplements are extremely common. I can almost guarantee you the vast majority of college football players are using them.

Call me an asshole, but if I was a 22 year old, I would not have my f***[*] Mom sitting down with me for an interview, regardless of the situation. In this case, the NCAA puts out specific guidance on how to avoid testing for caffeine. Brock’s mom might be pissed, but if “everyone” was using it like she said, apparently the 53 other players who took it, and were tested, knew the threshold the NCAA says is OK to use without going over the limit.

What part of “this has nothing to do with a player taking a caffeine supplement” did you not understand. Holy shit, try reading my post again gravy boat.

Just what are you trying to say Hooked? A Forrest is made up of trees? I don’t get it.
2011BisonAlumni said:
garizzalies said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
The issue is he took too much caffeine
No, dude. The issue is whether a “Performance Coach” provided student-athletes with performance enhancing drugs.

Keep posting. You’re not losing this argument at all, and you’re starting to convince us all that this is not nearly as bad as our hotdog-gate

Keep pretending this is going to result in anything.

When the University of Montana gives free soda through meal plans, they are providing them with banned supplements according to the NCAA.


It’s why they put out information to players to avoid too much in order to trigger a test. It is up to the player to make sure they know what they are putting in their bodies.

But the difference is when you tell the NCAA that you tested positive for drinking too much caffeine in a soda, they so oh ok.

When you tell the NCAA that you tested positive from a substance that was provided to you by an outside source whether that be a booster or not the NCAAs ears perk up and they say "Oh, really? We'd like to look further into this".

How the hell do you not understand the difference in scenarios. By just focusing on the ohh its just too much caffeine approach, your being woefully ignorant of the real world issue here.

Youre also arguing with the largest fan base in the FCS ranks who has just came out of a deep depression from a major ass fuck by the NCAA over an unbelievably trivial event. How do you think this is going to end? We basically wrote the book on getting bent over by the NCAA bud.
BadlandsGrizFan said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
garizzalies said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
The issue is he took too much caffeine
No, dude. The issue is whether a “Performance Coach” provided student-athletes with performance enhancing drugs.

Keep posting. You’re not losing this argument at all, and you’re starting to convince us all that this is not nearly as bad as our hotdog-gate

Keep pretending this is going to result in anything.

When the University of Montana gives free soda through meal plans, they are providing them with banned supplements according to the NCAA.


It’s why they put out information to players to avoid too much in order to trigger a test. It is up to the player to make sure they know what they are putting in their bodies.

But the difference is when you tell the NCAA that you tested positive for drinking too much caffeine in a soda, they so oh ok.

When you tell the NCAA that you tested positive from a substance that was provided to you by an outside source whether that be a booster or not the NCAAs ears perk up and they say "Oh, really? We'd like to look further into this".

How the hell do you not understand the difference in scenarios. By just focusing on the ohh its just too much caffeine approach, your being woefully ignorant of the real world issue here.

Youre also arguing with the largest fan base in the FCS ranks who has just came out of a deep depression from a major ass fuck by the NCAA over an unbelievably trivial event. How do you think this is going to end? We basically wrote the book on getting bent over by the NCAA bud.

Another great post. Imagine if "improper" hotdogs and 35 refunded dollars were also deemed banned PEDs by the NCAA.
It will hit 17 pages for sure.....I’m guessing sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning.

1) It’s about NDSU, oh wait, sorry UNDSU.

2) From reading this gem, this is apparently how some of you spend your weekends.
This leaving and coming back is starting to rival Growler's track record. Might have it beat for a given 7 day period.
How do we know the PED is caffeine, and not say cocaine or some steroids? Has there been an official announcement? I thought the ncaa treated it all the same.
AllWeatherFan said:
We should have seen it coming. The warning signs were right in front of us:

Griz1952 said:
Go stick your head under water for 20 minutes, when you come up maybe I will have a suggestion.

Take your trash back to 2003 and dump that crap on your board which is the site of a dirty program that thrives on violating NCAA rules.

Griz1952 said:
Jealousy is the worst of human failings; there is no upside to the Fargo crew's jealousy of WA Griz.

Was in Seattle last weekend for Seahawks and Falcons, did not learn of N**U B***N loss until today the 21st.

Now understand why I got more than the usual glares when I wear my usual Griz polo flying back into Fargo on Monday.

You guys in Fargo need to not let your NCAA violating scumbag program affect your mood.

Life is too short for that.

Griz1952 said:
National Championships - agreed, one major difference between us and them we comply with NCAA regulations they dont.

Very accurate well thought out post, just dont dip to level and mention Fargo outfit by name, they deserve no respect.

Griz1952 said:
They are not legit, there is enough smoke with this scumbag program to open NCAA investigation.

They fly under the radar as a cow college in Fargo.

Beauty is most of their fans are fag faced sneering smarmy wannabe men thinking they are untouchable.

They are cowardly f***[*] plain and simple, yes it is personal with me

Be patient these slimy snakes are going down and going down hard.

Griz1952 said:
Keep emotions in check and control what we can control.

Send a private message with verified evidence of scumbags supporters of this NCAA violating wanna be program who harassed Griz fans in Fargo today.

Take our time with a 3-7-77 approach payback will be issued.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Griz1952 said:
$60/ticket for the biggest game in Montana history isn't a big deal

Saw this comment from someone, must be some obnoxnious fan following a non descript NCAA rules violating institution in Fargo, ND. These people(people is best the best thing I will even attempt to call those who follow this outfit) are delusional. Real sports fan who know what this out is all about have no respect for them.

Good news is credible information being assembled to force NCAA hand to start investigation. Was in Grand Forks recently; caught wind of supporters of UND starting to put together a credible package to show what this outfit is all about now that NCAA is beginning to ease up on them.

Griz1952 said:
griz5700 said:

Act like Montana that is all we have to be.

Reality is NCAA is going to allow this Fargo outfit to continue to cheat until the UND name is resolved.

As Montana we do not lower ourselves to the level of this outfit in Fargo.

When the playing field is level it will be "Who?" when the outfit from Fargo is mentioned.

Griz1952 said:
get'em_griz wrote:Isn't there some minimum allotment of tickets that the NCAA requires host teams to sell to visiting fans? I thought it was something like 500. Whatever it is, if NDSU is only giving UM 200-300 tickets, that's pathetic.

That is reality of that outfit, they do not have to follow NCAA rules because they know NCAA could care less and will not do anything to them. It is the only reason for their success.

Just accept the snarky pathetic idiots that run and follow them for what they are - a combination wanna be/never was who are irrelavents wastes of human debris.

Griz1952 said:
The Big Sky Conference presidents acted responsibly.

This program represent the worst in college athletics.

The former president was a punk who got two chancellors fired through his shenanaigans and absconded funds to build his on campus residence. He was quietly relieved and sent down the road.

The current president has deliberately deleted several thousand emails to hide his inappropriate behavior.

The current athletic director dances Sioux suck when their program wins games to rub it in the face of the University of North Dakota

The school openly tolerate theft rings at local businesses by having alumni make business hurt by athletes theft rings whole.

The school tolerates election fraud by athletes.

The fans think it is ok to taunt the wife of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill when he collapsed on the sideline yelling "Watch him die bitch" and you hear no outcry from their fans.

They get away with this because of the hypocrisy of the NCAA who has it in for University of North Dakota over a indian nickname and can illegally pay athletes to come there knowing no sanctions will happen.

Any program can look good if they are playing under a different set of rules, play by the same rules everyone else does and see how impressive you look.

To say they are impressive is a misguided statement.

There is no way the Big Sky conference would tolerate any of its member schools engaging in the behavior that is tolerated and encouraged by a program I will not mention by name in Fargo.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nice work AWF!! It proves once again that a prophet is never accepted in his own land.
garizzalies said:
How do we know the PED is caffeine, and not say cocaine or some steroids? Has there been an official announcement? I thought the ncaa treated it all the same.

Because he did not test possitive for an illegal drug or steroids. That is why Brock and his mom came out with their story.

He was tested positive for a banned stimulant by the NCAA and Brock said the product he took was a pre-workout supplement which had the stimulant in it.

Because of the privacy laws, NDSU cannot say what he tested positive for. With that being said, it is widely known the product was this:


Caffeine is the stimulant in the workout supplement, as it is in almost every single preworkout supplement. The NCAA puts out warnings regarding the use of caffeine and warns that the average person should not consume more than 500mg within a 3-4 hour period (equivalent of 6 cups of coffee) as it will result in a positive test for stimulants. This particular workout supplement has 250mg in a serving.

In this case, Brock easily could have put two scoops into his shake instead of one and pissed hot.
2011BisonAlumni said:
garizzalies said:
How do we know the PED is caffeine, and not say cocaine or some steroids? Has there been an official announcement? I thought the ncaa treated it all the same.

Because he did not test possitive for an illegal drug or steroids. That is why Brock and his mom came out with their story.

He was tested positive for a banned stimulant by the NCAA and Brock said the product he took was a pre-workout supplement which had the stimulant in it.

Because of the privacy laws, NDSU cannot say what he tested positive for. With that being said, it is widely known the product was this:


Caffeine is the stimulant in the workout supplement, as it is in almost every single preworkout supplement. The NCAA puts out warnings regarding the use of caffeine and warns that the average person should not consume more than 500mg within a 3-4 hour period (equivalent of 6 cups of coffee) as it will result in a positive test for stimulants. This particular workout supplement has 250mg in a serving.

In this case, Brock easily could have put two scoops into his shake instead of one and pissed hot.

Did he get the pre-workout supplement from a booster? That seems like it might be a big deal. Don't you think?
What is the record for the most posts posted after a poster said he was done posting posts?

I believe it’s been broken.
EverettGriz said:
How's the weather where you are Raids?

...I’m starting to think the reason for my incessant posting about the weather has gone right over your heads.
2011BisonAlumni said:
garizzalies said:
How do we know the PED is caffeine, and not say cocaine or some steroids? Has there been an official announcement? I thought the ncaa treated it all the same.

Because he did not test possitive for an illegal drug or steroids. That is why Brock and his mom came out with their story.

He was tested positive for a banned stimulant by the NCAA and Brock said the product he took was a pre-workout supplement which had the stimulant in it.

Because of the privacy laws, NDSU cannot say what he tested positive for. With that being said, it is widely known the product was this:


Caffeine is the stimulant in the workout supplement, as it is in almost every single preworkout supplement. The NCAA puts out warnings regarding the use of caffeine and warns that the average person should not consume more than 500mg within a 3-4 hour period (equivalent of 6 cups of coffee) as it will result in a positive test for stimulants. This particular workout supplement has 250mg in a serving.

In this case, Brock easily could have put two scoops into his shake instead of one and pissed hot.

Again....were not debating whether or not the substance should be banned....were talking about how big of ass hats the NCAA is, and how theyll decide to jack this up. They could say screw it, not a big deal, everyone carry on. Orrrr they could do what they frequently do, and treat this like the kid murdered someone, and see what type of money and problems they can suck out of the predominant program in the FCS. They love to send irrelevant messages.

Does the NCAA differentiate between banned substances. Like do they treat steroids worse than caffeine?
YttriumGriz39 said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
garizzalies said:
How do we know the PED is caffeine, and not say cocaine or some steroids? Has there been an official announcement? I thought the ncaa treated it all the same.

Because he did not test possitive for an illegal drug or steroids. That is why Brock and his mom came out with their story.

He was tested positive for a banned stimulant by the NCAA and Brock said the product he took was a pre-workout supplement which had the stimulant in it.

Because of the privacy laws, NDSU cannot say what he tested positive for. With that being said, it is widely known the product was this:


Caffeine is the stimulant in the workout supplement, as it is in almost every single preworkout supplement. The NCAA puts out warnings regarding the use of caffeine and warns that the average person should not consume more than 500mg within a 3-4 hour period (equivalent of 6 cups of coffee) as it will result in a positive test for stimulants. This particular workout supplement has 250mg in a serving.

In this case, Brock easily could have put two scoops into his shake instead of one and pissed hot.

Did he get the pre-workout supplement from a booster? That seems like it might be a big deal. Don't you think?

You guys, egriz, are the only individuals who have defined Ben Newman as a “booster”.

And no, Ben Newman is not a booster. He’s not a donor, not a ticket holder, is not involved in recruiting, is not in the business of promoting the university, does not provide employment to the student athletes etc.

He is an independent contractor who has been hired by dozens of universities as a mental performance coach.

You guys are the only people who have speculated that Brock Robbins received an illegal benefit. Neither Brock or his mom, stated that Brock received a supplement at a free or reduced cost....and even if he did, he did not receive it from someone who is a booster.

I do not care if players purchased a workout supplement from someone who is in the business of selling workout supplements. Especially when that workout supplement is not labeled as being a specific banned supplement from the NCAA. I do care of the players are consuming more than the recommended desired dosage as it is a potential health risk.