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MSU Press Conference - Coach Brent Vigen

Dillon said:
ilovethecats said:
I think fan behavior was WAY worse 15+ years ago. I wouldn’t even let my kids even go to the game. Pregame tailgating and postgame downtown was ugly.

I’ve said it a bunch, but despite how fun it must have been for you guys, the streak was terrible for the rivalry as a whole. It brought out the worst in people.

I find it much tamer now than I ever remember.
I will never forget being in Iron Horse and this Dude in blue and gold starts mouthing off after the game and loudly. I was somewhat of an old fart & he was not but I could not hold back. I said loudly "You can say the shit over in Bozeman but not here in Missoula". Thankfully his Girly friends settled him down and everything was cool after that. He could have pulverized me to boot!
Special H said:
ilovethecats said:
I think fan behavior was WAY worse 15+ years ago. I wouldn’t even let my kids even go to the game. Pregame tailgating and postgame downtown was ugly.

I’ve said it a bunch, but despite how fun it must have been for you guys, the streak was terrible for the rivalry as a whole. It brought out the worst in people.

I find it much tamer now than I ever remember.

Its only tame because younger people in general are gigantic pussies with no social skills to handle real world conflict.

Being a Griz fan thought the streak wasn't that bad, we expected to beat you because we always did. Cat fans didn't even put up a fight because you knew your place. Not much has changed other than the entitlement generation is drinking craft beer, gaming and are now the fans of each fanbase.
All I know is that no matter what Coach Sixx does at msu, his pant game will NEVER reach the level of Coach Ron Ash. And there's no shame in that. I mean, his predecessor is a sure fire first ballot Khaki Hall of Famer.

Maybe as a last-ditch effort Sixx should go all hail mary and pop on some tiny pants. I don't think it will work, but what does he have to lose at this point?
EverettGriz said:
All I know is that no matter what Coach Sixx does at msu, his pant game will NEVER reach the level of Coach Ron Ash. And there's no shame in that. I mean, his predecessor is a sure fire first ballot Khaki Hall of Famer.

Maybe as a last-ditch effort Sixx should go all hail mary and pop on some tiny pants. I don't think it will work, but what does he have to lose at this point?

A man with nothing to lose is extremely dangerous. I fear the worst should he show up in jorts Saturday.
The.Real.2506 said:
kurtismichael said:
Stitt 21-14 13-9 BSC. Final 2 seasons 14-11 8-8 BSC No playoffs

Hauck 24-11 15-8. Last 2 seasons. 18-6 11-4 BSC. 2 playoff appearances most likely.

I’d say by the numbers Hauck has had a better record than Stitt, especially when comparing the last 2 seasons with Stitt’s final 2. Also, I didn’t include the 2 spring games.

I said close;

.69 vs .66 seems pretty close to me :thumb:

What was Choate’s percentage?

He made the playoffs a couple of times and got lucky versus the Griz. So when did your much beloved former coach reach 50%, was it year 3? How much better than Hauck did he do?
Grizzlies1982 said:
The.Real.2506 said:
I said close;

.69 vs .66 seems pretty close to me :thumb:

What was Choate’s percentage?

He made the playoffs a couple of times and got lucky versus the Griz. So when did your much beloved former coach reach 50%, was it year 3? How much better than Hauck did he do?

When did he get lucky against the Griz? He was 4-0.
CatsRback said:
Grizzlies1982 said:
What was Choate’s percentage?

He made the playoffs a couple of times and got lucky versus the Griz. So when did your much beloved former coach reach 50%, was it year 3? How much better than Hauck did he do?

When did he get lucky against the Griz? He was 4-0.
CatsRback said:
He got lucky or MSU stripped the ball on the goal line? Was Choate out there?

He was out there to call TO after time expired.

He called a time out…. After time expired? So after the game clock expired? What ru guys telling yourselves these days?
CatsRback said:
He was out there to call TO after time expired.

He called a time out…. After time expired? So after the game clock expired? What ru guys telling yourselves these days?

My bad. After the ball was snapped.
CatsRback said:
He called a time out…. After time expired? So after the game clock expired? What ru guys telling yourselves these days?

My bad. After the ball was snapped.

No worries, but where is your proof of that? And how did the time out still count if that’s true?
CatsRback said:
My bad. After the ball was snapped.

No worries, but where is your proof of that? And how did the time out still count if that’s true?

Bad call that changed that objectively changed the outcome of the game. #bsc
CatsRback said:
No worries, but where is your proof of that? And how did the time out still count if that’s true?

Bad call that changed that objectively changed the outcome of the game. #bsc

Who’s calling it a bad call? The BSC, or a bunch of Griz fans who are upset?
CatsRback said:
Bad call that changed that objectively changed the outcome of the game. #bsc

Who’s calling it a bad call? The BSC, or a bunch of Griz fans who are upset?

Just me. I don't really get upset unless I three-putt or jack two in a row OB (in the same direction).
CatsRback said:
Who’s calling it a bad call? The BSC, or a bunch of Griz fans who are upset?

Just me. I don't really get upset unless I three-putt or jack two in a row OB (in the same direction).

You know what gets me… correcting for the slice and hitting it straight.
CatsRback said:
Just me. I don't really get upset unless I three-putt or jack two in a row OB (in the same direction).

You know what gets me… correcting for the slice and hitting it straight.

I hear that, but the opposite. My "fade" draws about 5 yards.
EverettGriz said:
All I know is that no matter what Coach Sixx does at msu, his pant game will NEVER reach the level of Coach Ron Ash. And there's no shame in that. I mean, his predecessor is a sure fire first ballot Khaki Hall of Famer.

Maybe as a last-ditch effort Sixx should go all hail mary and pop on some tiny pants. I don't think it will work, but what does he have to lose at this point?

Wait a minute. Didn’t tiny pants lead to a clipboard being whirled into the stands at shat pond stadium in Bozangeles? No Co. coach being the perpetrator. Are you advocating that Vegetarian incite this type of violence at Wa Griz by wearing tiny pants? #Dangerous&Controversial.

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