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Large number of Idaho FB players involved in brawl; lineman sucker punches son of large donor

Everyone, please hear me out on this: What if this time it actually was aliens? We knew they were in play when MSdUi fans were claiming “due-process”, but nobody actually believed it. This time, it could’ve been aliens. Multiple eye witness accounts saying they were FB players don’t mean shit. That’s rookie-level evidence. You have to first disprove that it was aliens before any charges can be brought. I think that’s Idaho law, and it’s a tough hill to climb on a metal desk budget.
Have you seen Leon Costello and Waded Cruzado??? They definitely have some extraterrestrial qualities. It’s kind of like that Roddy Piper flick from the 80’s They Live. With our griz colored glasses we have the ability to see through the propaganda and the aliens around us.
Shape shifting aliens, who only appeared to be Vandal football players? You really DO sound like a defense attorney.🤣

OMG! Maybe CDA is really...one...of THEM!

Now, the Men In Black will be coming to my front door!
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Have you seen Leon Costello and Waded Cruzado??? They definitely have some extraterrestrial qualities. It’s kind of like that Roddy Piper flick from the 80’s They Live. With our griz colored glasses we have the ability to see through the propaganda and the aliens around us.
Could definitely be something to this. Every time I hear “not enough evidence to prosecute despite eyewitness accounts”, I think aliens.
JU$TI¢E, all you can buy, or afford? Who's 'deep pocket(s)?'
Public? Private? UI is, after all, a Public Institution...the fish, rots from the head...
Inquiring minds want to know...🤔
Large number of Idaho football players won't be charged. Feel free to give me a pat on the back. Ha.

"Charges will not be filed from the brawl last winter in Moscow that involved University of Idaho football players.

The Moscow Police Department completed their investigation into the fight and sent the case to the City of Moscow Prosecutor for review. Reed Brevig declined to file misdemeanor charges in the case. In an emailed statement from Brevig he found insufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt."


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Large number of Idaho football players won't be charged. Feel free to give me a pat on the back. Ha.

"Charges will not be filed from the brawl last winter in Moscow that involved University of Idaho football players.

The Moscow Police Department completed their investigation into the fight and sent the case to the City of Moscow Prosecutor for review. Reed Brevig declined to file misdemeanor charges in the case. In an emailed statement from Brevig he found insufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt."


I could see them not filing felony charges in this case, and the kid that took the beating certainly could have been an equal participant. However, when you show up to a public place as a mob with ski masks and PVC pipes, which has not been disputed from the initial report, I would think the city attorney would have an obligation to set a precedent to protect public safety under a disorderly conduct statute. Furthermore there are three different definitions within assault; aggravated, simple and intimidation. I don’t see how you don’t see the presentation as a pure intimidation tactic by those involved. The only way you don’t find avenues to pursue prosecution in this case is by purposely burying your head in the sand.
I could see them not filing felony charges in this case, and the kid that took the beating certainly could have been an equal participant. However, when you show up to a public place as a mob with ski masks and PVC pipes, which has not been disputed from the initial report, I would think the city attorney would have an obligation to set a precedent to protect public safety under a disorderly conduct statute. Furthermore there are three different definitions within assault; aggravated, simple and intimidation. I don’t see how you don’t see the presentation as a pure intimidation tactic by those involved. The only way you don’t find avenues to pursue prosecution in this case is by purposely burying your head in the sand.
I don't agree. The incident was mostly the punches of the kid who got hurt. Obviously, that was a disputed situation.

The other stuff that was in the press is mostly irrelevant. And undisputed? The only evidence of it occurring is from an email from one person who wasn't even there, based on my reading and recollection. That women is almost 80.

This occurred at a private home, I believe.

No one is burying their head in the sand, other than perhaps some people on egriz, in my view.