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Covid Updates - Not Politics

gain of function research applied for by wuhan institute's american pal:

pcr test purchases indicate virus was in wuhan in may 2019:

Phew. This thread didn't age well. Lot's of angry people wishing death on the unvaxxed sure look bad here.
PhxGriz said:
Phew. This thread didn't age well. Lot's of angry people wishing death on the unvaxxed sure look bad here.

Correct. But now those same people that wished death on us just want to forgive and forget and move on…
GrizPony said:
PhxGriz said:
Phew. This thread didn't age well. Lot's of angry people wishing death on the unvaxxed sure look bad here.

Correct. But now those same people that wished death on us just want to forgive and forget and move on…

Exactly. And as the research keeps coming out proving how those so willing for others to die were wrong, it makes them look that much worse. Essentially it let you know who'd fuck you over in a pinch.
NIH reports the virus was sent to Fauci, who procured 12 Egyptian Fruit Bats from some place in Maryland, then sent this combination to NIHs Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, in 2018.. The TV announcer said they shipped this 'product' 'cross country to the middle of nowhere in Montana.'
Any Montanan knows the middle of nowhere in Montana is somewhere outside of Jordan. So, I looked up where this Montana lab was located. Hamilton. Be advised, Missoula is 50 miles north of 'the middle of nowhere!' Google it, it's currently in the 'news.'
Mick Belker said:
NIH reports the virus was sent to Fauci, who procured 12 Egyptian Fruit Bats from some place in Maryland, then sent this combination to NIHs Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, in 2018.. The TV announcer said they shipped this 'product' 'cross country to the middle of nowhere in Montana.'
Any Montanan knows the middle of nowhere in Montana is somewhere outside of Jordan. So, I looked up where this Montana lab was located. Hamilton. Be advised, Missoula is 50 miles north of 'the middle of nowhere!' Google it, it's currently in the 'news.'
Right on the way to Stock Farm! Yay government.
Absolutely fascinating read. In hindsight, so many uninformed statements that were simply speculation, even from self proclaimed scientists and relatives of doctors!

The whole 60 pages is a real insight to those who succumbed to a narrative.