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Serious infraction or not?

AZGrizFan said:
Oh, the horror.

Listen, as a Christian mother, Ute football should provide a safe space for my 16yo son to watch a game free of this filth. He has told me that he has no interest in seeing the bare breasts of a woman because he is not yet of age. After the game, he was so shook up that he locked himself in his room right when we got home to pray.

You infidel. If you were a true believer you would have had that boy of yours praying in the parking lot of the stadium. By waiting until you got home you gave the devil a chance to take over and fill his mind with boobies.
mthoopsfan said:
Now this is a real tragedy. Too bad it didn't happen in Salt Lake.

"Semi-Truck Carrying Sex Toys Spills Out Onto Oklahoma Highway"


Man I’m glad the truck didn’t crash in Salt Lake. Too many dildos there as it is!
mthoopsfan said:
Oregon now apologizing for F the Mormons chant at Autzen when playing BYU.

For all of you thinking about heading to the colony up the Bitterroot, best think twice about screwing around with Mormon chicks:

So, all UU students, especially the females, are Mormon, eh?
Ever been to the UU campus? SLC? How about Utah? Didn't think so.
i told my wife this, and her immediate reply was "at least they didn't get stoned to death"...
3-7-77 said:
So, all UU students, especially the females, are Mormon, eh?
Ever been to the UU campus? SLC? How about Utah? Didn't think so.

:lol: :lol: No shit. Probably more than 1/2 of UU is non-Mormon. They all go to Weber State or BYU. UU is for the “nonbelievers”….
Been on the campus quite a few times. First couple times I made the mistake of parking near the hospitals. Long, long hike the rest of the campus, across their golf course. One time, I heard this 'WHOOSH' overhead. Never heard anyone yell 'FORE!' Now I know how a Mule Deer feel like in the middle of Montana deer season. :shock:
AZGrizFan said:
3-7-77 said:
So, all UU students, especially the females, are Mormon, eh?
Ever been to the UU campus? SLC? How about Utah? Didn't think so.

:lol: :lol: No shit. Probably more than 1/2 of UU is non-Mormon. They all go to Weber State or BYU. UU is for the “nonbelievers”….

Don't know or care why all the sudden there's this great defense for a cult school. What is BYU's student body religious affiliation? Is everybody here a fucking Oregon apologist? I personally think all this shit that comes out of student sections are fun. Shit, the kids like AZ, IDA, BADlANDS, etc. who threw potatoes at the Idaho team back when the Big Sky had decent basketball teams was great for the game.

Besides that, what is the dirtiest football and basketball team in all of college athletics? And for what it's worth, I've spent more time in Salt Lake than I care to even talk about!
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
AZGrizFan said:
:lol: :lol: No shit. Probably more than 1/2 of UU is non-Mormon. They all go to Weber State or BYU. UU is for the “nonbelievers”….

Don't know or care why all the sudden there's this great defense for a cult school. What is BYU's student body religious affiliation? Is everybody here a fucking Oregon apologist? I personally think all this shit that comes out of student sections are fun. Shit, the kids like AZ, IDA, BADlANDS, etc. who threw potatoes at the Idaho team back when the Big Sky had decent basketball teams was great for the game.

Besides that, what is the dirtiest football and basketball team in all of college athletics? And for what it's worth, I've spent more time in Salt Lake than I care to even talk about!

authentic frontier gibberish right there folks.
AZGrizFan said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Don't know or care why all the sudden there's this great defense for a cult school. What is BYU's student body religious affiliation? Is everybody here a f###[#] Oregon apologist? I personally think all this shit that comes out of student sections are fun. Shit, the kids like AZ, IDA, BADlANDS, etc. who threw potatoes at the Idaho team back when the Big Sky had decent basketball teams was great for the game.

Besides that, what is the dirtiest football and basketball team in all of college athletics? And for what it's worth, I've spent more time in Salt Lake than I care to even talk about!

authentic frontier gibberish right there folks.

Said the squid...
AZGrizFan said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Said the squid...

Yes. 26 years. Your point?

We are in fact separated by a common language and much different vernacular. Of course I would not expect to comfortably converse with a Naval Officer, nor would I expect you to understand much of what I feel ought to be understood by a 2LT Infantry Officer. Different worlds and perspectives. Okay with that?
College student do crazy things. Duh....
This is on the level of streaking. In my mind, this is such a minor infraction.
1981Griz said:
College student do crazy things. Duh....
This is on the level of streaking. In my mind, this is such a minor infraction.

Somebody should take a poll on this (and I don't mean a fireman's or stripper's pole for those Naval types) as to whether or not this is a major infraction! I concur. It is minor, in the grater scheme of things.

Now, their classmate who threatened to set off a nuclear device in the event said school lost to San Diego State? Again, that's all subject to review of extenuating circumstances. I understand she was a Navy ROTC Cadet and therefore, it ought to be understood she did not fully comprehend the consequences of her vocolazions. Pity her instead. And for the squids, the smoking lamp is lit.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
AZGrizFan said:
Yes. 26 years. Your point?

We are in fact separated by a common language and much different vernacular. Of course I would not expect to comfortably converse with a Naval Officer, nor would I expect you to understand much of what I feel ought to be understood by a 2LT Infantry Officer. Different worlds and perspectives. Okay with that?

Doesn’t change the fact your post was frontier gibberish. :cool:
AZGrizFan said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
We are in fact separated by a common language and much different vernacular. Of course I would not expect to comfortably converse with a Naval Officer, nor would I expect you to understand much of what I feel ought to be understood by a 2LT Infantry Officer. Different worlds and perspectives. Okay with that?

Doesn’t change the fact your post was frontier gibberish. :cool:
As is starboard, port, bow, stern, etc. to anyone who has ever been in an RB8 in Ranger School...

All squid bullshit.
I keep reading the subject line as “Serious Infection or Not?” Thinking someone posted a picture seeking medical advise from e-Griz :lol:
RainierGriz said:
I keep reading the subject line as “Serious Infection or Not?” Thinking someone posted a picture seeking medical advise from e-Griz :lol:

Maybe, but it's actually a question on my part as my family is a pretty big deal in Salt Lake. I left the cult of my own free will and rather enjoy pointing out that Nevada is adjacent to Ewe tahaaa haaa and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (or Hamilton)...

*Edit. Yes. You might get a very serious family infection up the Bitterroot...