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Serious infraction or not?

LSU football hit with more penalties. Gd to see the ncaa at work.

“ He was fired in June 2021 over the alleged recruiting violations after Cregg impermissibly met with and gave team gear to a recruit during the COVID-19 recruiting dead period.”

He coaches fir 49ers now.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
RainierGriz said:
I keep reading the subject line as “Serious Infection or Not?” Thinking someone posted a picture seeking medical advise from e-Griz :lol:

Maybe, but it's actually a question on my part as my family is a pretty big deal in Salt Lake. I left the cult of my own free will and rather enjoy pointing out that Nevada is adjacent to Ewe tahaaa haaa and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (or Hamilton)...

*Edit. Yes. You might get a very serious family infection up the Bitterroot...

So, now you are apostate in the eyes of the LDS leadership? You have insider insight. I can't question that. :thumb:
I guess I am a little surprised by the negativity toward BYU. I have always cheered for them...a school out west...working to compete at a high level.
SoldierGriz said:
I guess I am a little surprised by the negativity toward BYU. I have always cheered for them...a school out west...working to compete at a high level.

I'll be hoping Wyoming wins this weekend. When I went to ROTC Advanced Camp, I was in the middle of a group of BYU and Oregon cadets and had no idea what was up with all the sheep jokes. I later did the research and it was U. Utah Phillips who first said: "Ah Montana, where the men are men, the women are scarce and the sheep are nervous."

That and the Black 14 debacle in Laramie kind of resonated with me. BYU is going to honor two of the 14 Wyoming players at the game and I believe they'll also light the Y. It's good to see that rivalry starting again.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
SoldierGriz said:
I guess I am a little surprised by the negativity toward BYU. I have always cheered for them...a school out west...working to compete at a high level.

I'll be hoping Wyoming wins this weekend. When I went to ROTC Advanced Camp, I was in the middle of a group of BYU and Oregon cadets and had no idea what was up with all the sheep jokes. I later did the research and it was U. Utah Phillips who first said: "Ah Montana, where the men are men, the women are scarce and the sheep are nervous."

That and the Black 14 debacle in Laramie kind of resonated with me. BYU is going to honor two of the 14 Wyoming players at the game and I believe they'll also light the Y. It's good to see that rivalry starting again.

Good story. I generally cheer for teams out west.. will also cheer for WY. Because #beat air force
SoldierGriz said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
I'll be hoping Wyoming wins this weekend. When I went to ROTC Advanced Camp, I was in the middle of a group of BYU and Oregon cadets and had no idea what was up with all the sheep jokes. I later did the research and it was U. Utah Phillips who first said: "Ah Montana, where the men are men, the women are scarce and the sheep are nervous."

That and the Black 14 debacle in Laramie kind of resonated with me. BYU is going to honor two of the 14 Wyoming players at the game and I believe they'll also light the Y. It's good to see that rivalry starting again.

Good story. I generally cheer for teams out west.. will also cheer for WY. Because #beat air force

My Hudson High Ring Knocker buddies didn't appreciate my showing up with a Go Navy t-shirt the week before the Army-Navy game. And yes, beat the zoomies! Other than most of the pac teams, that is one school I am like most Montanan's in that I watch them hoping whoever they're playing wins. There's only two or three pac teams I like to see do well.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
SoldierGriz said:
Good story. I generally cheer for teams out west.. will also cheer for WY. Because #beat air force

My Hudson High Ring Knocker buddies didn't appreciate my showing up with a Go Navy t-shirt the week before the Army-Navy game. And yes, beat the zoomies! Other than most of the pac teams, that is one school I am like most Montanan's in that I watch them hoping whoever they're playing wins. There's only two or three pac teams I like to see do well.

#Beatnavy. :D
SoldierGriz said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
My Hudson High Ring Knocker buddies didn't appreciate my showing up with a Go Navy t-shirt the week before the Army-Navy game. And yes, beat the zoomies! Other than most of the pac teams, that is one school I am like most Montanan's in that I watch them hoping whoever they're playing wins. There's only two or three pac teams I like to see do well.

#Beatnavy. :D

Go Texas A&M, Virginia Tech and all the other Land Grant Universities! (Especially poor, pitiful WAZZU).
SoldierGriz said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
My Hudson High Ring Knocker buddies didn't appreciate my showing up with a Go Navy t-shirt the week before the Army-Navy game. And yes, beat the zoomies! Other than most of the pac teams, that is one school I am like most Montanan's in that I watch them hoping whoever they're playing wins. There's only two or three pac teams I like to see do well.

#Beatnavy. :D

Easy, killer. :twisted: :twisted:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
AZGrizFan said:
Doesn’t change the fact your post was frontier gibberish. :cool:
As is starboard, port, bow, stern, etc. to anyone who has ever been in an RB8 in Ranger School...

All squid bullshit.

Maybe true. But i didn’t post that gibberish here. You did. :cool: :cool: Ya grunt.
AZGrizFan said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
As is starboard, port, bow, stern, etc. to anyone who has ever been in an RB8 in Ranger School...

All squid bullshit.

Maybe true. But i didn’t post that gibberish here. You did. :cool: :cool: Ya grunt.

Very good. Always apply the KISS formula. Much prefer my feet on the ground and RB8s floating downstream...

Besides, all squids do is float around in their oversize boats drinking coffee and watching porn. They're famous for it. And yes, they do provide transport for the other branch to come out of Annapolis.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
AZGrizFan said:
Maybe true. But i didn’t post that gibberish here. You did. :cool: :cool: Ya grunt.

Very good. Always apply the KISS formula. Much prefer my feet on the ground and RB8s floating downstream...

Besides, all squids do is float around in their oversize boats drinking coffee and watching porn. They're famous for it. And yes, they do provide transport for the other branch to come out of Annapolis.

Yep. That’s all we do. Let’s keep up that misperception. :thumb: