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WGS Tunes

It’s a pretty electric entrance. The thing that kinda sucks is he had the same music when he played for Seattle, but it only became a “thing” when he went to the Mets. As an aside, if anyone has the chance to go to Citi Field, you won’t regret it. It’s my second favorite ballpark I’ve attended behind Petco.
Some Marketing Guy earned his pay/promotion when he connected TT and Diaz.
It’s a pretty electric entrance. The thing that kinda sucks is he had the same music when he played for Seattle, but it only became a “thing” when he went to the Mets. As an aside, if anyone has the chance to go to Citi Field, you won’t regret it. It’s my second favorite ballpark I’ve attended behind Petco.
Wow. Really?? I would have never guessed that.
Wow. Really?? I would have never guessed that.
Yeah, I think Shea was such a shithole that they decided to make this one count. Maybe a 30-40 min train ride from midtown, but the coolest part is the atrium behind home plate. Mets HOF, stores, real restaurants, etc. It's a VERY nice stadium. I still prefer Petco, and I can't really explain why. I'm not even a Padres fan. I think it's because it's wedged into the gaslamp district, and the left field foul pole is the corner of an old building. We try to take the train down for a game every season.
I think this would be wild if the Griz did this when the players come out of the tunnel

I appreciate the idea of freshening up our player entrance but this is a Va Tech staple and we would certainly be labeled copycats, much like Georgia Tech stealing the tune for Up With Montana. Of course we may have stolen it from Cal Berkeley but that’s neither here nor there.