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Dangers of the Internet

I grew up, graduated from UM, and joined the Army. I got married, had kids, and saved a bunch of money. I will build the house I want to build in a couple of years after I retire.

Recruiters are waiting....

Seriously, not one person was forced to take on debt...not one. These are choices people make...most make them poorly, and then choose to live well beyond their means.

I have no idea what this has to do with the interwebs, but I do know quite a few young people who could use a Drill Sergeant...
reinell30 said:
The society we live in today was created by all of us. The only difference between our kids is the way they were brought up. If you have a troubled child or one who is an adult now, maybe you ought to look at yourself first.
It is really sad to go to a business, pay with cash and watch the person receiving the payment try and make change.
I am not judging anyone, I am fortunate to have my son grow up to be a great father and husband and a responsible adult all around.
I have mentioned before that I an Instructor for the Air Force, the troops these days are so much more reliant on someone else it makes you sick. There are reasons we have to fight wars the way we do now.
If we ever had to fight like they did in WWII, we as a nation would be in trouble! Thank god for technology!

Yeahhh but we dont because time keeps moving and the future is inevitable but yeah whatever you say back to the future man. Im sure it was the boomer generation who invented drones also.

Thank god for those 75 year olds and their vast understanding of computers to make the technology available for our nations armed forces.
AZGrizFan said:
argh! said:
Merkleman said:
Good post.
I believe the internet is just the match or the trigger for what has been a sweeping change in society where people at a young age don't learn how to deal with adversity. The old saying "you learn more from losing than winning" is much more important than many realize. More than a generation of people in this country and probably many counties have fallen victim too" the everybody is a winner" mantra. In real life there are winners and losers but when more than a generation of people that from an early age are rewarded as winners in failure bad things are sure to come. They simply never learned how to cope.
I remember playing team sports as a kid and throughout my early twenties(In team Sports) I got one trophy over that time. What did it do? It made me fight harder and work harder to make myself and my team better and try and help my team be the best and win that championship trophy. While I only ended up getting 1 I certainly learned how to deal with losing and adversity.
Coincidence or not this change certainly coincides in timeline going back to Columbine. There have been vastly more mass shootings from Columbine forward than in our entire history before despite the fact that there are many more gun laws on the books now than prior. That tells me in my OWN opinion that it has more to do with where we are as a society than anything else.

As I said the inter is the match or end result. Regardless of your opinion on anything you can find many many on the internet to justify yourself even if its not true as the poster above alluded.

Most of our younger generation(and unfortunately some of the older) have become sheep.
If this current younger generation was the generation during World War II we would all be speaking German right now.

gee, and old man castigating younger generations for not being like him, that's a first.

Here's the catch, argh: the younger generation is like they are BECAUSE of us. WE implemented the "participation trophy" generation. WE failed to teach them how to cope. WE allowed them never to experience failure. WE are the helicopter parent generation. WE are the generation of parents who abdicated parental responsibilities in the name of being our kids' "friends". WE are the generation of parents who got our kids diagnosed in record numbers with ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, etc., etc and drugged the f*** out of them to make our lives as parents easier. WE are the generation who used iPads and iPhones and TV's as babysitters to make our lives "easier". And I use WE loosely, because it's obviously not ALL parents from our generation (although I'm guilty of many of these things I guarantee you my kids experienced a lot of failure :lol: ) but as a generation my generation pretty much failed at parenting.

add in all the absentee fathers, a big majority of these shooters didn't have a father figure growing up. I am thankful that my son got into wrestling at an early age, he learned to win respectfully, lose with dignity, work hard to improve, respect your opponent and bond with a team. Many of these kids have never learned those life lessons.
PlayerRep said:
I don't have macro ideas; I just have anecdotes. My older relatives were tradesmen who had no trouble living comfortable lives with one parent staying to raise the kids in the nice homes they immediately bought at 21 for the same price as a new Silverado. Us kids got new bikes, birthday parties, and vacations. Parents had retirement plans, some union, and got to become full-time golfers/fishermen at 62, and most continue to live very comfortably to this day.

I also know my wife and I went to a combined 21 years of college/graduate school (none wasted), got great jobs, saved for four years, and bought our first house next to great people who had the buying power to get into that neighborhood 25 years prior as elementary school teachers (nothing against that profession, obviously) for ~15% of what we paid. In my wife's group alone, people made about 10% less in 1985 than at present. Real estate has more than quadrupled since then.

We're not millennials or boomers, and I'm not complaining. We have a great life and have been very fortunate. But, it really pisses me off when people act like any millennial should be able to do the same as my older relatives these days when my wife and I can't even make it happen. It just doesn't pencil.

EDIT: to say I know the disparity hasn't widened as much in Montana as it has where I'm located, but I'd imagine some people would still realize they'd have a tougher time buying the house they bought 25 years ago based on their current income.

Try looking outside of your gated community. Joke, just kidding.

:lol: Not a bad suggestion, and honestly one I've used on my co-workers complaining about trying to buy a house, but only willing to live in certain zip codes.

I think we can all agree that COL has far eclipsed wage growth in the professions, at least in the major metros. I'm extremely lucky that I'm not starting out right now.
SoldierGriz said:
I grew up, graduated from UM, and joined the Army. I got married, had kids, and saved a bunch of money. I will build the house I want to build in a couple of years after I retire.

Recruiters are waiting....

Seriously, not one person was forced to take on debt...not one. These are choices people make...most make them poorly, and then choose to live well beyond their means.

I have no idea what this has to do with the interwebs, but I do know quite a few young people who could use a Drill Sergeant...

I honestly think that could be the answer for a lot of the youngsters. I don't disagree at all. I really didn't want my post to seem like I'm complaining, because I'm not.
Can't wait to see pics of the house, man! :thumb:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
AZGrizFan said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
I think theres much more to it than that... you cant use past generations experiences to try and figure out whats affecting the younger generations. You're telling me that some 60 year old who had to only compete with the people in his own community for a great paying job, that put his 3 kids through college and wife could stay at home to raise a family, he could buy a house, always had food on the table, had sooo many built in assurances in his life.......

Youre telling me that guys^^^^ experiences apply to the now 25 year old who is not only competing with every single human on the planet, whether they be in India, or China...or a freaking ROBOT for 35k a year, shares an apartment with 3 other roommates his age, and has basically been guaranteed he will not be able to afford to retire unless he invents an app and makes his millions.....

We are fools for trying to compare the two...and sadly those 1st scenario guys are all of our politicians running this country.....we make fun of other countries, and Europeans for being soft mean while they are dying laughing about us watching us vastly fall behind.

I'm not quite 60 (57) but that description does not even BEGIN to describe my experiences in the work force. Maybe an 80 year old, but not anybody my age.

Oh, and at 25 I had 2 roommates. in 1987. Thinking that's NOT normal is the problem.

Ohhh so its just younger generations are lazy and entitled?? Got it...never heard that argument before.

Is that REALLY what you got out of my response? And yet you presume to sit and explain to someone 57 years old what THEIR reality was growing up/old? :roll: :roll:
getgrizzy said:
There isn’t anything wrong with the internet or this generation. People are always looking for an excuse. When the Vietnam War was lost people blamed that generation and Rock Music and drugs.

This generation is very tough. You have crank, sex trafficking, huge financial gap, terrorism at it highest level both domestic and foreign and they see teen suicide regularly.

If anything the internet makes these kids tougher and more resilient.

The everyone gets a trophy excuse is BS. Kids don’t go out for sports as much because they just don’t find them that interesting. Probably because their parents think sports are so great, but mostly because they have other interests.

Currently this generation is trying to solve global warming and end mass killings in schools. Pretty big undertakings.

PRs post mentioned that peoples' anxiety levels are increasing dramatically. I didn't look to see where the data came from but I'm pretty sure that is reality. It also says that rise is in correlation to the explosion of the internet. What part of that are you disagreeing with?
I'm 74 and the older I get the more I see people of my age outwardly showing bitterness, anger, and much more because their lives did not turn out as they planned. That's life. But, where I live now, part time in the winter, I am surrounded by young people who are optimistic, opportunistic and open to new things and they beat expectations. Nearly 70% of my county's population is black and they have lineage that can be traced back two centuries. The vast majority know more than I did at 17. I think there is a reason so many older people feel the need to support a guy like Trump. They are grasping at straws. The internet gives everyone a voice and, at first, when I began to use it, the things said to me and about me, etc were upsetting, but then I realized how stupid it all is. For some this site and others are full time vocations. For others, like me, I check in to see what the Griz are up to. The rest is simply entertainment and I don't have to participate. Sometimes, I will throw a slight toward one or two people who spend inordinate amounts of effort to putting others down but mostly, these days, who cares? Young people today simply are more into things that older people have even heard of. Of course, for proof, look at the numbers playing and competing well at U of M....And, the others who attend classes and do the work....The danger is not in the internet it is in people who cannot handle their deepest fears and emotions.
AZGrizFan said:
argh! said:
Merkleman said:
Good post.
I believe the internet is just the match or the trigger for what has been a sweeping change in society where people at a young age don't learn how to deal with adversity. The old saying "you learn more from losing than winning" is much more important than many realize. More than a generation of people in this country and probably many counties have fallen victim too" the everybody is a winner" mantra. In real life there are winners and losers but when more than a generation of people that from an early age are rewarded as winners in failure bad things are sure to come. They simply never learned how to cope.
I remember playing team sports as a kid and throughout my early twenties(In team Sports) I got one trophy over that time. What did it do? It made me fight harder and work harder to make myself and my team better and try and help my team be the best and win that championship trophy. While I only ended up getting 1 I certainly learned how to deal with losing and adversity.
Coincidence or not this change certainly coincides in timeline going back to Columbine. There have been vastly more mass shootings from Columbine forward than in our entire history before despite the fact that there are many more gun laws on the books now than prior. That tells me in my OWN opinion that it has more to do with where we are as a society than anything else.

As I said the inter is the match or end result. Regardless of your opinion on anything you can find many many on the internet to justify yourself even if its not true as the poster above alluded.

Most of our younger generation(and unfortunately some of the older) have become sheep.
If this current younger generation was the generation during World War II we would all be speaking German right now.

gee, and old man castigating younger generations for not being like him, that's a first.

Here's the catch, argh: the younger generation is like they are BECAUSE of us. WE implemented the "participation trophy" generation. WE failed to teach them how to cope. WE allowed them never to experience failure. WE are the helicopter parent generation. WE are the generation of parents who abdicated parental responsibilities in the name of being our kids' "friends". WE are the generation of parents who got our kids diagnosed in record numbers with ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, etc., etc and drugged the f*** out of them to make our lives as parents easier. WE are the generation who used iPads and iPhones and TV's as babysitters to make our lives "easier". And I use WE loosely, because it's obviously not ALL parents from our generation (although I'm guilty of many of these things I guarantee you my kids experienced a lot of failure :lol: ) but as a generation my generation pretty much failed at parenting.

Speak for yourself!!
Merkleman said:
argh! said:
Merkleman said:
Good post.
I believe the internet is just the match or the trigger for what has been a sweeping change in society where people at a young age don't learn how to deal with adversity. The old saying "you learn more from losing than winning" is much more important than many realize. More than a generation of people in this country and probably many counties have fallen victim too" the everybody is a winner" mantra. In real life there are winners and losers but when more than a generation of people that from an early age are rewarded as winners in failure bad things are sure to come. They simply never learned how to cope.
I remember playing team sports as a kid and throughout my early twenties(In team Sports) I got one trophy over that time. What did it do? It made me fight harder and work harder to make myself and my team better and try and help my team be the best and win that championship trophy. While I only ended up getting 1 I certainly learned how to deal with losing and adversity.
Coincidence or not this change certainly coincides in timeline going back to Columbine. There have been vastly more mass shootings from Columbine forward than in our entire history before despite the fact that there are many more gun laws on the books now than prior. That tells me in my OWN opinion that it has more to do with where we are as a society than anything else.

As I said the inter is the match or end result. Regardless of your opinion on anything you can find many many on the internet to justify yourself even if its not true as the poster above alluded.

Most of our younger generation(and unfortunately some of the older) have become sheep.
If this current younger generation was the generation during World War II we would all be speaking German right now.

gee, and old man castigating younger generations for not being like him, that's a first.

Thanks for making my point snow flake.Its mind blowing that you got that out of what I wrote.

ps 49 isnt that old

i was trying to find a theme to your rambling rant, and figured the last sentence must have been the thesis of your tome.
From another Journal article today:

“8chan not only has the manifestos, but users also have encouragement from the community that celebrates what they did and reminds all those users that if they do the same thing, they will never be forgotten. They will be lionized,” said Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which monitors activity on social-media sites including 8chan.

Stephen G. White, a psychologist who has studied multiple mass shooters, said shooters were “ seeking to become the next alluring antihero….One of our concerns is that these guys are thinking about the body count. ‘How can I score more points than the last guy?’ It’s a very terrible trend.”

Jillian Peterson, a professor of criminal justice at Hamline University who studies the life histories of mass shooters, said the past 20 years of mass shootings and heavy media coverage have created a “cultural script” for people who are struggling emotionally to draw attention to themselves.

To be noticed today, she said, the shootings have to be “bigger and bolder” than in the past. “They are these violent performances, meant to be seen and watched,” she said."
PlayerRep said:
From another Journal article today:

“8chan not only has the manifestos, but users also have encouragement from the community that celebrates what they did and reminds all those users that if they do the same thing, they will never be forgotten. They will be lionized,” said Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which monitors activity on social-media sites including 8chan.

Stephen G. White, a psychologist who has studied multiple mass shooters, said shooters were “ seeking to become the next alluring antihero….One of our concerns is that these guys are thinking about the body count. ‘How can I score more points than the last guy?’ It’s a very terrible trend.”

Jillian Peterson, a professor of criminal justice at Hamline University who studies the life histories of mass shooters, said the past 20 years of mass shootings and heavy media coverage have created a “cultural script” for people who are struggling emotionally to draw attention to themselves.

To be noticed today, she said, the shootings have to be “bigger and bolder” than in the past. “They are these violent performances, meant to be seen and watched,” she said."

Can you, off the top of your head, name ANY of the mass shooters in the past 5 years?

I can't. They're forgotten.
AZGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
From another Journal article today:

“8chan not only has the manifestos, but users also have encouragement from the community that celebrates what they did and reminds all those users that if they do the same thing, they will never be forgotten. They will be lionized,” said Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which monitors activity on social-media sites including 8chan.

Stephen G. White, a psychologist who has studied multiple mass shooters, said shooters were “ seeking to become the next alluring antihero….One of our concerns is that these guys are thinking about the body count. ‘How can I score more points than the last guy?’ It’s a very terrible trend.”

Jillian Peterson, a professor of criminal justice at Hamline University who studies the life histories of mass shooters, said the past 20 years of mass shootings and heavy media coverage have created a “cultural script” for people who are struggling emotionally to draw attention to themselves.

To be noticed today, she said, the shootings have to be “bigger and bolder” than in the past. “They are these violent performances, meant to be seen and watched,” she said."

Can you, off the top of your head, name ANY of the mass shooters in the past 5 years?

I can't. They're forgotten.

I can name a few, but I don't think you and I are their target audience for getting attention. The 8chan crowd knows them all.
AZGrizFan said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
AZGrizFan said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
I think theres much more to it than that... you cant use past generations experiences to try and figure out whats affecting the younger generations. You're telling me that some 60 year old who had to only compete with the people in his own community for a great paying job, that put his 3 kids through college and wife could stay at home to raise a family, he could buy a house, always had food on the table, had sooo many built in assurances in his life.......

Youre telling me that guys^^^^ experiences apply to the now 25 year old who is not only competing with every single human on the planet, whether they be in India, or China...or a freaking ROBOT for 35k a year, shares an apartment with 3 other roommates his age, and has basically been guaranteed he will not be able to afford to retire unless he invents an app and makes his millions.....

We are fools for trying to compare the two...and sadly those 1st scenario guys are all of our politicians running this country.....we make fun of other countries, and Europeans for being soft mean while they are dying laughing about us watching us vastly fall behind.

I'm not quite 60 (57) but that description does not even BEGIN to describe my experiences in the work force. Maybe an 80 year old, but not anybody my age.

Oh, and at 25 I had 2 roommates. in 1987. Thinking that's NOT normal is the problem.

Ohhh so its just younger generations are lazy and entitled?? Got it...never heard that argument before.

Is that REALLY what you got out of my response? And yet you presume to sit and explain to someone 57 years old what THEIR reality was growing up/old? :roll: :roll:

No just stopping it before it inevitably comes from someone...somewhere.
PlayerRep said:
From another Journal article today:

“8chan not only has the manifestos, but users also have encouragement from the community that celebrates what they did and reminds all those users that if they do the same thing, they will never be forgotten. They will be lionized,” said Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which monitors activity on social-media sites including 8chan.

Stephen G. White, a psychologist who has studied multiple mass shooters, said shooters were “ seeking to become the next alluring antihero….One of our concerns is that these guys are thinking about the body count. ‘How can I score more points than the last guy?’ It’s a very terrible trend.”

Jillian Peterson, a professor of criminal justice at Hamline University who studies the life histories of mass shooters, said the past 20 years of mass shootings and heavy media coverage have created a “cultural script” for people who are struggling emotionally to draw attention to themselves.

To be noticed today, she said, the shootings have to be “bigger and bolder” than in the past. “They are these violent performances, meant to be seen and watched,” she said."

Even the creator of 8Chan recently said the site needs be be destroyed.
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
From another Journal article today:

“8chan not only has the manifestos, but users also have encouragement from the community that celebrates what they did and reminds all those users that if they do the same thing, they will never be forgotten. They will be lionized,” said Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which monitors activity on social-media sites including 8chan.

Stephen G. White, a psychologist who has studied multiple mass shooters, said shooters were “ seeking to become the next alluring antihero….One of our concerns is that these guys are thinking about the body count. ‘How can I score more points than the last guy?’ It’s a very terrible trend.”

Jillian Peterson, a professor of criminal justice at Hamline University who studies the life histories of mass shooters, said the past 20 years of mass shootings and heavy media coverage have created a “cultural script” for people who are struggling emotionally to draw attention to themselves.

To be noticed today, she said, the shootings have to be “bigger and bolder” than in the past. “They are these violent performances, meant to be seen and watched,” she said."

Can you, off the top of your head, name ANY of the mass shooters in the past 5 years?

I can't. They're forgotten.

I can name a few, but I don't think you and I are their target audience for getting attention. The 8chan crowd knows them all.

Playa is correct, if you go on the internet in certain areas, these people are not only remembered, they're idolized. You often find their actions or words in jokes or stories 5-10 years after theyre gone regurgitated by fellow posters

Its honestly shocking to see, but again, it doesnt make sense to peopel that arent messed up in the head. As stated, the posters on Egriz arent exactly their target audience. Damn...is it football season yetttt?????
poorgriz said:
getgrizzy said:
There isn’t anything wrong with the internet or this generation. People are always looking for an excuse. When the Vietnam War was lost people blamed that generation and Rock Music and drugs.

This generation is very tough. You have crank, sex trafficking, huge financial gap, terrorism at it highest level both domestic and foreign and they see teen suicide regularly.

If anything the internet makes these kids tougher and more resilient.

The everyone gets a trophy excuse is BS. Kids don’t go out for sports as much because they just don’t find them that interesting. Probably because their parents think sports are so great, but mostly because they have other interests.

Currently this generation is trying to solve global warming and end mass killings in schools. Pretty big undertakings.

PRs post mentioned that peoples' anxiety levels are increasing dramatically. I didn't look to see where the data came from but I'm pretty sure that is reality. It also says that rise is in correlation to the explosion of the internet. What part of that are you disagreeing with?

How can they say it’s just the internet or mostly the internet? You have bizarre politics with media wings blasting out all kinds of misleading information. You have mass shootings in schools, all kinds of terrorism. Massive debt, recession, global warming, oceans filling with plastic. I mean there’s lots to have anxiety about, so I doubt it’s mostly from the internet. I think the internet is more relaxing for me. I use it to solve all kinds of vehicle and home problems. It quickly answers questions, helps me navigate when I’m out of town. If it’s causing anxiety for someone, I’d say that person had a problem to begin with.
getgrizzy said:
poorgriz said:
getgrizzy said:
There isn’t anything wrong with the internet or this generation. People are always looking for an excuse. When the Vietnam War was lost people blamed that generation and Rock Music and drugs.

This generation is very tough. You have crank, sex trafficking, huge financial gap, terrorism at it highest level both domestic and foreign and they see teen suicide regularly.

If anything the internet makes these kids tougher and more resilient.

The everyone gets a trophy excuse is BS. Kids don’t go out for sports as much because they just don’t find them that interesting. Probably because their parents think sports are so great, but mostly because they have other interests.

Currently this generation is trying to solve global warming and end mass killings in schools. Pretty big undertakings.

PRs post mentioned that peoples' anxiety levels are increasing dramatically. I didn't look to see where the data came from but I'm pretty sure that is reality. It also says that rise is in correlation to the explosion of the internet. What part of that are you disagreeing with?

How can they say it’s just the internet or mostly the internet? You have bizarre politics with media wings blasting out all kinds of misleading information. You have mass shootings in schools, all kinds of terrorism. Massive debt, recession, global warming, oceans filling with plastic. I mean there’s lots to have anxiety about, so I doubt it’s mostly from the internet. I think the internet is more relaxing for me. I use it to solve all kinds of vehicle and home problems. It quickly answers questions, helps me navigate when I’m out of town. If it’s causing anxiety for someone, I’d say that person had a problem to begin with.

Heres a very generic and slight insight into what the millennial generation is facing and how we view the world basically on a day to day basis. We have soooooo many problems to fix, not only societal but global scale to fix. I know this will cause a lot of people to roll their eyes, but basically our generation will be the ones in charge when we either prevent the planet from dying, or we allow it too, that in itself is unbelievably stressful and anxiety inducing. Say we dont do it, ok great now we have to figure out how to colonize mars I guess. It may not seem like it, but consciously we( millennials) all honestly know thats our job.

Basically when we were all 10 years old we watched 2,000 people die on live TV and then literally nothing got better after that. And we ask the question why our generation suffers from issues that generations before us never had to deal with.
The standard of living, in terms of what people do with their money, is so much higher than it was in the old days. Perhaps it's tougher to get ahead now than it was in the old days, but look at that standard of living.

My family almost never went out to dinner. We didn't fly anywhere. We didn't do many vacations, except driving to relatives and good camping trips. We didn't have any fancy vehicles. We had old vehicles and old boats, we maintained them ourselves, and we went to lakes of mountains and lakes. When was the last time you changed your own oil? College, even the Ivies, weren't nearly as expensive. We didn't have many or fancy clothes. People got married in backyards, and some of the wealthier at the country club, but no one had wedding venues or big hotels. No one drank fancy cocktails. No cell phones or video games. No computers. No big fancy tv's. No subscription entertainment. Less fancy food at home. Few, if any, athletic or drama or academic camps. It was church camp and boy scout camp. Women didn't have fancy wedding rings. There weren't destination bachelorette parties. Few drank wine, let alone fancy wine. Pot luck dinners were a big deal and fun. No fancy athletic shoes. Much designer athletic ware. No traveling teams. No or few riding law mowers. No expensive composite decking. Trips to Europe were a really big deal.

What about the level of healthcare and testing that is now available to most? Many things with big costs. We didn't have lots of that stuff in the old days.

I'm not saying life was better or worse in the older days, but it sure wasn't as fancy as it is today. In my view, the way people live has significantly changed and become bigger and more expensive, and that's part of the reason why incomes haven't kept up.