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Favorite Current Player

Ellis Henderson is my favorite Griz on offense.

Josh Dennard is my favorite Griz on pass defense. Matt Hermanson on rush defense.

Tucker Schye is my favorite Griz on special teams.
IntuitiveGriz said:
Ellis Henderson is my favorite Griz on offense.

Josh Dennard is my favorite Griz on pass defense. Matt Hermanson on rush defense.

Tucker Schye is my favorite Griz on special teams.

:bad: :rule:

Since we're well over the halfway point of the season we probably have enough data to dive into a discussion of the following: Who is your current favorite player?

It can be for a variety of reasons, but don't pick 2 or 3, or one on D and another on O. Just one and only one.
A person would need to mention both Vans.
Enter JJ for his tough moral fiber stated by Pflugrad.
Bone marrow transplant, kid is a hero.
Ellis H. neat young man. Jones has come alive, kudos to him.
Wags of course. He gets to keep playing.
Haynes for coming back.
Nate Bradley for being an undersized freshman playing quite well at DT.
Nate Harris for being tough when it mattered.
Ahh hell just about every young man I have watched play and practice for the Griz. I just about started on the freshmen playing on the scout team.
The young OL. They have improved and I am proud of them. Reese? True Frosh?
All DL 10 good players!
On and On it goes. All good!

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