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LadyGriz Tinkle to Pepperdine

All credit to you, BSB!
No credit needed. We had no inside scoop. Just felt the move made sense from a coaching need, familiarity to area and that from our understanding he and Harris have been tight for a while.

Colter to may have had knowledge but held out from breaking it until it was confirmed.

We just had a hunch.
No credit needed. We had no inside scoop. Just felt the move made sense from a coaching need, familiarity to area and that from our understanding he and Harris have been tight for a while.

Colter to may have had knowledge but held out from breaking it until it was confirmed.

We just had a hunch.
Now give us your hunch on the Softball Coach hire!
Right...except we have to have confirmation to publish information with our names on it ....not anonymously post on a message board.

We never criticized you or your coverage. We simply stated that we had a feeling for a long time....we didn't ever say Wooley is the guy. Just stated our hunch and put somethings together based on the knowledge we have with coaches in the region.
We never criticized you or your coverage. We simply stated that we had a feeling for a long time....we didn't ever say Wooley is the guy. Just stated our hunch and put somethings together based on the knowledge we have with coaches in the region.
If Colter is looking for legit criticism, he needs to go to the football board. They’re still hungrily awaiting a story on a couple drunks that used to be employed by his favorite team😁.
We never criticized you or your coverage. We simply stated that we had a feeling for a long time....we didn't ever say Wooley is the guy. Just stated our hunch and put somethings together based on the knowledge we have with coaches in the region.
Caleigh Cookson is the new Program Coordinator for both Lady Griz and Men's Basketball.
Anyone heard anything about when UM plans to formally introduce Wooley to the program. Is that still on?
Believe that has already taken place.
Strange that he is not listed as a coach and there is no story about it on GoGriz. There was a story for Emma List and she is listed as a coach on the roster. I was thinking maybe something happened. Must just be a delay.
Strange that he is not listed as a coach and there is no story about it on GoGriz. There was a story for Emma List and she is listed as a coach on the roster. I was thinking maybe something happened. Must just be a delay.
Believe that has already taken place.
Well it has been 3 weeks since you announced Wooley would be a coach at UM. UM still has not announced this and he is not listed on the Lady Griz coaching roster at GoGriz. Emma List was named 2 weeks ago. Vetting for a coach shouldn't be taking this long, especially for Lindsay who has had a long and positive history of employment in the Montana University system. It took UM only about a week to hire, vet, and name the new Softball coach. I hope they do hire Lindsay, he would be a great addition, but something sure seems wrong. With nothing but a guess, I wonder if someone with clout has questioned the hiring of a third man on the staff of a women's sport.
Well it has been 3 weeks since you announced Wooley would be a coach at UM. UM still has not announced this and he is not listed on the Lady Griz coaching roster at GoGriz. Emma List was named 2 weeks ago. Vetting for a coach shouldn't be taking this long, especially for Lindsay who has had a long and positive history of employment in the Montana University system. It took UM only about a week to hire, vet, and name the new Softball coach. I hope they do hire Lindsay, he would be a great addition, but something sure seems wrong. With nothing but a guess, I wonder if someone with clout has questioned the hiring of a third man on the staff of a women's sport.
Confirmed by someone in the Athletic Department: Lindsay Wooley is indeed on the Lady Griz staff,and has been for some time. The Team just loves him. His hiring will be announced once paperwork clears.