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Griz/cat jokes


Well-known member
Didn't there use to be (and may still be) a topic or page with Griz / cat jokes and memes??

Happy FTC week to everyone :)
Don’t look at me, I’ve been pulling my weight all week




Two bobcat coaches walk into a bar….oh sorry I forgot this was supposed to be a joke thread.

Three bobcat coaches are sitting in a car. Who’s driving?……
The cop.
Oldie but goodie.

My friend requested players from the Bobcant football team be pallbearers at his funeral. When i asked why, he responded, so the football team can let him down one last time.
The bobcat yeet video is still probably the funniest internet video in recent years. I know we've broken it down here multiple times, but so much goes on in those 47 seconds.