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Large number of Idaho FB players involved in brawl; lineman sucker punches son of large donor

Everyone, please hear me out on this: What if this time it actually was aliens? We knew they were in play when MSdUi fans were claiming “due-process”, but nobody actually believed it. This time, it could’ve been aliens. Multiple eye witness accounts saying they were FB players don’t mean shit. That’s rookie-level evidence. You have to first disprove that it was aliens before any charges can be brought. I think that’s Idaho law, and it’s a tough hill to climb on a metal desk budget.
Have you seen Leon Costello and Waded Cruzado??? They definitely have some extraterrestrial qualities. It’s kind of like that Roddy Piper flick from the 80’s They Live. With our griz colored glasses we have the ability to see through the propaganda and the aliens around us.
Shape shifting aliens, who only appeared to be Vandal football players? You really DO sound like a defense attorney.🤣

OMG! Maybe CDA is really...one...of THEM!

Now, the Men In Black will be coming to my front door!
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Have you seen Leon Costello and Waded Cruzado??? They definitely have some extraterrestrial qualities. It’s kind of like that Roddy Piper flick from the 80’s They Live. With our griz colored glasses we have the ability to see through the propaganda and the aliens around us.
Could definitely be something to this. Every time I hear “not enough evidence to prosecute despite eyewitness accounts”, I think aliens.
JU$TI¢E, all you can buy, or afford? Who's 'deep pocket(s)?'
Public? Private? UI is, after all, a Public Institution...the fish, rots from the head...
Inquiring minds want to know...🤔
Large number of Idaho football players won't be charged. Feel free to give me a pat on the back. Ha.

"Charges will not be filed from the brawl last winter in Moscow that involved University of Idaho football players.

The Moscow Police Department completed their investigation into the fight and sent the case to the City of Moscow Prosecutor for review. Reed Brevig declined to file misdemeanor charges in the case. In an emailed statement from Brevig he found insufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt."


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Large number of Idaho football players won't be charged. Feel free to give me a pat on the back. Ha.

"Charges will not be filed from the brawl last winter in Moscow that involved University of Idaho football players.

The Moscow Police Department completed their investigation into the fight and sent the case to the City of Moscow Prosecutor for review. Reed Brevig declined to file misdemeanor charges in the case. In an emailed statement from Brevig he found insufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt."


I could see them not filing felony charges in this case, and the kid that took the beating certainly could have been an equal participant. However, when you show up to a public place as a mob with ski masks and PVC pipes, which has not been disputed from the initial report, I would think the city attorney would have an obligation to set a precedent to protect public safety under a disorderly conduct statute. Furthermore there are three different definitions within assault; aggravated, simple and intimidation. I don’t see how you don’t see the presentation as a pure intimidation tactic by those involved. The only way you don’t find avenues to pursue prosecution in this case is by purposely burying your head in the sand.
I could see them not filing felony charges in this case, and the kid that took the beating certainly could have been an equal participant. However, when you show up to a public place as a mob with ski masks and PVC pipes, which has not been disputed from the initial report, I would think the city attorney would have an obligation to set a precedent to protect public safety under a disorderly conduct statute. Furthermore there are three different definitions within assault; aggravated, simple and intimidation. I don’t see how you don’t see the presentation as a pure intimidation tactic by those involved. The only way you don’t find avenues to pursue prosecution in this case is by purposely burying your head in the sand.
I don't agree. The incident was mostly the punches of the kid who got hurt. Obviously, that was a disputed situation.

The other stuff that was in the press is mostly irrelevant. And undisputed? The only evidence of it occurring is from an email from one person who wasn't even there, based on my reading and recollection. That women is almost 80.

This occurred at a private home, I believe.

No one is burying their head in the sand, other than perhaps some people on egriz, in my view.
Private party at a private residence. Large group of trespassers, some in masks and carrying the vaunted PVC pipes, show up and won't leave when told to, punches are thrown, injuries occured. EMS and Police involved. Was this a spontaneous, independent decision by the '40' to go with masks and weapons for a good time, or a conspiracy to commit a crime or two? If sh*t happens, who instigated this clusterf***?
It took 20 weeks of 'investigation' to get THIS result? Hor$e$hit!

Who would want this story to die? UI, fans, boosters, coaches, players, area businesses, etc. Money talks. A real investigation, by whomever(BSC, NCAA, Idaho State LE)should uncover what really happened. If Timmy's family is really all that hell bent on justice, they should not let this matter drop.
Private party at a private residence. Large group of trespassers, some in masks and carrying the vaunted PVC pipes, show up and won't leave when told to, punches are thrown, injuries occured. EMS and Police involved. Was this a spontaneous, independent decision by the '40' to go with masks and weapons for a good time, or a conspiracy to commit a crime or two? If sh*t happens, who instigated this clusterf***?
It took 20 weeks of 'investigation' to get THIS result? Hor$e$hit!

Who would want this story to die? UI, fans, boosters, coaches, players, area businesses, etc. Money talks. A real investigation, by whomever(BSC, NCAA, Idaho State LE)should uncover what really happened. If Timmy's family is really all that hell bent on justice, they should not let this matter drop.
My guess is the kid was involved in instigating the fight. And no sucker punches were thrown. And the facts were not as the one side said. And the almost 80 year old woman who sent the email didn’t properly convey the facts. There were claims that some at the house made racial comments.

And some people on egriz bought the incomplete and incorrect story of the elderly woman. And some of these people thought an elderly guy did well in a debate recently too.
Frankly what's remarkable to me is how easy those entrusted with covering such things have made it for UI to deep six this story.

Hell, the head coach was interviewed shortly after the incident and wasn't even asked about it. Not even the cursory good-faith effort to draw the "no comment" response. Just....nothing.
My guess is the kid was involved in instigating the fight. And no sucker punches were thrown. And the facts were not as the one side said. And the almost 80 year old woman who sent the email didn’t properly convey the facts. There were claims that some at the house made racial comments.

And some people on egriz bought the incomplete and incorrect story of the elderly woman. And some of these people thought an elderly guy did well in a debate recently too.
My guess remains it was aliens.
Maybe it was a big deal only for one family and on egriz. Look at the misleading and incorrect title of this thread.
It might’ve been Manbearpig or even Sasquatch. One thing is for certain: If a government entity doesn’t press charges, it means it never happened. Thats why I’m leaning toward aliens or Manbearpig.
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It might’ve been Manbearpig or even Sasquatch. One thing is for certain: If a government entity doesn’t press charges, it means it never happened. Thats why I’m leaning toward aliens or Manbearpig.
Manbearpig is an interesting option, and one I hadn't considered. We should Colter right on that to investigate.
I got the results today. I've only had time to skim them at work, it is 126 pages. I skimmed it all, and I've done a "real read" up through page 70. It is pretty clear what happened, and the two sides have different versions. I'm going to avoid using names.

The frat guys says that a football player had been a problem at a previous party, and they escorted him out. They say the held him and walked him out. They say that then at a party after that, the large group of football players showed up with "masks and pvc pipe." The frat guys say they tried to de-escalate things, but the football players are intent on fighting. One of them sucker punches the kid that got the concussion. Brawl erupts. Cops come, vast majority of football team takes off through the "Lower 40." That side has been in the news. The fraternity guys claim full innocence and sainthood, and were only trying to protect themselves and the women who were there.

The frat claims they had tried more than once to reach out to Eck and the athletic department to discuss the tension between the groups and resolve it. Said they never had that meeting before the big fight.

Football players have a different side of the story. They say the frat has been inviting them over and then "jumping" them at parties they were invited to be at. Can only name the one previous incident, but say he wasn't gently escorted out, he was assaulted with a full beer can to the back of the head, beaten by 5 or more guys, and thrown into a car to be taken to the dorms. They say that the fraternity is full of racism, and the kid that was escorted out of the party says that "after that, people on campus are saying that I sexually assault people." The football team doesn't appreciate the way the fraternity talks about them around campus, and "people stare at us on campus." Multiple of them said they felt disrespected by that fraternity and other students on campus. That they "don't appreciate the rumors going around about the football team." The football team says they intended no violence, but through a group snapchat they got everyone planned to go over to this large frat part (over 100 people there), so that they could calmly and reasonably talk out the issues between that fraternity and the football team. They say nobody intended violence.

The PVC pipes were not broken PVC pipes. They were the foam covered pvc rollers a lot of training rooms use for athletes (they were identified with pictures). The ski masks were actually balaclava masks (not sure that makes a difference).

The football team contends that when they arrived, the fraternity started, unprovoked, yelling racial slurs including the n word and that "Coach Eck needs some bigger cages for you boys." They said they still didn't want to fight. They said the frat guys then started throwing full beer cans and chairs at them, hurting and provoking them. They all identify one guy as the one who hit the kid who got the concussion. That athlete says the frat guy was coming toward him "aggressively," and he felt like he was in danger, so he pushed him down. The kid got up, threw a punch and missed, and so the football player defended himself by one shotting the frat boy and knocking him out. They all contend nobody remembers anyone hitting the kid on the ground, but that after that there was "chaos" until the police arrived. The only phone that caught that first part was either stolen (frat guys' account) or "knocked 60 feet up in the air and landed in a truck bed, no idea after that" (football team). The football teams make themselves out to be innocent saints as well, with one guy saying that when asked to leave he said "yes, sir, we will go, and I hope you have a nice day." (I giggled at that part). Others are willing to admit that when they have been asked to leave frat parties over the last couple of weeks, they have refused because they didn't want to look "weak" in front of the women at the party, so they refused to leave.

There are a couple of serious problems with the investigation. The kid that got the concussion identified the player who hit him from pictures, but everyone on the football team says it was a different teammate. The kid the football team claims hit the kid admits he hit him, but says it was self defense for the way that the frat kid aggressively walked up him.

The second major issue with the investigation was that all of the football players stated very clearly in their interviews that nobody intended to fight. We can all have opinions on that, but their statements were consistent and unanimous to the police. The investigation then hinged on the group Snapchat to determine intent. The police served three search warrants to Snapchat for their server records. Snapchat said twice that the warrants were incomplete, and that the third one was served too late. The lead investigator conferred with the prosecutor and determined that further attempts to fight Snapchat would be costly and time consuming, and quite possibly fruitless.

One football player wanted to press charges for the way he was taken out of the original house party. The frat president wanted to press charges for this. When the football player was told of the conflicting stories, he responded with "well, I guess we kind of have a he said, she said situation then?" And that is pretty much where it had to end at.

Honestly, if not for the PVC pipes and masks, this kind of stuff sounds like a lot of college group conflicts I had been around or tangentially a part of in school. Sucks that some kids got hurt, but fights between different sports or frats and sports is as old as time.
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I'm telling you right now, that this is the work of Manbearpig. There is just no way in heck a group of FB players would ever do anything wrong. My guess is that 40 FB players were being cautious with the masks because of the unprecedented times, and only brought the pool noodles because it was the annual pool noodle party. Then, Manbearpig shows up (because he can never resist a pool noodle party) and all heck breaks loose. Heck, I tell ya.

As an aside, thank you, Elrod, for doing the work that others refuse to do.
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I got the results today. I've only had time to skim them at work, it is 126 pages. I skimmed it all, and I've done a "real read" up through page 70. It is pretty clear what happened, and the two sides have different versions. I'm going to avoid using names.

The frat guys says that a football player had been a problem at a previous party, and they escorted him out. They say the held him and walked him out. They say that then at a party after that, the large group of football players showed up with "masks and pvc pipe." The frat guys say they tried to de-escalate things, but the football players are intent on fighting. One of them sucker punches the kid that got the concussion. Brawl erupts. Cops come, vast majority of football team takes off through the "Lower 40." That side has been in the news. The fraternity guys claim full innocence and sainthood, and were only trying to protect themselves and the women who were there.

The frat claims they had tried more than once to reach out to Eck and the athletic department to discuss the tension between the groups and resolve it. Said they never had that meeting before the big fight.

Football players have a different side of the story. They say the frat has been inviting them over and then "jumping" them at parties they were invited to be at. Can only name the one previous incident, but say he wasn't gently escorted out, he was assaulted with a full beer can to the back of the head, beaten by 5 or more guys, and thrown into a car to be taken to the dorms. They say that the fraternity is full of racism, and the kid that was escorted out of the party says that "after that, people on campus are saying that I sexually assault people." The football team doesn't appreciate the way the fraternity talks about them around campus, and "people stare at us on campus." Multiple of them said they felt disrespected by that fraternity and other students on campus. That they "don't appreciate the rumors going around about the football team." The football team says they intended no violence, but through a group snapchat they got everyone planned to go over to this large frat part (over 100 people there), so that they could calmly and reasonably talk out the issues between that fraternity and the football team. They say nobody intended violence.

The PVC pipes were not broken PVC pipes. They were the foam covered pvc rollers a lot of training rooms use for athletes (they were identified with pictures). The ski masks were actually balaclava masks (not sure that makes a difference).

The football team contends that when they arrived, the fraternity started, unprovoked, yelling racial slurs including the n word and that "Coach Eck needs some bigger cages for you boys."
They said they still didn't want to fight. They said the frat guys then started throwing full beer cans and chairs at them, hurting and provoking them. They all identify one guy as the one who hit the kid who got the concussion. That athlete says the frat guy was coming toward him "aggressively," and he felt like he was in danger, so he pushed him down. The kid got up, threw a punch and missed, and so the football player defended himself by one shotting the frat boy and knocking him out. They all contend nobody remembers anyone hitting the kid on the ground, but that after that there was "chaos" until the police arrived. The only phone that caught that first part was either stolen (frat guys' account) or "knocked 60 feet up in the air and landed in a truck bed, no idea after that" (football team). The football teams make themselves out to be innocent saints as well, with one guy saying that when asked to leave he said "yes, sir, we will go, and I hope you have a nice day." (I giggled at that part). Others are willing to admit that when they have been asked to leave frat parties over the last couple of weeks, they have refused because they didn't want to look "weak" in front of the women at the party, so they refused to leave.

There are a couple of serious problems with the investigation. The kid that got the concussion identified the player who hit him from pictures, but everyone on the football team says it was a different teammate. The kid the football team claims hit the kid admits he hit him, but says it was self defense for the way that the frat kid aggressively walked up him.

The second major issue with the investigation was that all of the football players stated very clearly in their interviews that nobody intended to fight. We can all have opinions on that, but their statements were consistent and unanimous to the police. The investigation then hinged on the group Snapchat to determine intent. The police served three search warrants to Snapchat for their server records. Snapchat said twice that the warrants were incomplete, and that the third one was served too late. The lead investigator conferred with the prosecutor and determined that further attempts to fight Snapchat would be costly and time consuming, and quite possibly fruitless.

One football player wanted to press charges for the way he was taken out of the original house party. The frat president wanted to press charges for this. When the football player was told of the conflicting stories, he responded with "well, I guess we kind of have a he said, she said situation then?" And that is pretty much where it had to end at.

Honestly, if not for the PVC pipes and masks, this kind of stuff sounds like a lot of college group conflicts I had been around or tangentially a part of in school. Sucks that some kids got hurt, but fights between different sports or frats and sports is as old as time.
See bold above. Told you so. The thread title could have been: "Racist Idaho kid gets punched in face when he comes after black football player, later misidentifies football player; Egriz gets facts all wrong".
Ohhh, Idaho. You never disappoint.

And pr, how is the title wrong? It's exactly as described.

Ohhhh, you mean because the football players deny it? Yeah, they certainly would be the first people in history to claim they did nothing wrong, so I'm suuuuuurrrrreee it went down like they say....
See bold above. Told you so. The thread title could have been: "Racist Idaho kid gets punched in face when he comes after black football player, later misidentifies football player; Egriz gets facts all wrong".
I mean, there is definitely room for interpretation. I have trouble believing that they showed up as a group to "just chat" on the night of a giant party when everybody is obviously getting pretty drunk (as college kids have done for time immemorial). I don't think they are necessarily or entirely the villains in all of this, I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but it is a bit hard to swallow that they didn't go there looking for an altercation.

But, as with many situations, proving motive is pretty hard without direct evidence. I also have no trouble believing that a good chunk of kids attending college in Moscow have some problematic racial beliefs, though, too. The area up there is obviously famous for it. The one girl who got her nose broken by a football player in the fight definitely felt it was accidental that she caught the elbow, though, so that is a good thing. Tough to say anyone is all good or all bad here.