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Post Season: Expectations unmet


Well-known member
The 2022 Grizzly Football season is in the books. For fans, players, and coaches alike I would believe all are in agreement that the team this year did not hit the goals and expectations they had. This was supposed to be the team that takes the next step forward when in truth it didn’t. Montana was narrowly voted in the pre-season to finish first in the conference, instead they finished 6th. Not meeting pre-season expectations has unfortunately become the norm of late here. In 2021 the Griz were voted 2nd in the conference, yet they finished 4th. In 2019 they were voted 4th and did finish 4th. In 2018 they were voted 4th, and finished 6th. The Grizzlies 4-4 conference record matched what they did in 2018. Has “RTD” gone full circle and are we now back to where we started?

For this Griz team as I reflected on the season and “what went wrong” (from my perspective) things really fell into two categories, the controllable and the uncontrollable. It’s really easy to sit here now that the season is over and call out some of these issues, I’ll say that right up front.

When I reflect on the season and try to pinpoint moments / games / events that lead to this Griz team falling short of expectations, here’s what I think of:

- QB health/depth. Montana hasn’t had a starter play the full season since Jordan Johnson, 8 years ago. I’m really glad Lucas Johnson came here because when healthy he was a stud, I’m also glad he got to finish his last home game with the playoff comeback win. It seems pretty apparent that the staff has/had an issue with their belief in the backups ability to win games and it’s a frustration that more was not done to address it before the season.

- The 3-3-5 last year got exposed by skilled passing teams with the deficiency of good slot coverage. This year that was again attacked and then MSU and NDSU showed that it also has a major problem accounting for a rushing QB. When was the last time you heard multiple opposing coaches and teams point out Montana’s defense is not gap sound and easy to figure out once you know where to attack?

- I think where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If true (which I believe to be) the whole 37 debacle was 100% avoidable. If this staff wants to change who and how it gets awarded, that’s just fine, but be clear about it and work with the outgoing and incoming 37 to make a plan and communicate the damn thing publicly. I think this immediately started the season off on the wrong foot.

- Bad luck is always a part of every season, that can’t be controlled. The Sac game particularly stands out to me. The Griz can’t control a bad officiating call and a squib kick bouncing right off the head of an ST player and falling into the opponents hands. You have to play within those twists and turns.

- I still remain baffled on the coaches statements that this WR / TE corps was/is one of the most skilled they’ve ever had, because the effort to get the most skilled guys the ball more often didn’t seem to be the plan. I’ll openly admit though that I can’t individually assign blame. Is it coaching, system design, player skill (or lack thereof), or something else? What was the intended identity of this offense? A power team, a zone-read team, or what? Through the whole season I’ve not had a good sense of what its identity was supposed to be.

- I found it pretty frustrating that a coaching staff and program that builds itself so soundly on excellent special teams play and ball security had so many costly breakdowns at both of these over the course of the whole season.

My biggest question now that the season is over Is, does this type of program still work? Does shunning individual focus on players, avoiding NIL, and not following the trends and tendency of today’s college athlete culture work well enough for the Griz to win the conference and/or national titles? There’s plenty of examples that we see all over the country that show college football teams can still be tough as hell and embrace the current culture of college athletes – why is Montana so resistant to this? Montana has probably the most experienced staff in the FCS top to bottom, is there a disconnect though with coaches that are relatable to the players? Can this / will this staff and program still stick with generally an “old school” mentality when it comes to recruiting, development, and promotion? And if so, is that truly the best path to success?

As for the NDSU loss itself, I hope it’s a good learning lesson. Montana aspires to be able to beat teams of their level and this game showed that there’s a way to go. However, it also gave some of our younger players like Britt, Gillman, and Fontes on offense a chance to see the level of play they need to match and beat to achieve these goals.

This season was not without things to celebrate as well, I know right now many are just down in the dumps about things right now. Montana stands a good chance to possibly see two of our guys get a shot at the NFL in O’Connell and Ford – and both had continued success this year, and who knows, could Malik get a shot as a return specialist? The SEMO comeback win was one of the more exciting playoff games and comebacks we’ve seen. Flowers sets the kickoff record. We have a 1st team all conference O-lineman in Mayginnes and a 3rd team in Forbes – both who return next year. There were great plays on both O, D, and ST that provided plenty of fun moments and games. Booster support for Montana I believe is at an all-time high, and I assume, the indoor practice facility gets started this spring.

This year’s senior class is a fascinating one, some of these kids have been a Griz since they committed in 2017 and have been through quite the ride, its interesting but looking at it there were quite a few guys on the roster from Stitt’s final class. We lose some very special linebackers in Pat, Marcus, and Michael. Roberts and Flowers have been long time contributors as WR’s and I’ll miss seeing them both. Chris Walker seemed to get better each week, I really do wish we had another year with him as I think he really did show that he’s a good fit a tackle. Deari Todd and Eli Alford are big time DL players who’s shoes will be hard to fill. Justin Ford, probably the 2nd best corner we’ve ever had, Jayden Dawson who provided much needed help and experience to our younger corners as well. Botkin I appreciate his commitment here, I know he just couldn’t break through, and Ramos really settled in as the season went. Lucas Johnson played his ass off and kept playing through continual injuries in an attempt to will the season to continue. It’s tough to look at LJ’s one season here and reflect on what could’ve been if he didn’t get so beat up, but I’m still so damned appreciative that he finished his career with us. And then there’s Robby. Yes I’ve read/saw the criticisms and I really do take the ones coming from former players seriously. However I don’t think anyone can deny his passion for the game, his intensity in the way he played, his attitude, and his drive. After the SEMO game we all cheered how he helped set the tone for the game, we did that after the EWU playoff game too. By no means was he the best safety ever to play but at season’s end his name sits atop a record that’ll be hard to surpass. I would hope that Griz nation can collectively step back and be more objective about their feelings towards him and be happy and proud of his Griz career. All of these seniors have gone through 4+ years of sacrifice and hard work and I greatly appreciate their commitment to our program, be it for 6 years or just 1 year. Thank you to all Griz seniors!

Finally, apologies on no immediate post-game write up, I went to Vegas with a few friends and we caught the Pac12 title game and then watched the Griz game at Torrey Pines Pub. I’ve got to say, I’ve been to 3 other remote watch parties for Griz games, and nothing matched how fun Torrey Pines is. I’m going to make a plan to watch more away games there in the future. For those who haven’t been, it’s truly a Griz bar, you’re greeted at the front door with a large bronze statue of a Grizzly bear and the entire interior is full of Griz photos, flyers, posters, and even an autographed case of memorabilia. There was giveaways, they played the fight song after TDs, and played recognizable stadium music during commercial breaks. There were over 50 Griz fans there as well so it mad the atmosphere really fun.

So where does Montana go from here? We’ll see! The transfer portal opens up today, I expect losses and additions. What coaching changes are ahead? What type of self-reflection and improvement will Bobby and this program consider? Things aren’t as bad as many on here probably think they are – however I think it’s also evidently clear that changes need to be made as well.

I also appreciate all of you and all of our podcast listeners. You really add more fun to these seasons.

As always, Go Griz!
A whole host of terrific questions, most of which will go unanswered or unaddressed by the current administration/coaching staff.
Appreciate the commitment you have to us weirdos by doing this every week. It's always a pleasure reading your thoughts and listening to your podcast. :thumb:
AZGrizFan said:
A whole host of terrific questions, most of which will go unanswered or unaddressed by the current administration/coaching staff.

Externally, yes.

I would hope that internally things are happening to address these.
To me the end of the Griz season was like this past election when many Republicans thought there would be a "red wave".
Awesome job Brint! Honestly your write ups are the only reason I still come to egriz. It used to be a great place to follow the Griz, now you and a small few are the only bright spots left.

Even though the season ended in disappointment this Griz team was fun to follow through all the highs and lows. Proud of the way the team fought through til the end.

Also, I've been to Torrey Pines but never for a Griz game. I can imagine it would be a blast to watch a game there.

I thought there were a few similarities with the Pac12 championship and a couple Griz games. One the amazing come back from the Griz at one point the game had same score at 34-24 even though Utah was not down by as much as Griz. And wow did USC miss a lot of tackles and ended up getting blown out.

Here's to a good off-season and hopefully we don't lose a lot of players to the portal while gaining some that can fill in nicely. Also hope the coaching staff can make the necessary changes. I believe the Griz can and will get back to the top!

Go Griz!!!
Great post and thanks. The current HS kid is different than 20, 30, 40 years ago. FB isn’t the same either. There is a sensitivity or shutdown with negative reinforcement. Even at the pro levels the coaches getting more out of the players are enforcing confidence by encouraging to trust technique when player is positioning themselves properly over hounding player for mistakes made. I was of a generation who took our whooping and refused to be shaken or show pain when given one. Not to break was the mindset, however the youth today shutdown even with slight negative reinforcement. To get over a hundred kids on the same page has to be a big ask and I respect the coaches that are given that task.
Bobby is a good fit for UM, but with anything the need to adjust with the times is paramount.
One thing in the season I thought cost the team a loss that was correctable was Sac St the 90-100 offensive plays. The Griz had the lead and after LJ injury they should have milked the clock. IMO the team ran out of gas and the game would have ended before the horrible call at end to extend game. That is nit picking, just every game is so important. This season again exposed the lack of prepared QB depth.
After the NDSU game today I sent the following to another big fan of the program:

Of the issues preventing more success, this one (Robby) seems weak (and has effectively played itself out with him being done)…list of more important on field issues;
-Offensive play calling and coordination…Need a new OC
-Recruiting, identification and development of championship level QBs…can’t rely solely on transfers. And they cant fuck up by picking kids like Brown over kids like Rostad.
-While Chad did a better job with this group, we need more and better Olinemen…NDSU focuses on this in a big way and it shows.
-STOP zone blocking every run play.
-Be able to adapt scheme to fit personnel better and strategy to fit game situation better. Both on offense and defense.
-Don’t throw away 1st downs because the play sheet looks like a calculus test In hieroglyphics…be able to run some basics when needed. This will ultimately take pressure off the defense.
-Maximize how you use your offensive weapons….give them touches/carries/catches from multiple angles and formations…dudes need chances to make plays. Great players won’t be stopped forever…Derrick Henry makes 5-8 average plays and then pops one because no one wants to make that next tackle.
-Need to recruit some D-Linemen that can get upfield and attack and plug gaps and get off blocks.
-I understand the need to recruit Montana kids, but we need a little more ruthless approach in keeping them on the travel roster…how can guys like Koppang and Rausch be travel squad?
-Bobby probably needs a younger assistant or two (connect better with todays players) that can also help Justin recruit in the new age.
-Create a stronger identity (like during first tenure) and force teams to play on your terms. Example was NDSU today; they can’t throw the ball and they thought film (of MSU) showed that we couldn’t stop the run……why we didn’t load the box and tell them “fuck it” throw on us is strange. Our LBs today did not show as a strength in any way and they should have.

Just a short list that really isn’t an overhaul, but a progression from where things are at.
Had to have been tough to write. Thanks for taking run at it. I definitely agree with most of your points of view, but not the conclusion. And thanks for putting these things out with regularity. It must have been difficult rocking Kyle to sleep after the game the other night, so please, no apologies needed.

The problem is and has been Hauck. Changing coordinators, some coaches, strategy and schemes are all necesary. But as long as Bobby is the only voice that matters in any room, nothing is going to substantively change. Bobby gonna Bobby. And that's because he's not going to be held to any kind of standard, that isn't of his own making. He seems to savor making all the decisions unilaterally, nobody else's opinions are as good his, so why not find ten other guys who will only increase the depth of the echo chamber? The Peter Principle was a popular management book when I was coming up in the ranks, and it's likely relevant in this discussion because I think someone's reached his level of incompetence. If the strategy is simply to "out-tough" them, it's incompetence. Be sure of that.

What you saw on Saturday was predictable, and I'm not talking about the score. They played their guts out until they just couldn't anymore. The breadth and depth of talent just isn't there. They can't hang with the best because of it. Can Hauck & Co. recognize that though? Like you, I was a intrigued that an assistant coach would note that the talent in the receiver room was the best they'd ever had. Yeah, sure. Better than Toure, Akem, and JLM? They're all in the record books for UM. And let's say it was more than hyperbole, not finding them with the ball was another example of incompetence. And that's squarely on Hauck as well. Hauck likes to brag about not molly-coddling the kids in the recruiting process, like other teams. He wants tough guys, from good families, great in space, to literally tough-it-out. God forbid there should be any stars on the offense, not of his making. Everyone is a 1/11th, and that's all. Not sure that flys with the best of the best talent available. NDSU has about a quarter of its team from the state. Fifty or so kids, about half the UM roster are from Montana. Are they all able to compete with the best of the best in the FCS? Because it's about winning titles and championships, at the end of the day - which Bobby whole-heartedly endorses. And I think that's done by finding the best kids, from wherever that may be.

And there's been a lot made of the Britt situation, and with good reason. Because as you said, they were dead in the water if Johnson went down. Brown was pulled from the quarterfinals last season because he wasn't getting it done when they needed him. Pulled in favor of a third string QB who had literally played all his prior snaps that season on special teams, or in the mopiest of mop-up duty. They needed a spark, so they went with a guy who had literally no snaps during the season. To my eye, Brown wasn't vastly improved from the year prior, though he didn't seem to fumble or throw interceptions because he'd been told not to fuck up. He's nothing like the guy they tapped him to spell when the time inevitably came, but they only had to "tweak" the offense when he did come in. All bullshit as well. Player development is hit and miss at best with Hauck on squarely on the backs of the position coaches or it won't get done at all. Particularly in the most critical of spots on the offensive side.

I'd be lying if I felt like bringing him back for year six was worthwhile. Kent's in an impossible spot, given how the last guy played out. I'm tired of all the justification of how things should be seen, that I shouldn't believe my own eyes and ears, that they really played some good teams early on and that the performance was frustratingly off at times during the season. All of that was just bullshit. Parcells sad you are what your record says you are. Right now, that's a middle-of-the-pack BSC team. And I don't see that changing anytime soon without significant changes, starting at the top.
Oline Coach said:
After the NDSU game today I sent the following to another big fan of the program:

Of the issues preventing more success, this one (Robby) seems weak (and has effectively played itself out with him being done)…list of more important on field issues;
-Offensive play calling and coordination…Need a new OC
-Recruiting, identification and development of championship level QBs…can’t rely solely on transfers. And they cant fuck up by picking kids like Brown over kids like Rostad.
-While Chad did a better job with this group, we need more and better Olinemen…NDSU focuses on this in a big way and it shows.
-STOP zone blocking every run play.
-Be able to adapt scheme to fit personnel better and strategy to fit game situation better. Both on offense and defense.
-Don’t throw away 1st downs because the play sheet looks like a calculus test In hieroglyphics…be able to run some basics when needed. This will ultimately take pressure off the defense.
-Maximize how you use your offensive weapons….give them touches/carries/catches from multiple angles and formations…dudes need chances to make plays. Great players won’t be stopped forever…Derrick Henry makes 5-8 average plays and then pops one because no one wants to make that next tackle.
-Need to recruit some D-Linemen that can get upfield and attack and plug gaps and get off blocks.
-I understand the need to recruit Montana kids, but we need a little more ruthless approach in keeping them on the travel roster…how can guys like Koppang and Rausch be travel squad?
-Bobby probably needs a younger assistant or two (connect better with todays players) that can also help Justin recruit in the new age.
-Create a stronger identity (like during first tenure) and force teams to play on your terms. Example was NDSU today; they can’t throw the ball and they thought film (of MSU) showed that we couldn’t stop the run……why we didn’t load the box and tell them “fuck it” throw on us is strange. Our LBs today did not show as a strength in any way and they should have.

Just a short list that really isn’t an overhaul, but a progression from where things are at.

One glaring omission: The S&C coach.

Oh, and speed.
AZGrizFan said:
Oline Coach said:
After the NDSU game today I sent the following to another big fan of the program:

Of the issues preventing more success, this one (Robby) seems weak (and has effectively played itself out with him being done)…list of more important on field issues;
-Offensive play calling and coordination…Need a new OC
-Recruiting, identification and development of championship level QBs…can’t rely solely on transfers. And they cant [#]f### up by picking kids like Brown over kids like Rostad.
-While Chad did a better job with this group, we need more and better Olinemen…NDSU focuses on this in a big way and it shows.
-STOP zone blocking every run play.
-Be able to adapt scheme to fit personnel better and strategy to fit game situation better. Both on offense and defense.
-Don’t throw away 1st downs because the play sheet looks like a calculus test In hieroglyphics…be able to run some basics when needed. This will ultimately take pressure off the defense.
-Maximize how you use your offensive weapons….give them touches/carries/catches from multiple angles and formations…dudes need chances to make plays. Great players won’t be stopped forever…Derrick Henry makes 5-8 average plays and then pops one because no one wants to make that next tackle.
-Need to recruit some D-Linemen that can get upfield and attack and plug gaps and get off blocks.
-I understand the need to recruit Montana kids, but we need a little more ruthless approach in keeping them on the travel roster…how can guys like Koppang and Rausch be travel squad?
-Bobby probably needs a younger assistant or two (connect better with todays players) that can also help Justin recruit in the new age.
-Create a stronger identity (like during first tenure) and force teams to play on your terms. Example was NDSU today; they can’t throw the ball and they thought film (of MSU) showed that we couldn’t stop the run……why we didn’t load the box and tell them “[#]f### it” throw on us is strange. Our LBs today did not show as a strength in any way and they should have.

Just a short list that really isn’t an overhaul, but a progression from where things are at.

One glaring omission: The S&C coach.

Oh, and speed.

I would argue it is less about speed, because the Griz did have speed, and more about being in the correct position. Griz speed actually allowed them to make up for bad positioning most the time, but MSU and NDSU were able to punish them for it by either using their speed against them, allowing them less clean releases or both.
Thanks for the write up Brint. I have been to one game at Torrey Pines, it was the best part of our Bachelor Weekend. What a place and a cool thing for Griz fans to have.

This season was an overall bummer. I'm not an expert but I do have eyes and I do watch a lot of football: FCS, FBS, and NFL. This team looked inept and uncreative. It looked like a team stuck in the past while other BSC teams are "literally" running past them. I do not have any faith in this coaching staff to make the adjustments to compete at a high level. I'm at the point where I'll believe it when I see it.

It seems the goal/ceiling for this team is the quarterfinals. And as long as we won the recruiting "battle" for Montana kids, then its all worth it.
An excellent season summary, Brint. The elephant in the room (locker) cannot be dismissed. We are in a difficult place, at this time, in the recruiting game.
grizindabox said:
AZGrizFan said:
One glaring omission: The S&C coach.

Oh, and speed.

I would argue it is less about speed, because the Griz did have speed, and more about being in the correct position. Griz speed actually allowed them to make up for bad positioning most the time, but MSU and NDSU were able to punish them for it by either using their speed against them, allowing them less clean releases or both.

Great points and I agree. We looked like world beaters against poorly coached/undisciplined teams, and got our asses handed to us by above average teams for those very reasons.
It is so nice to hear a voice of reason and a nice objective evaluation.. I think all of us are disappointed with this season and some changes with the staff need to be made. Bobby is not going anywhere and all of you need to accept that and move on and be more supportive so we can be in a better position next year. The other option is to become Kitty fans and watch their upward trend begin to disappear. Remember last year last year after the Cat beatdown everything was wonderful in Griz land and the cat fans wanted to get rid of Vigen and the OC. My how things change in the world of egriz and bobcat nation
Oline Coach said:
After the NDSU game today I sent the following to another big fan of the program:

Of the issues preventing more success, this one (Robby) seems weak (and has effectively played itself out with him being done)…list of more important on field issues;
-Offensive play calling and coordination…Need a new OC
-Recruiting, identification and development of championship level QBs…can’t rely solely on transfers. And they cant [#]f### up by picking kids like Brown over kids like Rostad.
-While Chad did a better job with this group, we need more and better Olinemen…NDSU focuses on this in a big way and it shows.
-STOP zone blocking every run play.
-Be able to adapt scheme to fit personnel better and strategy to fit game situation better. Both on offense and defense.
-Don’t throw away 1st downs because the play sheet looks like a calculus test In hieroglyphics…be able to run some basics when needed. This will ultimately take pressure off the defense.
-Maximize how you use your offensive weapons….give them touches/carries/catches from multiple angles and formations…dudes need chances to make plays. Great players won’t be stopped forever…Derrick Henry makes 5-8 average plays and then pops one because no one wants to make that next tackle.
-Need to recruit some D-Linemen that can get upfield and attack and plug gaps and get off blocks.
-I understand the need to recruit Montana kids, but we need a little more ruthless approach in keeping them on the travel roster…how can guys like Koppang and Rausch be travel squad?
-Bobby probably needs a younger assistant or two (connect better with todays players) that can also help Justin recruit in the new age.
-Create a stronger identity (like during first tenure) and force teams to play on your terms. Example was NDSU today; they can’t throw the ball and they thought film (of MSU) showed that we couldn’t stop the run……why we didn’t load the box and tell them “[#]f### it” throw on us is strange. Our LBs today did not show as a strength in any way and they should have.

Just a short list that really isn’t an overhaul, but a progression from where things are at.

Excellent post. To point out, we did load the box and absolutely got burned the entire second half by blown responsibilities and piss poor gap coverage. One missed tackle and we were off to the races with no safety valve.

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