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Griz OFFICAL Signing List

hm.grwn.grizfan said:
Still strange that not a single OL has been signed

I get that, but I know that coaches had a few early OL targets on their list within the constraints of their recruiting demands. When those kids chose other schools, I think they pivoted. With the glut of OL that are Freshman or Sophomores in eligibility I can see why HS OL kids might not have been a key area of focus.

I wouldn't be surprised that we see a HS OL or two in the late period but they are likely going hard after the JC or transfer OL w/ experience or two/three years of college weight room work. I have been told they really like what the FR and RS FR group of OL have been doing, and expect a few of them to push for significant roles next year. They want guys I believe can come in an play significant minutes next year and absent of that, they are pretty confident in the overall depth of the OL room.
So no way to really know this for a few years but not a good day for the Griz. Our best prospect might not even sign with us now. I think others in the conference got better including MSU and can’t say that for us least today.

Hauck and staff better kick it in gear. I thought they were slacking a bit on recruiting and that seems confirmed to me. Just my opinion but I’ll stick by that for today.
dayday said:
So no way to really know this for a few years but not a good day for the Griz. Our best prospect might not even sign with us now. I think others in the conference got better including MSU and can’t say that for us least today.

Hauck and staff better kick it in gear. I thought they were slacking a bit on recruiting and that seems confirmed to me. Just my opinion but I’ll stick by that for today.

One thing that I have learned is never get to excited or to down on these days. Some kids work out, some kids don't...high school kids aren't nearly as important now with the portal and easy ability to transfer. It is easy to understand why a program will wait and bring in a few transfer lineman as opposed to offering a high school kid they see as a project.
HelenaHandBasket said:
dayday said:
So no way to really know this for a few years but not a good day for the Griz. Our best prospect might not even sign with us now. I think others in the conference got better including MSU and can’t say that for us least today.

Hauck and staff better kick it in gear. I thought they were slacking a bit on recruiting and that seems confirmed to me. Just my opinion but I’ll stick by that for today.

One thing that I have learned is never get to excited or to down on these days. Some kids work out, some kids don't...high school kids aren't nearly as important now with the portal and easy ability to transfer. It is easy to understand why a program will wait and bring in a few transfer lineman as opposed to offering a high school kid they see as a project.

Totally get what are you saying. Happy for these kids we did sign and wish them the best luck coming into the program.

I just think Hauck should revamp what he’s doing. I can see the misses and can see what other programs did to get those kids in the door. Hauck is great at developing but have to get talent in the door first.
dayday said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
One thing that I have learned is never get to excited or to down on these days. Some kids work out, some kids don't...high school kids aren't nearly as important now with the portal and easy ability to transfer. It is easy to understand why a program will wait and bring in a few transfer lineman as opposed to offering a high school kid they see as a project.

Totally get what are you saying. Happy for these kids we did sign and wish them the best luck coming into the program.

I just think Hauck should revamp what he’s doing. I can see the misses and can see what other programs did to get those kids in the door. Hauck is great at developing but have to get talent in the door first.

So, who were his misses?
It also wasn't a banner year for MT prospects. I was pretty underwhelmed both at the top and with the depth.

I'm not upset that the staff with almost surely heavily utilize the transfer portal again.
HelenaHandBasket said:
dayday said:
Totally get what are you saying. Happy for these kids we did sign and wish them the best luck coming into the program.

I just think Hauck should revamp what he’s doing. I can see the misses and can see what other programs did to get those kids in the door. Hauck is great at developing but have to get talent in the door first.

So, who were his misses?

QB transfer, OL, CB we have a lot of holes on this team.
I'm a little disappointed we didn't sign any transfers today. Now we gotta wait until February as opposed to them starting the semester at UM, unless we have a couple trickle in between now and Friday, but it doesn't appear that will be the case.
I believe I saw somewhere that Crews probably might not sign until after the 1st of the year. Hard to know if that is correct or not. Does anyone know why we didn’t see Rohrbach sign today? Or did I miss him? With Buschini leaving this one seemed important to lock up.
Carpe Diem Griz said:
I believe I saw somewhere that Crews probably might not sign until after the 1st of the year. Hard to know if that is correct or not. Does anyone know why we didn’t see Rohrbach sign today? Or did I miss him? With Buschini leaving this one seemed important to lock up.

Rohrbach signed. :thumb:
Carpe Diem Griz said:
I believe I saw somewhere that Crews probably might not sign until after the 1st of the year. Hard to know if that is correct or not.

I have heard February signing period at the earliest, if at all.
GrizLawGrad said:
Carpe Diem Griz said:
I believe I saw somewhere that Crews probably might not sign until after the 1st of the year. Hard to know if that is correct or not. Does anyone know why we didn’t see Rohrbach sign today? Or did I miss him? With Buschini leaving this one seemed important to lock up.

Rohrbach signed. :thumb:

Thank you. I have a feeling the Griz might bring someone through the portal at punter, but if not we will need him.
grizfan1984 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
So, who were his misses?

QB transfer, OL, CB we have a lot of holes on this team.

A lot of recruiting battles a lost to schools we shouldn’t lost to. It seemed to be because of lack of earlier offer, didn’t utilize visits early enough, didn’t pay enough attention and use more social media. Hire people more dedicated to recruiting. msu has one. These are easy fix if they are not too stubborn then that can certainly change These are what things elite programs are doing to get in these blue chip prospects at this level.
dayday said:
grizfan1984 said:
QB transfer, OL, CB we have a lot of holes on this team.

A lot of recruiting battles a lost to schools we shouldn’t lost to. It seemed to be because of lack of earlier offer, didn’t utilize visits early enough, didn’t pay enough attention and use more social media. Hire people more dedicated to recruiting. msu has one. These are easy fix if they are not too stubborn then that can certainly change These are what things elite programs are doing to get in these blue chip prospects at this level.

So just a big generalization as to why you think they did so poorly?
Just a thought to ponder about our recruiting. We always hear about the incredible number of years of coaching experience our coordinators have. But that might be a negative when it comes to recruiting these 18 year old kids. Kids today have trouble relating to a 60 year old coach. And both of our coordinators are around that age or more. These kids want to have a coordinator who they can relate to, and it might be a stretch to think they can relate to a coach as old as their grandfather. Plus, do these older coaches have the same energy that the younger opposing coaches have for recruiting? Are they working as hard? Am I on the wrong track here?

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