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MSU Press Conference - Coach Brent Vigen

Copper Griz said:
EverettGriz said:
All I know is that no matter what Coach Sixx does at msu, his pant game will NEVER reach the level of Coach Ron Ash. And there's no shame in that. I mean, his predecessor is a sure fire first ballot Khaki Hall of Famer.

Maybe as a last-ditch effort Sixx should go all hail mary and pop on some tiny pants. I don't think it will work, but what does he have to lose at this point?

Wait a minute. Didn’t tiny pants lead to a clipboard being whirled into the stands at shat pond stadium in Bozangeles? No Co. coach being the perpetrator. Are you advocating that Vegetarian incite this type of violence at Wa Griz by wearing tiny pants? #Dangerous&Controversial.

Desperate times and all, Cop. Desperate times.

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