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Sports Illustrated Big Sky Conference Preview

The 2022 gris barely made it in the playoffs. The schedule wasn’t that hard, it was a typical Big Sky schedule that exposed how the gris struggle against good teams away (Sac, Weber, Cats). You didn’t play SDSU like the cats did, your games before conference stuff was all super simple.
The Griz lost their very good qb for SS and Weber, and he was hurt later too.

In 2023, the Cats struggled at home and on the road, and with at least one healthy qb. Not like the Griz.
The committee looks at all games. When the Griz only lose 1 and win all games against tough teams, the committee likes that and awards a no. 2 seed.

When the Cats win their easier games and lose all of their tough games, the Cats don't get as good of a seed. Then, they get beat at home in the playoffs by an unseeded team.

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