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The Bubble today

Saw the turf today after Sesame Street live

It looks really good and is all laid out

Really cool to see in that field, have a pic but have no idea how to post

Had to take it quick since it was raining and had three kids under the age of 6 ready to get home
It looked great 👍
I don't suppose they'll add the bubble untill fall.
I expect you are correct. UM has football camps and the youth sports camps coming up. And there is little open outdoor space left on campus. So they can use the uncovered new field. Oh. for the good old days of the Clover Bowl.

Had to take it quick since it was raining and had three kids under the age of 6 ready to get home
It looked great 👍
Three kids under six inside your(running, I assume)car, and to top it off, IT'S RAINING! What kinda juggler are you, anyway?
My dad would have been like Buttermaker in 'The Bad News Bears' and given us each a can of beer, and said, 'I'll be back.'
I expect you are correct. UM has football camps and the youth sports camps coming up. And there is little open outdoor space left on campus. So they can use the uncovered new field. Oh. for the good old days of the Clover Bowl.
Been no clover in the Clover Bowl in about 40 years. 😢
Made way for other memories, though.

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