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Toure entering transfer portal

PlayerRep said:
garizzalies said:
This isn’t a boomer vs millennial thing. For cripes sake, the kid graduated! He fulfilled his contract. Just like Hauck said—“he did everything we asked him to do.”
So, your assumptions about him on the field or in the locker room, have nothing to do with it. You’re missing the point—the class room. Unless you have insider info about the kid’s degree, future work desires, and classes offered in his 5th year or grad program vs those at his new university, than you’re out of your element, Donnie!
It could be down right stupid for the kid to waste a year taking classes here.

You think he's transferring because he graduated and there are no grad programs he wants to pursue here?

Did he not participate in fall ball at all? If he knew he was transferring, it would seem that he might not bother with fall ball, and the team might not want him to participate in fall ball. Or, did he just figure out that there are no grad programs for him at UM?

Did he do everything UM wanted him to do? Didn't they want him to stay and play in the spring and fall? He isn't doing that.

PR, you are taking and defending a very odd position here. :|
HelenaHandBasket said:
PlayerRep said:
Hauck was committed to Toure. Toure didn’t lose his scholarship. Your post makes no sense.

I take it that you don’t care much about playing for your team and teammates and trying to win a national championship, in from of your friends and supporters. Playing for oneself is more important to or okay with you?

In my experience, not being a team player and not being a good team member isn’t a recipe for success in work or life.

Old school views for me. Toure can do what he wants and I hope he is successful in doing what he wants. It’s his choice and his life.

But in work and in life, I wouldn’t hire or be friends with someone who was mostly out for himself.

Are you suggesting that Toure wasn't a "team" player? And as for "mostly out for himself", the young man has decided to take an opportunity at a higher level, but I guess any person that takes a job that is higher profile, and could be considered a step up , could be considered "mostly out for himself".

I am not talking about taking another "job". I am talking about playing football for UM.
AZGrizFan said:
If you’re fine with players transferring up from D-II or NAIA (and we’ve had some nice ones of those recently: Rice, O’Connell, Mallory to name a few), then you can’t NOT be fine with Toure doing the same thing. We’re just on the other end of the transaction this time.

I HATE Oregon State. Despise them. But I hope he blows the f###[#] doors off the PAC-12 next season.

I am discussing playing football at UM. Not discussing D-II or NAIA, or FBS, or professional, or jobs. Not discussing transferring for playing time.

Hoops watcher said:
AZGrizFan said:
If you’re fine with players transferring up from D-II or NAIA (and we’ve had some nice ones of those recently: Rice, O’Connell, Mallory to name a few), then you can’t NOT be fine with Toure doing the same thing. We’re just on the other end of the transaction this time.

I HATE Oregon State. Despise them. But I hope he blows the f###[#] doors off the PAC-12 next season.

I'm pretty old school and was when I played. Then again no one ever mistook me as having major league talent in any sport I played. I hope he does great and gets drafted, absolutely no ill will for him pursuing his dream at another school.

I agree with your last sentence.
PTGrizzly said:
PlayerRep said:
Hauck was committed to Toure. Toure didn’t lose his scholarship. Your post makes no sense.

I take it that you don’t care much about playing for your team and teammates and trying to win a national championship, in from of your friends and supporters. Playing for oneself is more important to or okay with you?

In my experience, not being a team player and not being a good team member isn’t a recipe for success in work or life.

Old school views for me. Toure can do what he wants and I hope he is successful in doing what he wants. It’s his choice and his life.

But in work and in life, I wouldn’t hire or be friends with someone who was mostly out for himself.

I’m just following the logic train of the poster I quoted. You’re not reading it correctly.

We’ve had loads of kids transfer to UM because they weren’t getting playing time. Are they quitters? Just looking out for #1? How about Joe Burrow? Or Jalen Hurts? Those guys quitters, and selfish?

Pretty bold to call Toure selfish, and not a team player. And PR, at the very least, you are making assumptions that he is. I don’t think that’s any way to react towards a very good player for Montana. Grow up. You might be old school, but you still act like a child not getting his way.

I'm not talking about playing time. I'm not talking FBS. I am talking UM. I am also not talking about potential Heisman trophy winners or no. 1 NFL picks. Yes, some of those guys are seem to be primarily out for themselves. That's the way it seeks to be in the top level of FBS now.

Don't think I called him selfish. Please read carefully what I have said, and don't make assumptions or make things up. I am grown up. I also played the game. Are you and did you?
PTGrizzly said:
PlayerRep said:
You think he's transferring because he graduated and there are no grad programs he wants to pursue here?

Did he not participate in fall ball at all? If he knew he was transferring, it would seem that he might not bother with fall ball, and the team might not want him to participate in fall ball. Or, did he just figure out that there are no grad programs for him at UM?

Did he do everything UM wanted him to do? Didn't they want him to stay and play in the spring and fall? He isn't doing that.

You callin Bobby a liar?

Nope. Either the coaches didn't ask him to stay for this spring/fall, he didn't actually do everything they asked, the statement was meant to cover only everything up until the time he made his decision, or the statement was coach-speak.

Do you think Hauck is happy Toure is leaving?
AZGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
You think he's transferring because he graduated and there are no grad programs he wants to pursue here?

Did he not participate in fall ball at all? If he knew he was transferring, it would seem that he might not bother with fall ball, and the team might not want him to participate in fall ball. Or, did he just figure out that there are no grad programs for him at UM?

Did he do everything UM wanted him to do? Didn't they want him to stay and play in the spring and fall? He isn't doing that.

PR, you are taking and defending a very odd position here. :|

Do you think you can state my position? Bet you either can't, or when stated, it's not a "very odd" position.

Just got home last night from 6 weeks on the road in the rv. 7500 miles. Great trip. Wish I was still on the road. Loved it. Now I will have more time to straighten out some of the yahoos on the board.
I heard Bobby will be meeting PR on the "M" to discuss being called a liar. Hate to be PR in this situation!
PlayerRep said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
Are you suggesting that Toure wasn't a "team" player? And as for "mostly out for himself", the young man has decided to take an opportunity at a higher level, but I guess any person that takes a job that is higher profile, and could be considered a step up , could be considered "mostly out for himself".

I am not talking about taking another "job". I am talking about playing football for UM.

Then your missing the point cus taking a new “job” is exactly what he is doing, wether it be for on the field or in the classroom reasons, he’s leaving his current job for another with possibly bigger and better opportunities. But if you want to continue feeling like Toure has pee’d in your Cheerios, by all means, carry on.
alabamagrizzly said:
PlayerRep said:
I am not talking about taking another "job". I am talking about playing football for UM.

Then your missing the point cus taking a new “job” is exactly what he is doing, wether it be for on the field or in the classroom reasons, he’s leaving his current job for another with possibly bigger and better opportunities. But if you want to continue feeling like Toure has pee’d in your Cheerios, by all means, carry on.

Sorry, but going to college and playing football is not a job. It just isn't. Putting time and effort into something doesn’t make things a job.

The US legal and administrative system have held that playing college football is not a job.
PlayerRep said:
alabamagrizzly said:
Then your missing the point cus taking a new “job” is exactly what he is doing, wether it be for on the field or in the classroom reasons, he’s leaving his current job for another with possibly bigger and better opportunities. But if you want to continue feeling like Toure has pee’d in your Cheerios, by all means, carry on.

Sorry, but going to college and playing football is not a job. It just isn't. Putting time and effort into something doesn’t make things a job.

The US legal and administrative system have held that playing college football is not a job.

He found a better internship opportunity.
HelenaHandBasket said:
PlayerRep said:
Sorry, but going to college and playing football is not a job. It just isn't. Putting time and effort into something doesn’t make things a job.

The US legal and administrative system have held that playing college football is not a job.

He found a better internship opportunity.

Playing for another team is not taking an internship.

What I am discussing is a top senior, an FCS all-American, moving to play for another team.

Are you okay with the rest of UM’s top players moving to FBS too? Just like taking an internship?
PlayerRep said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
He found a better internship opportunity.

Playing for another team is not taking an internship.

What I am discussing is a top senior, an FCS all-American, moving to play for another team.

Are you okay with the rest of UM’s top players moving to FBS too? Just like taking an internship?

I view it as no different than any of the other player movement (up AND down) that occurs regularly.
AZGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
Playing for another team is not taking an internship.

What I am discussing is a top senior, an FCS all-American, moving to play for another team.

Are you okay with the rest of UM’s top players moving to FBS too? Just like taking an internship?

I view it as no different than any of the other player movement (up AND down) that occurs regularly.

Think of the very deep playoff run we could of had with him.
PlayerRep said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
He found a better internship opportunity.

Playing for another team is not taking an internship.

What I am discussing is a top senior, an FCS all-American, moving to play for another team.

Are you okay with the rest of UM’s top players moving to FBS too? Just like taking an internship?

HelenaHandBasket said:
PlayerRep said:
Playing for another team is not taking an internship.

What I am discussing is a top senior, an FCS all-American, moving to play for another team.

Are you okay with the rest of UM’s top players moving to FBS too? Just like taking an internship?


So, you are not really a Griz fan?
fanofzoo said:
AZGrizFan said:
I view it as no different than any of the other player movement (up AND down) that occurs regularly.

Think of the very deep playoff run we could of had with him.
We still can without him. We are very deep at WR and now have a running game.
With the team we have now Toure will/would not be the single player who makes us or breaks us. Great player for sure but his presence does not get us an deeper into the playoffs, we win or lose the same games with or without him.

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