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Gresch Jensen

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MTGRZ said:
Ursa Major said:
AZGrizFan said:
go96griz said:
I get it, you have bought into the cult of Stitt's crowd. That's works for you but it doesn't if you're a Bobby supporter. Makes sense, you get to have your cake and eat it to. Anybody else can as well as long as they agree with you.

I asked the question above - have you ever talked to any former players about Stitt as the coach?

So Stitt supporters were a "cult", but Bobby's supporters are just supporters...

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Can I not be a supper-fan of both Bob & Bobby or will this result in being band?

Asking for a friend

You mean, like, being a rational human being? You mean, like, understanding that being a fan of the Griz is more than a coach or player? That supporting the program as a whole is more important and valuable than putting all your eggs into the, "who's the coach" basket? I know it seems like a courageous stance, but I for one think you absolutely can love the program and not be in love with the coach. Griz football (hell, the University of Montana or any other institution) is more than just one person.

Wait. Hold up. Are you suggesting that one need not, for example, threaten to withdraw support from his or her alma mater unless a certain coach is fired? Are you trying to say that's NOT what makes a loyal supporter?
MiningCityGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
grizindabox said:

​The LOL for me was when I read Hauck’s quote that it was going to take another three to seven years to get the program back to where it was and then coming over here to find absolutely nothing about it mentioned.

The same zero class COH people who ran Stitt out of town for needing more time to continue the rebuilding process he started in his second season didn't have a single thread to discuss that gem of a Hauck quote.

LOL, indeed.

After missing the playoffs 2 years in a row and losing to the Cats 2 years in a row, how long do you think it should take a new coach, Hauck or another, to get UM back to dominating the Big Sky and going to the national championship game 3 out of 7 years?

1 year? 2 years? Note that Hauck said he thought it looked like this group of players may be accelerating the time period.

I find it funny that some of you and Stitt thought that UM needed to rebuild after the two prior seasons which the UM finished no. 12 and 8 in the nation. Some kind of rebuilding Stitt did. Took us out of the top 25 towards about 30.

Mining, you are the one pushing an agenda and fake news.

That's why I rarely come to this board. And contribute even less.

You can say that again. Perhaps your best post ever.
go96griz said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
​The LOL for me was when I read Hauck’s quote that it was going to take another three to seven years to get the program back to where it was and then coming over here to find absolutely nothing about it mentioned.

The same zero class COH people who ran Stitt out of town for needing more time to continue the rebuilding process he started in his second season didn't have a single thread to discuss that gem of a Hauck quote.

LOL, indeed.

After missing the playoffs 2 years in a row and losing to the Cats 2 years in a row, how long do you think it should take a new coach, Hauck or another, to get UM back to dominating the Big Sky and going to the national championship game 3 out of 7 years?

1 year? 2 years? Note that Hauck said he thought it looked like this group of players may be accelerating the time period.

I find it funny that some of you and Stitt thought that UM needed to rebuild after the two prior seasons which the UM finished no. 12 and 8 in the nation. Some kind of rebuilding Stitt did. Took us out of the top 25 towards about 30.

Mining, you are the one pushing an agenda and fake news.

Are we really going to do this again?

Yes. They lost a number of close games in Stitt’s second and third year. With a roster full of freshman and sophomores. Against a number of very good teams like Weber with many seniors who went to the NFL in subsequent years.

We saw what Stitt was able to do in year one with a more experienced team. The roster turnover in year two was significant (by design) which resulted in a very talented but a far less experienced team. Plus he was down a few scholarships.

I still would have loved to see that Griz team two years later as juniors and seniors.

Blah, blah, blah, you don't care...

Again, the point is that the insulting lie that is used to continue to smear Gresch on this board bothers me because I used to believe Griz fans were better than that. If we were then this thread, based on an easily disproven rumor, would have died after one day. Instead it's gone on for more than a week trashing a kid who represented Montana Football and the university incredibly well in the brief time he was here.

And the fact that the Hauck worshipers didn't blink when he said he’d need up to seven year to rebuild demonstrates to me that it was never about Stitt’s wins and losses or where he was in his rebuilding process. It was about politics, big money boosters, and sadly, bad fans who are willing to attack former coaches players.

That's why I rarely come to this board. And contribute even less.

I get it, you have bought into the cult of Stitt's crowd. That's works for you but it doesn't if you're a Bobby supporter. Makes sense, you get to have your cake and eat it to. Anybody else can as well as long as they agree with you.

I asked the question above - have you ever talked to any former players about Stitt as the coach?

I don’t care if you disagree with me. I’m not PR.

And believe it or not, you can support Stitt and Gresch while also supporting Hauck and Sneed at the same time. The two are not mutually exclusive. And why in the heck would I root against any of them?

What bothers me is seeing people lie about former players and coaches. It’s petty and classless and deserves to be called out for what it was. That’s why I chimed in.

And yes. Yes I have. Some liked Stitt. Some didn’t. Thought he played favorites. Some liked him a helluva lot more than Hauck. Especially how some of them were treated by Hauck.
Ursa Major said:
AZGrizFan said:
go96griz said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Are we really going to do this again?

Yes. They lost a number of close games in Stitt’s second and third year. With a roster full of freshman and sophomores. Against a number of very good teams like Weber with many seniors who went to the NFL in subsequent years.

We saw what Stitt was able to do in year one with a more experienced team. The roster turnover in year two was significant (by design) which resulted in a very talented but a far less experienced team. Plus he was down a few scholarships.

I still would have loved to see that Griz team two years later as juniors and seniors.

Blah, blah, blah, you don't care...

Again, the point is that the insulting lie that is used to continue to smear Gresch on this board bothers me because I used to believe Griz fans were better than that. If we were then this thread, based on an easily disproven rumor, would have died after one day. Instead it's gone on for more than a week trashing a kid who represented Montana Football and the university incredibly well in the brief time he was here.

And the fact that the Hauck worshipers didn't blink when he said he’d need up to seven year to rebuild demonstrates to me that it was never about Stitt’s wins and losses or where he was in his rebuilding process. It was about politics, big money boosters, and sadly, bad fans who are willing to attack former coaches players.

That's why I rarely come to this board. And contribute even less.

I get it, you have bought into the cult of Stitt's crowd. That's works for you but it doesn't if you're a Bobby supporter. Makes sense, you get to have your cake and eat it to. Anybody else can as well as long as they agree with you.

I asked the question above - have you ever talked to any former players about Stitt as the coach?

So Stitt supporters were a "cult", but Bobby's supporters are just supporters...

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Can I not be a super-fan of both Bob & Bobby or will this result in being band?

Asking for a friend

Folks, we are never going to agree on Stitt/Hauck or Jensen/Sneed but let's go for baby steps and come together over getting "banned" from the site and not "band". Only through small victories can great things be achieved.
SaskGriz said:
Ursa Major said:
AZGrizFan said:
go96griz said:
I get it, you have bought into the cult of Stitt's crowd. That's works for you but it doesn't if you're a Bobby supporter. Makes sense, you get to have your cake and eat it to. Anybody else can as well as long as they agree with you.

I asked the question above - have you ever talked to any former players about Stitt as the coach?

So Stitt supporters were a "cult", but Bobby's supporters are just supporters...

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Can I not be a super-fan of both Bob & Bobby or will this result in being band?

Asking for a friend

Folks, we are never going to agree on Stitt/Hauck or Jensen/Sneed but let's go for baby steps and come together over getting "banned" from the site and not "band". Only through small victories can great things be achieved.

Actually, the number of people now thinking Sneed is considerably better and Stitt considerably worse seems to have increased significantly in the past 1.5 years. Holdouts remain, of course. More data to analyze this fall. I suppose some will keep wanting to compare Sneed's high school stats too Jensen's.
I'm going to watch this game as I want to see how many times Stitt runs his horizontal pass play. It very rarely worked when he was here. I'll find it interesting. I never found the Stitt offense to be creative or effective.
I realize there are all kinds of assumptions as to why he left Montana in the first place but I will always have trouble with a player who finds out he isn't starting and leave the team. The Washington QB did the same thing. If I'm not #1 I am out of here. It is a long season and Jensen of all people should know that things change and his number could be called. Same with the Washington QB, it was himself and the guy who transferred in were the only two with game experience. He could of taken over the position at half time against EWU because the starter was ineffective. People are elevating themselves in importance over a team effort. But that's just me and I am sure there are a lot of people who disagree or will say he had not choice because he wasn't being treated fairly.
IdahoGrizFan said:
I realize there are all kinds of assumptions as to why he left Montana in the first place but I will always have trouble with a player who finds out he isn't starting and leave the team. The Washington QB did the same thing. If I'm not #1 I am out of here. It is a long season and Jensen of all people should know that things change and his number could be called. Same with the Washington QB, it was himself and the guy who transferred in were the only two with game experience. He could of taken over the position at half time against EWU because the starter was ineffective. People are elevating themselves in importance over a team effort. But that's just me and I am sure there are a lot of people who disagree or will say he had not choice because he wasn't being treated fairly.

I agree. There may also be legitimate other reasons for the transfer, but your view and mine line up in the first instance.

While the Montana kid was in a different position, because he was going into his last year of eligibility, he would have played at UM had he stayed. If I'm thinking right, it was the year JJ couldn't play. Obviously, correct me if I mis-remembered. Don't have time to look up now.
BillingsMafia said:
I'm going to watch this game as I want to see how many times Stitt runs his horizontal pass play. It very rarely worked when he was here. I'll find it interesting. I never found the Stitt offense to be creative or effective.
I personally liked Stitt and thought he should have been given another year -- however, he was hired based on his innovative approach to offense with the "Stitt sweep" being the prime example and yet it was rarely used in games. I kept waiting and watching for the impact it would have on the defense. I waited a lot.
SaskGriz said:
Folks, we are never going to agree on Stitt/Hauck or Jensen/Sneed but let's go for baby steps and come together over getting "banned" from the site and not "band". Only through small victories can great things be achieved.

But Sask, I don't want you band or banned!
PlayerRep said:
SaskGriz said:
Ursa Major said:
AZGrizFan said:
So Stitt supporters were a "cult", but Bobby's supporters are just supporters...

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Can I not be a super-fan of both Bob & Bobby or will this result in being band?

Asking for a friend

Folks, we are never going to agree on Stitt/Hauck or Jensen/Sneed but let's go for baby steps and come together over getting "banned" from the site and not "band". Only through small victories can great things be achieved.

Actually, the number of people now thinking Sneed is considerably better and Stitt considerably worse seems to have increased significantly in the past 1.5 years. Holdouts remain, of course. More data to analyze this fall. I suppose some will keep wanting to compare Sneed's high school stats too Jensen's.

yes, one tends to become more popular when one gets rid of players who don't overtly express how great one is. "one" being bobby.
AllWeatherFan said:
SaskGriz said:
Folks, we are never going to agree on Stitt/Hauck or Jensen/Sneed but let's go for baby steps and come together over getting "banned" from the site and not "band". Only through small victories can great things be achieved.

But Sask, I don't want you band or banned!

Thank you, I feel like your take away from my post may be more perceptive than some other replys. :roll:
MTGRZ said:
Ursa Major said:
AZGrizFan said:
So Stitt supporters were a "cult", but Bobby's supporters are just supporters...

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Can I not be a supper-fan of both Bob & Bobby or will this result in being band?

Asking for a friend

You mean, like, being a rational human being? You mean, like, understanding that being a fan of the Griz is more than a coach or player? That supporting the program as a whole is more important and valuable than putting all your eggs into the, "who's the coach" basket? I know it seems like a courageous stance, but I for one think you absolutely can love the program and not be in love with the coach. Griz football (hell, the University of Montana or any other institution) is more than just one person.

Wait. Hold up. Are you suggesting that one need not, for example, threaten to withdraw support from his or her alma mater unless a certain coach is fired? Are you trying to say that's NOT what makes a loyal supporter?

Yes. That is what I am suggesting.... Unless you are one of the few deep pocketed sugar daddies :mrgreen:
argh! said:
PlayerRep said:
SaskGriz said:
Ursa Major said:
Can I not be a super-fan of both Bob & Bobby or will this result in being band?

Asking for a friend

Folks, we are never going to agree on Stitt/Hauck or Jensen/Sneed but let's go for baby steps and come together over getting "banned" from the site and not "band". Only through small victories can great things be achieved.

Actually, the number of people now thinking Sneed is considerably better and Stitt considerably worse seems to have increased significantly in the past 1.5 years. Holdouts remain, of course. More data to analyze this fall. I suppose some will keep wanting to compare Sneed's high school stats too Jensen's.

yes, one tends to become more popular when one gets rid of players who don't overtly express how great one is. "one" being bobby.

I wasn't talking about players. I was talking about egriz posters.
IdahoGrizFan said:
I realize there are all kinds of assumptions as to why he left Montana in the first place but I will always have trouble with a player who finds out he isn't starting and leave the team. The Washington QB did the same thing. If I'm not #1 I am out of here. It is a long season and Jensen of all people should know that things change and his number could be called. Same with the Washington QB, it was himself and the guy who transferred in were the only two with game experience. He could of taken over the position at half time against EWU because the starter was ineffective. People are elevating themselves in importance over a team effort. But that's just me and I am sure there are a lot of people who disagree or will say he had not choice because he wasn't being treated fairly.

To be fair..both our top two QBs are transfers. At some point they left another school because they were not happy or were not going to be "the guy," Coaches come and go for a variety of reasons also. Usually when they go to another school they are usually quoted about the "opportunity" they now have. These kids have four years of playing football and most want to see the field. Jalen Hurts handled himself in a really extraordinary fashion I think but he too ended up transferring. It is just reality and I don't think you can fault a kid for it.
Neither of the two UM transfers were vying for the starting position when they left. Sneed had already been moved to receiver, or was playing some receiver.
PlayerRep said:
Neither of the two UM transfers were vying for the starting position when they left. Sneed had already been moved to receiver, or was playing some receiver.

Obviously he didn't want to play receiver. He started some games at UNLV at QB. The point is I don't blame any kid for transferring if he doesn't think he is going to play. Jensen is a good QB and all I have heard is a good kid but there probably was no doubt in his mind he would sit behind Sneed for two years. He played well as a red shirt freshman and I am sure it was tough to lose your spot and the coach that brought you there. Bobby brought his guy (which he has the right to do) and Jensen probably saw the writing on the wall. It is all completely understandable to me.
UncleRico said:
PlayerRep said:
Neither of the two UM transfers were vying for the starting position when they left. Sneed had already been moved to receiver, or was playing some receiver.

Obviously he didn't want to play receiver. He started some games at UNLV at QB. The point is I don't blame any kid for transferring if he doesn't think he is going to play. Jensen is a good QB and all I have heard is a good kid but there probably was no doubt in his mind he would sit behind Sneed for two years. He played well as a red shirt freshman and I am sure it was tough to lose your spot and the coach that brought you there. Bobby brought his guy (which he has the right to do) and Jensen probably saw the writing on the wall. It is all completely understandable to me.

Yup, I agree. It’s the kid’s decision. I am fine with what they do and decide. However, if I were a coach or player on the team, I wouldn’t want a player or teammate who is more dedicated to himself than the team. If they don’t want to stay and compete, for whatever reason, it is fine or good that they go. I want a player or teammate who’s heart is into it.

Work is a bit different, but I feel somewhat the same there too.

Our two transfer qb’s left after fall seasons, I believe. The two mentioned left after spring ball and after fall pre-season. Another difference.

I am fine that Jensen is not here, and one receiver I talked to last summer, was fine with too. “If he doesn’t want to stay and compete, he should go. We don’t need someone like that as a teammate. Good luck to him.”
PlayerRep said:
UncleRico said:
PlayerRep said:
Neither of the two UM transfers were vying for the starting position when they left. Sneed had already been moved to receiver, or was playing some receiver.

Obviously he didn't want to play receiver. He started some games at UNLV at QB. The point is I don't blame any kid for transferring if he doesn't think he is going to play. Jensen is a good QB and all I have heard is a good kid but there probably was no doubt in his mind he would sit behind Sneed for two years. He played well as a red shirt freshman and I am sure it was tough to lose your spot and the coach that brought you there. Bobby brought his guy (which he has the right to do) and Jensen probably saw the writing on the wall. It is all completely understandable to me.

Yup, I agree. It’s the kid’s decision. I am fine with what they do and decide. However, if I were a coach or player on the team, I wouldn’t want a player or teammate who is more dedicated to himself than the team. If they don’t want to stay and compete, for whatever reason, it is fine or good that they go. I want a player or teammate who’s heart is into it.

Work is a bit different, but I feel somewhat the same there too.

Our two transfer qb’s left after fall seasons, I believe. The two mentioned left after spring ball and after fall pre-season. Another difference.

I am fine that Jensen is not here, and one receiver I talked to last summer, was fine with too. “If he doesn’t want to stay and compete, he should go. We don’t need someone like that as a teammate. Good luck to him.”

Yea they are all still kids and few probably handle it as well as Jalen Hurts did at Alabama.But I think that kid is probably more the exception than the rule today.
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