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Big OUCH! in Bozeman


Well-known member
Read this article by the Bozeman Sports Editor, rips his own Cats... eeeeeoooouch! Stings like a b1tch!

It's true, It's true. That article seems to be right on track with what is going on in Bozeman but does that really suprise anyone. The people are always saying they'll be better next year but it nevers seems to happen. expt for when they were 0-11 how could they not improve after a year like that. I'm just very happy we ended up getting Joe Glenn instead of Kramer. Glenn has won everywhere he's been the head coach. Kramer had a couple lucky years at EWU and everbody thought he was the next Rokne or Something. He has improved the Cats but he still has a loooooong way to get to get them to the same level as the Griz and I'm betting that he is not good enough to do it. I think it would take a very well known name to get the players to MSU to compete any time soon and that just ain't going to happen. Thats the bottom line.

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