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Congrats to Cats, but How Bad Were Those Refs?

I didn't consider the helmet coming off celebrating he missed an easy interception so not sure he would celebrate that. It truly looked to me like he slapped his own head in disgust knocking his helmet off. That is how it looked. I am not familiar with the rules on getting your helmet knocked off even if you knock it off yourself lol. has to be in the rule book somewhere
jodcon said:
MTCowpoke said:
PlayerRep said:
bigsky33 said:
The bad refs on the BIg Sky impact every team. Cannot blame a loss on refs. Sorry

I didn't blame the loss on the refs. It was the fumbles. It was good play by the Cats.

Let's see you comment on non-calls. Blatant out of bounds hit. Helmet taken off and thrown down. No-call on the slant.

Also what's your view on the late call on the TO?

Are you able to make substantive posts, or are you just a troll who doesn't understand the game and never played it?

I’ll take the bait. The non call on the out of bounds play was surprising, even to us Bobcat fans. But it went both ways. You failed to mention the phantom face mask call on Logan Jones on the first drive, likely taking points off the board.the late call TO is pretty typical, and if you disagree, you haven’t watched much football. How many times on last second field goals do opposing coaches call time out just before the ball is snapped? The play happens, but doesn’t count. It’s as common as egrizzers disagreeing with you.
For someone who “played the game” I’m surprised by your constant bitch sessions on here. There are two things you can’t control in football, the weather and the refs. You adjust as needed and play the f***[*] game.

Not getting into the whole blame the refs thing, but if the call you're talking about is the kick return Jones did have his hand wrapped up in the facemask pretty good, the camera had a good view of that for once.

Yeah, that was the right call, I didnt like it but it was the right call, he closed his fingers in the facemask and pulled his head down.
EverettGriz said:
The officiating was shitty. But certainly no shittier than in any other bsc game. And for this sour grapes thread to come from one of the few who actually support this ridiculous conference would be laughable if it weren’t just downright sad.


And this game wasn’t lost because of officiating. It was lost due to being out coached and because the two guys brought in by the current staff failed miserably in crunch time.

There were probably 15 plays, of which 1 or 2 going the other way, including missed calls by the refs, that would have changed the game, including the 2 fumbles. Without Sneed, UM would have gotten crushed. Sneed had a terrific game.

Refs are sometimes bad in every conference, including the Pac-12. Some of the Big Sky refs and teams are good. Some refs do both Pac-12 and Big Sky, I believe. I sometimes compliment the refs. This crew was just particularly bad, particularly with missing or not making critical calls which were obvious and easily seen. I've never seen so many blatant things not called at critical times. My impression is that people not at the game would not have seen all of them, but don't know what was caught on tv.

I have not yet noticed any posters defending the missed calls I mentioned.
PlayerRep said:
PlayerRep said:
For the sake of accuracy, last season was better because we went 7-4 with a loss to #7 Washington. This year was 6-5 with Drake.

Okay, but last year UM played 2 other total cupcake teams (Valparaiso and Savannah St), instead of UNI and WI. Big difference. The comparison is not UW to Drake. I say that UNI, WI and Drake (7-3 this year) are tougher than the 3 last year, as a whole.

I can get on board with that. I can get on board with almost anything that tells me we didn't go backwards when the record says we did.

I'm fine with saying UM went backward with the record, but UM went forward in terms of how hard the team played, improvement in tackling, more physical play, the attitude of the team, the improvement at the qb position, defensive scheme (I think), etc. The team is in a much better position to improve next year, and RTD. Some of these things I observed and discussed with others; some I was told by people involved in the program.

Learning to hold 4th quarter leads is correctable. Part of that will come with more experience and confidence. Yesterday, UM started 1 senior on offense (Curran), and had only 2 on the 2-deep (Lee). On D, UM started 3 on the defense (Buss, Shaw, Tilleman). Can't imagine that there is any other playoff or top 25 team with that few seniors.

While a win over the Cats yesterday and a shot at the playoffs would have been awesome, and was oh so close, I was quite pleased with the team/season this year, starting from what I saw the first game.

This is the kind of stuff I need to hear right now.
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
The officiating was shitty. But certainly no shittier than in any other bsc game. And for this sour grapes thread to come from one of the few who actually support this ridiculous conference would be laughable if it weren’t just downright sad.


And this game wasn’t lost because of officiating. It was lost due to being out coached and because the two guys brought in by the current staff failed miserably in crunch time.

There were probably 15 plays, of which 1 or 2 going the other way, including missed calls by the refs, that would have changed the game, including the 2 fumbles. Without Sneed, UM would have gotten crushed. Sneed had a terrific game.

Refs are sometimes bad in every conference, including the Pac-12. Some of the Big Sky refs and teams are good. Some refs do both Pac-12 and Big Sky, I believe. I sometimes compliment the refs. This crew was just particularly bad, particularly with missing or not making critical calls which were obvious and easily seen. I've never seen so many blatant things not called at critical times. My impression is that people not at the game would not have seen all of them, but don't know what was caught on tv.

I have not yet noticed any posters defending the missed calls I mentioned.

Im calling bullshit.

Name one reffing crew that has reffed both BSC and Pac12 at the same time. I not talking about an individule that moved up from the BSC to the Pac12 at some point.

Your insinuation is that the conferences have the same refs, bullshit pure and simple.
MTCowpoke said:
PlayerRep said:
bigsky33 said:
The bad refs on the BIg Sky impact every team. Cannot blame a loss on refs. Sorry

I didn't blame the loss on the refs. It was the fumbles. It was good play by the Cats.

Let's see you comment on non-calls. Blatant out of bounds hit. Helmet taken off and thrown down. No-call on the slant.

Also what's your view on the late call on the TO?

Are you able to make substantive posts, or are you just a troll who doesn't understand the game and never played it?

I’ll take the bait. The non call on the out of bounds play was surprising, even to us Bobcat fans. But it went both ways. You failed to mention the phantom face mask call on Logan Jones on the first drive, likely taking points off the board.the late call TO is pretty typical, and if you disagree, you haven’t watched much football. How many times on last second field goals do opposing coaches call time out just before the ball is snapped? The play happens, but doesn’t count. It’s as common as egrizzers disagreeing with you.
For someone who “played the game” I’m surprised by your constant bitch sessions on here. There are two things you can’t control in football, the weather and the refs. You adjust as needed and play the f***[*] game.

So, your rule is that there can't be discussion on the internet for anything you can't control? Interesting. My view is that you can discuss anything you want on the internet, including the weather. It's a free country, and the Internet is particularly free.

This thread was not set up as a bitch session. It was set up to discuss some calls, or non-calls, by the refs. You participated. You admitted that the missed out of bounds hit/call was wrong. What about the helmet thing? Do you know something about the rule that makes that not a penalty? If so, I'd like to see it, and learn something. What about the blatant no-call on the PI on the slant by the Griz receiver. Blatant PI in real time, and on the replay. Easy call to make. 3 down play. Stopped a UM drive.
The.Real.2506 said:
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
The officiating was shitty. But certainly no shittier than in any other bsc game. And for this sour grapes thread to come from one of the few who actually support this ridiculous conference would be laughable if it weren’t just downright sad.


And this game wasn’t lost because of officiating. It was lost due to being out coached and because the two guys brought in by the current staff failed miserably in crunch time.

There were probably 15 plays, of which 1 or 2 going the other way, including missed calls by the refs, that would have changed the game, including the 2 fumbles. Without Sneed, UM would have gotten crushed. Sneed had a terrific game.

Refs are sometimes bad in every conference, including the Pac-12. Some of the Big Sky refs and teams are good. Some refs do both Pac-12 and Big Sky, I believe. I sometimes compliment the refs. This crew was just particularly bad, particularly with missing or not making critical calls which were obvious and easily seen. I've never seen so many blatant things not called at critical times. My impression is that people not at the game would not have seen all of them, but don't know what was caught on tv.

I have not yet noticed any posters defending the missed calls I mentioned.

Im calling bullshit.

Name one reffing crew that has reffed both BSC and Pac12 at the same time. I not talking about an individule that moved up from the BSC to the Pac12 at some point.

Your insinuation is that the conferences have the same refs, bullshit pure and simple.

Some Big Sky refs also ref in the Pac-12. No where did I say or insinuate that the ref "teams" do both. Jeez, learn to read.
PlayerRep said:
The.Real.2506 said:
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
The officiating was shitty. But certainly no shittier than in any other bsc game. And for this sour grapes thread to come from one of the few who actually support this ridiculous conference would be laughable if it weren’t just downright sad.


And this game wasn’t lost because of officiating. It was lost due to being out coached and because the two guys brought in by the current staff failed miserably in crunch time.

There were probably 15 plays, of which 1 or 2 going the other way, including missed calls by the refs, that would have changed the game, including the 2 fumbles. Without Sneed, UM would have gotten crushed. Sneed had a terrific game.

Refs are sometimes bad in every conference, including the Pac-12. Some of the Big Sky refs and teams are good. Some refs do both Pac-12 and Big Sky, I believe. I sometimes compliment the refs. This crew was just particularly bad, particularly with missing or not making critical calls which were obvious and easily seen. I've never seen so many blatant things not called at critical times. My impression is that people not at the game would not have seen all of them, but don't know what was caught on tv.

I have not yet noticed any posters defending the missed calls I mentioned.

Im calling bullshit.

Name one reffing crew that has reffed both BSC and Pac12 at the same time. I not talking about an individule that moved up from the BSC to the Pac12 at some point.

Your insinuation is that the conferences have the same refs, bullshit pure and simple.

Some Big Sky refs also ref in the Pac-12. No where did I say or insinuate that the ref "teams" do both. Jeez, learn to read.

You know damn good and well you were wanting to leave the impression that the conferences have the same ref crews, I just called you out on your bullshit
PlayerRep said:
Great win for Cats. Played hard. Never gave up. Made some key plays. Anderson is very good and a gamer.

But, the refs were just horrible. I have never seen a game with so many blatant penalties that weren't called. Most of which had a huge impact on the game and its outcome.

The hit on our receiver who was 4 steps out of bounds, without the ball, and knocked flying. Sorry, that's a late hit 100% of the time. UM had to punt, and Cats then scored a TD.

The missed pass interference on the slant in front of the UM bench. Blatant. 3d down. How could some ref not have seen that? The defender hit our receiver well before the pass arrived. UM had to punt. Cats then scored another TD.

The non-call after the Cat took off and threw down his helmet. Every ref on the field had to have seen that. That's a penalty. Griz should have had a first down. And would likely have scored.

A missed holding against the UM corner in front of Cat bench, when he hold was clearly able to be seen as the defender tried to pull away. Missed calls like this happen, but it was obvious.

The late called timeout on the play before Eastwood fumbled. I call BS on that late call. No one on the field, including the 2 side judges who signaled a TD for Eastwood, knew there had been a TO. At least, the side judge on Cat side of the field should have known or heard a while. That play was very deflating too, as the Griz team celebrated the TD and their win, only to have to undue their excitement and run another play.

This team of refs should be permanently suspended from reffing in the Big Sky.

i agree the refs were bad, but i don't think the guy used his hands to take off his helmet - looked like he just physically reacted strongly to missing the int
argh! said:
PlayerRep said:
Great win for Cats. Played hard. Never gave up. Made some key plays. Anderson is very good and a gamer.

But, the refs were just horrible. I have never seen a game with so many blatant penalties that weren't called. Most of which had a huge impact on the game and its outcome.

The hit on our receiver who was 4 steps out of bounds, without the ball, and knocked flying. Sorry, that's a late hit 100% of the time. UM had to punt, and Cats then scored a TD.

The missed pass interference on the slant in front of the UM bench. Blatant. 3d down. How could some ref not have seen that? The defender hit our receiver well before the pass arrived. UM had to punt. Cats then scored another TD.

The non-call after the Cat took off and threw down his helmet. Every ref on the field had to have seen that. That's a penalty. Griz should have had a first down. And would likely have scored.

A missed holding against the UM corner in front of Cat bench, when he hold was clearly able to be seen as the defender tried to pull away. Missed calls like this happen, but it was obvious.

The late called timeout on the play before Eastwood fumbled. I call BS on that late call. No one on the field, including the 2 side judges who signaled a TD for Eastwood, knew there had been a TO. At least, the side judge on Cat side of the field should have known or heard a while. That play was very deflating too, as the Griz team celebrated the TD and their win, only to have to undue their excitement and run another play.

This team of refs should be permanently suspended from reffing in the Big Sky.

i agree the refs were bad, but i don't think the guy used his hands to take off his helmet - looked like he just physically reacted strongly to missing the int

He pulled it hands up to his head around the helmet and it came off. He "took" it off.
PlayerRep said:
PlayerRep said:
For the sake of accuracy, last season was better because we went 7-4 with a loss to #7 Washington. This year was 6-5 with Drake.

Okay, but last year UM played 2 other total cupcake teams (Valparaiso and Savannah St), instead of UNI and WI. Big difference. The comparison is not UW to Drake. I say that UNI, WI and Drake (7-3 this year) are tougher than the 3 last year, as a whole.

I can get on board with that. I can get on board with almost anything that tells me we didn't go backwards when the record says we did.

I'm fine with saying UM went backward with the record, but UM went forward in terms of how hard the team played, improvement in tackling, more physical play, the attitude of the team, the improvement at the qb position, defensive scheme (I think), etc. The team is in a much better position to improve next year, and RTD. Some of these things I observed and discussed with others; some I was told by people involved in the program.

Learning to hold 4th quarter leads is correctable. Part of that will come with more experience and confidence. Yesterday, UM started 1 senior on offense (Curran), and had only 2 on the 2-deep (Lee). On D, UM started 3 on the defense (Buss, Shaw, Tilleman). Can't imagine that there is any other playoff or top 25 team with that few seniors.

While a win over the Cats yesterday and a shot at the playoffs would have been awesome, and was oh so close, I was quite pleased with the team/season this year, starting from what I saw the first game.

Yeah, I love teams that sprint out to big leads and then the D scheme can’t stop shit in the final 20 minutes. That’s a great game plan...giving up 46 straight to UC-Davis. 41 straight to UND. Giving up 29 straight and getting outscored 22-3 after having a 3 score lead going into the 4th quarter.....great scheme there, only if the “scheme” is to set the bar so fucking low for fans that we’ll accept ANY semblance of improvement over the coming three years.

Baer is exactly what I knew him to be. An over-the-hill coordinator whom the game has passed by and who gets schooled literally every game by anyone with half a brain.
Every close game will have this refereeing discussion. My opinion...the game’s rules and the speed at which it is played makes it impossible to be consistently and fairly officiated. You just have to roll with the punches as it will even out over time.

The whole “call is confirmed, stands, or is overturned” scenario after someone in a hermetically sealed sound proof booth reviews a play in super slow motion from 3 or 4 angles supports my view.

Remember a few years ago that Chris Lider, in an Oscar award winning performance, drew a roughing the punter penalty that played a huge role in the last Griz win in Cat-Griz.
PlayerRep said:
argh! said:
PlayerRep said:
Great win for Cats. Played hard. Never gave up. Made some key plays. Anderson is very good and a gamer.

But, the refs were just horrible. I have never seen a game with so many blatant penalties that weren't called. Most of which had a huge impact on the game and its outcome.

The hit on our receiver who was 4 steps out of bounds, without the ball, and knocked flying. Sorry, that's a late hit 100% of the time. UM had to punt, and Cats then scored a TD.

The missed pass interference on the slant in front of the UM bench. Blatant. 3d down. How could some ref not have seen that? The defender hit our receiver well before the pass arrived. UM had to punt. Cats then scored another TD.

The non-call after the Cat took off and threw down his helmet. Every ref on the field had to have seen that. That's a penalty. Griz should have had a first down. And would likely have scored.

A missed holding against the UM corner in front of Cat bench, when he hold was clearly able to be seen as the defender tried to pull away. Missed calls like this happen, but it was obvious.

The late called timeout on the play before Eastwood fumbled. I call BS on that late call. No one on the field, including the 2 side judges who signaled a TD for Eastwood, knew there had been a TO. At least, the side judge on Cat side of the field should have known or heard a while. That play was very deflating too, as the Griz team celebrated the TD and their win, only to have to undue their excitement and run another play.

This team of refs should be permanently suspended from reffing in the Big Sky.

i agree the refs were bad, but i don't think the guy used his hands to take off his helmet - looked like he just physically reacted strongly to missing the int

He pulled it hands up to his head around the helmet and it came off. He "took" it off.
Did not
The refs weren't bad. They let a lot of stuff go, maybe recognizing it was a rivalry game. We couldn't gain a few inches when it mattered. The Bobcats won, and that permed guy on their team is a beast. We got beat. I don't have any complaints about the refs. All was fair.
What I saw was the player raise his arms up and aggresively unbuckle his helmet. Shortly thereafter his helmet is rolling up the field.
Did it just fall off?
The late hit out of bounds not being called was bad. And things could have escalated drastically after that. But kudos to the teams for not going there. There was missed pi calls going both ways. One I am thankful that did get called against Calhoun when they were trying to go one on one with a fade ball. So I don’t think that there is really anything to discuss.
We had our chances to seal this game up and we did not do it. We had two turnovers and that’s what put the final nail in the coffin for us
To me on the out of bounds hit the Cat player couldn’t slow down in time and tried to avoid a chain gang member and in doing so collided with the Griz WR. I wouldn’t have been mad if it was called but didn’t seem intentional.
grizzpa said:
What I saw was the player raise his arms up and aggresively unbuckle his helmet. Shortly thereafter his helmet is rolling up the field.
Did it just fall off?

You are correct. The player caused the helmet to come/pop off his head and hit the ground. He may have thrown it to the ground. Can't recall. The helmet didn't just explode off his head as he was running up the field.

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