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Beaner brothers and Colton Lentz

Elrod is smart. Be more like Elrod.
I just thought it was an awful joke, but the first one can be a slur, albeit apparently not everywhere. It’s also their last name, so when they meet Taco it’ll be…spicy. Get it? Spicy? You know, like how beans are spicy? Spicy. Bahahaha! Ahhh, we’re havin’ fun here. Is Dorf or Benny Hill on next?
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Well, in CDA's defense, the post has the potential to be extremely racist. I truly don't think that was the poster's intention (in fact, I doubt he even considered it in that vain). But i'll admit I winced when I first read it.
There is literally ZERO racism in the post. He made a food joke about a last name and first name amongst rivals, and spicy. Full stop.
Cool story. Thanks for that.
Oh, totally. I’m a comedy writer/consultant, so if you ever need help, let me know. I’m working on this one where a dude is dancing at a wedding and then, get this, his pants fall down! 😂

Translation: I didn’t think you were being racist, I was making fun of your joke. 🤙
I'll get excited when they sign and walk on campus. Until then it's much ado about nothing. I know, I know, Debbie Downer, etc. I have no faith in the athletes honoring their commitments anymore. They verbal, then *poof* suddenly gone.
I'll get excited when they sign and walk on campus. Until then it's much ado about nothing. I know, I know, Debbie Downer, etc. I have no faith in the athletes honoring their commitments anymore. They verbal, then *poof* suddenly gone.
If you were ever excited in the slightest about any recruit we ever have any contact with, we'd probably need to call 911 to get a wellness check on you.
But when a member of the Lakota Oglala Sioux tribe calls you out over a Native issue you couldn't play the race card fast enough.
You are racist. I have found that most people who refer to the race card have at least some elements of prejudice or racism. "The real point about race cards is that claiming their existence is itself deeply racist. The idea first seems to have entered the lexicon in the 1960s, when “the race card” was used to describe the ways in which rightwing politicians weaponised fears about black people to gain votes". https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jan/16/playing-the-race-card-racism-black-experience
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I originally looked at this and saw both the food version and the cheech and chong characters referring to themselves as "beaners;" I asked my wife, who is Mexican American about what she thought about the term beaners, and she laughed. She was not offended one bit and said only white people get offended by it. She said it made as much sense to her as someone calling her a dick, because she doesn't have one.
You may want to google the term. Do not use your work computer.
Bro. This you... and this is a tame post. Maybe you should sit this one out. This is POS level vitriol. You have no leg to tell anyone what to do or think. You obviously lack critical thinking skills and simply believe what you are told.

Trying to imply someone who made a food joke is racist is next level idiocy...just like your thoughts on COVID.

I agree completely in theory. The problem, of course, is that nothing happens in a bubble. As an example, do I care that Billy Bob Countryhick dies because he "ain't gunna have no gummit tell me what to do"? No, no I do not.

But if Billy Bob spends 3 weeks in ICU prior to passing on to the Great Liberty in the Sky, he's going to rack up hundreds of thousands in unpaid medial bills. Guess who does get to pay them, one way or the other? The vaccinated are getting screwed in this deal no matter what happens, all because a life-saving vaccine became politicized and people refuse to take personal accountability.
Bro. This you... and this is a tame post. Maybe you should sit this one out. This is POS level vitriol. You have no leg to tell anyone what to do or think. You obviously lack critical thinking skills and simply believe what you are told.

Trying to imply someone who made a food joke is racist is next level idiocy...just like your thoughts on COVID.
Yeeeeeet, here you are, telling me what to do and think.

Yeah, that checks out.
I originally looked at this and saw both the food version and the cheech and chong characters referring to themselves as "beaners;" I asked my wife, who is Mexican American about what she thought about the term beaners, and she laughed. She was not offended one bit and said only white people get offended by it. She said it made as much sense to her as someone calling her a dick, because she doesn't have one.
I dated a Mexican-American for a year or so, and she too would have laughed her ass off at the joke and not been offended. But she would also admit that some MAY be, and it's therefore better left alone.

I worry most about recruits (and recruits families) reading this stuff and wondering if Montana is a place for them. Overly cautious? Probably.
Yeeeeeet, here you are, telling me what to do and think.

Yeah, that checks out.
Nice deflection. You have a track record of being uninformed and hateful of people you don't agree with. Like I said. Maybe you should stop telling people how to think and act.

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