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Are we prepared for no football this fall?

BigSkyBears said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Well, there's also this:


I suppose those well-endowed endowments will be appealing to students when this ends...

99% of higher public education this country is run by the Socialist, Atheist, and Marxists. Kids aren't learning, they're becoming indoctrinated. Perhaps it needs to collapse? If you want evidence of this, listen to Jordan B. Peterson, or read a great book by an ex-Marxist named Bella Dodd in her book, School of Darkness. She led the way in indoctrination and pushing Marxism in public education for several decades.

You can’t be serious!!
There's this that ought to go to a couple threads:

"Arizona governor: Pro sports can resume without fans in few days

PHOENIX — Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has opened the door for professional sports to return to the state. Ducey said on Tuesday that professional sports, including MLB, NBA, NHL and NFL can resume without fans on Saturday. The state is slowly starting to reopen during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic with Ducey saying on social media that Arizona is “trending in the right direction.” Ducey said he’s had discussions with “leaders of some of these leagues” but did not say which ones or elaborate on what activities might take place in Arizona. Last month, he said he’d spoken with Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred and was open to hosting games.

Other sports like basketball and hockey have considered playing the remainder of the regular season in hubs with several teams playing games in one location.

“It would be at this point in time, according to the CDC guidelines, without fans,” Ducey said at a press conference. Citing his public health director, he said “we could do that safely in the state of Arizona beginning May 16.”

New York Post: https://apple.news/A_ua3_H7MRYqHGmrvVzhOhw
Yukon said:
SEC will be playing.


I tend to agree. As they should.

Players wanna play. Coaches wanna coach. Fans wanna watch. Let all of them do that. If there are players and coaches that don’t want to they don’t have to. I’d guess this would be a fraction of a percent.

Per usual, fans ALWAYS have the choice whether or not to go or not. I’d think any money is better than no money. Those scared stay home. Those not go to games.

Would love to see it play out this way. Though I would have loved to see it play out similarly the last 5-6 weeks and didn’t get my wish. I renewed all my season tix today and crossed my fingers.
It’ll boil down to students on campus, and testing. I’m not one of those who wait to put up the railroad crossing until the school bus gets hit. I’m willing to see how this pans out in and around July. I mean it’s only May 13 but as of today I would probably stay home. The only thing I,can say it’s not the time to withhold funding so I will be sure and throw some extra dollars UM’s way.
ilovethecats said:
Yukon said:
SEC will be playing.


I tend to agree. As they should.

Players wanna play. Coaches wanna coach. Fans wanna watch. Let all of them do that. If there are players and coaches that don’t want to they don’t have to. I’d guess this would be a fraction of a percent.

Per usual, fans ALWAYS have the choice whether or not to go or not. I’d think any money is better than no money. Those scared stay home. Those not go to games.

Would love to see it play out this way. Though I would have loved to see it play out similarly the last 5-6 weeks and didn’t get my wish. I renewed all my season tix today and crossed my fingers.

I'm guessing we'll see a mix of what your saying, let people make their choices, especially in states that have shown a decline in #'s of positive tests. High risk people, stay home, fairly simple. In others states' like CA, NY, etc. it might be more state mandates that last longer, it might change how schedules are decided, just hoping at the very least watch football on TV this fall.
nzone said:
It’ll boil down to students on campus, and testing. I’m not one of those who wait to put up the railroad crossing until the school bus gets hit. I’m willing to see how this pans out in and around July. I mean it’s only May 13 but as of today I would probably stay home. The only thing I,can say it’s not the time to withhold funding so I will be sure and throw some extra dollars UM’s way.
It's not just about yourself. Think about how many more people will come in contact with it and spread to those at risk. Stupidity amd not talking precautions is why the US has it the worst. And it's not even close. Too privileged and too much ego. Use your brain. Wear a mask.
Yukon said:
SEC will be playing.


Sure is interesting how so many schools have put out messages of optimism and commitment to having on-campus classes next fall right when students' enrollment deposits are due. Coincidence, I'm sure. ;)
Sports Illustrated has an excellent article on what it's going to take to get football restarted. So many moving parts and considerations, including testing protocols for players, different states opening up at different tiimes, and whether campuses will be open or not. The article poses 7 key questions to 10 D-1 commissioners and AD of Notre Dame. Highly recommended:
Yukon said:

Thank you for posting this! Now we won't be subjected to watching that shit conference when they play a football team. Give the Big Sky 22 more scholarships and see what their record would be against our kids plus they won't have the humiliation of watching their defending conference champ get their ass stomped by NDSU like Kansas State did not too long ago...damn, I hate that conference...
There is a much different model to watch at this time though. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the south watching kids playing against their grown fathers, brothers and uncles like this family.

CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Yukon said:

Thank you for posting this! Now we won't be subjected to watching that shit conference when they play a football team. Give the Big Sky 22 more scholarships and see what their record would be against our kids plus they won't have the humiliation of watching their defending conference champ get their ass stomped by NDSU like Kansas State did not too long ago...damn, I hate that conference...
Haha, keep dreaming butterball.
"Classes Canceled at Cal State Colleges, but Football May Not Follow

College officials have long maintained that athletes won’t play if students are kept off campus this fall because of the coronavirus. Now some sports leaders are hedging about the status of football."

[Things seem to be evolving.]

"But as N.C.A.A. President Mark Emmert emphasized last week in an interview streamed by the N.C.A.A.: “If a school doesn’t reopen, then they’re not going to be playing sports. It’s really that simple.” [Note that was last week.]

"But Fresno State, San Diego State and San Jose State — the only C.S.U. colleges that play in the elite Football Bowl Subdivision — seem to have taken a more lawyerly reading of White’s edict, which stated that a small number of in-person classes would be allowed if such instruction could not be accomplished virtually and was considered indispensible to the university’s core mission.

Exceptions will be allowed only where rigorous health and safety requirements are in place. They might include, for example, nursing students training with clinical mannequins. Lab classes required to complete science degrees could be another. Capstone projects for architecture, agriculture and engineering might also get special consideration.

The exceptions, according to White’s official announcement, would be determined by “thoughtful consultation” with academic senates, students, staff councils and union leadership, and would be based on “compelling educational and research needs.”
Two things were remarkable about White’s statement. The first was how unequivocal it was. The second was how Fresno State, San Diego State and San Jose State interpreted it: Are you ready for some football?

There was no need for Craig Thompson, the Mountain West commissioner and a member of the College Football Playoff management committee, to sleep on it last month. He said then in an interview that the conference posted on YouTube: “Unless they’re in full mode with dormitories and housing, and all the other facilities that are open, we won’t have college athletics. We will not have college athletics until the campuses are open.”

Spanky2 said:
BigSkyBears said:
99% of higher public education this country is run by the Socialist, Atheist, and Marxists. Kids aren't learning, they're becoming indoctrinated. Perhaps it needs to collapse? If you want evidence of this, listen to Jordan B. Peterson, or read a great book by an ex-Marxist named Bella Dodd in her book, School of Darkness. She led the way in indoctrination and pushing Marxism in public education for several decades.

You can’t be serious!!

Very serious. Which part do you disagree with?

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