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MSU Press Conference - Coach Brent Vigen

Proud Griz Man

Well-known member

His update was = TJ is out (injured) this week, other guys are day-to-day.
Proud Griz Man said:

His update was = TJ is out (injured) this week, other guys are day-to-day.

It’s guys like Sixx that are the reason why there are warning signs not to put a plastic bag over your head.

1972 said:
He's very well spoken, enjoyed listening to it, seems like a classy person.

Ditto. He will definitely know what real rivalry is after saturday. Going to be a long bus ride home for he and his cats. He is much more likable than choate.
1972 said:
He's very well spoken, enjoyed listening to it, seems like a classy person.

Honestly... agreed. He may seem pretty dull, but that’s about it. He seems like a pretty respectable guy overall. With that being said, I hope we kick his ass.
Vigen can coach.

He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are. Next year their team is going to take the next step Cat fans have been waiting for over 60 years.
Special H said:
Vigen can coach.

He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are. Next year their team is going to take the next step Cat fans have been waiting for over 60 years.

Coaching is one thing. Can he recruit? Remains to be seen.
Special H said:
He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are.
"Choate's really average team" made it to the semis before getting beaten by NDSU and finished 11-4. First time they'd been to the semis is 35 years.
kemajic said:
Special H said:
He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are.
"Choate's really average team" made it to the semis before getting beaten by NDSU and finished 11-4. First time they'd been to the semis is 35 years.

Yeah Vigen's riding Choate's coattails right now. We'll know how good of a coach he really is in a few years after Choate's guys all graduate.
Da Boyz Mom said:
kemajic said:
"Choate's really average team" made it to the semis before getting beaten by NDSU and finished 11-4. First time they'd been to the semis is 35 years.

Yeah Vigen's riding Choate's coattails right now. We'll know how good of a coach he really is in a few years after Choate's guys all graduate.

When do we find out how good of a coach Bobby is? isn't this his 4th year back? Isn't his record this go around close to Stitts?
The.Real.2506 said:
Da Boyz Mom said:
Yeah Vigen's riding Choate's coattails right now. We'll know how good of a coach he really is in a few years after Choate's guys all graduate.

When do we find out how good of a coach Bobby is? isn't this his 4th year back? Isn't his record this go around close to Stitts?

I guess we'll see on Saturday.
Da Boyz Mom said:
The.Real.2506 said:
When do we find out how good of a coach Bobby is? isn't this his 4th year back? Isn't his record this go around close to Stitts?

I guess we'll see on Saturday.

I guess so. I would have thought you had an idea before 4 years was up.
Special H said:
Vigen can coach.

He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are. Next year their team is going to take the next step Cat fans have been waiting for over 60 years.

I don’t care if he can coach or not, he’s the Bobcat coach and therefore sucks by definition. Everything he says or does is wrong and fake.
The.Real.2506 said:
Da Boyz Mom said:
I guess we'll see on Saturday.

I guess so. I would have thought you had an idea before 4 years was up.

How many extra chances will the Bobcats be granted after 0:00? I think they’re shooting for three.
Special H said:
Vigen can coach.

He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are. Next year their team is going to take the next step Cat fans have been waiting for over 60 years.

What do you call a team that loses to a"really average" team by 34 points? Asking for a friend.

Next year is THIS Saturday. Get some sleep. You'll need it.
FA_Q_M said:
Special H said:
Vigen can coach.

He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are. Next year their team is going to take the next step Cat fans have been waiting for over 60 years.

What do you call a team that loses to a"really average" team by 34 points? Asking for a friend.

Next year is THIS Saturday. Get some sleep. You'll need it.

Delusional = One Cat fan playing along with another Cat fan who is pretending to be a Griz fan, thinking they are fooling everyone. Brilliant!!!
FA_Q_M said:
Special H said:
Vigen can coach.

He took over Choates really average team and made them better than they are. Next year their team is going to take the next step Cat fans have been waiting for over 60 years.

What do you call a team that loses to a"really average" team by 34 points? Asking for a friend.

Next year is THIS Saturday. Get some sleep. You'll need it.

It’s so adorable when kitty trolls are too fucking stupid to recognize another kitty troll.
EverettGriz said:
FA_Q_M said:
What do you call a team that loses to a"really average" team by 34 points? Asking for a friend.

Next year is THIS Saturday. Get some sleep. You'll need it.

It’s so adorable when kitty trolls are too f###[#] stupid to recognize another kitty troll.

My bad.
Maybe in 19k more posts I'll understand.

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