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Beaner brothers and Colton Lentz

Yeah. Yikes…. Not nearly as bad, but kinda reminds me of old guys at the bar trying to explain to me how the N word doesn’t necessarily mean black people and it isn’t offensive. Boomers man….
I just took it as beans like in burrito and Taco like in tacos, being "spicy." Maybe I read it wrong, but I didn't read anything into it. Maybe I'm just being dim witted, I guess, but I didn't take it racially at all.
I just took it as beans like in burrito and Taco like in tacos, being "spicy." Maybe I read it wrong, but I didn't read anything into it. Maybe I'm just being dim witted, I guess, but I didn't take it racially at all.
It's shocking that someone would take offense to the post. I laughed, it was witty and funny.! I come here occasionally for recruiting stuff, few others things, and the occasional laugh. It was a great post!
It's shocking that someone would take offense to the post. I laughed, it was witty and funny.! I come here occasionally for recruiting stuff, few others things, and the occasional laugh. It was a great post!
Well, in CDA's defense, the post has the potential to be extremely racist. I truly don't think that was the poster's intention (in fact, I doubt he even considered it in that vain). But i'll admit I winced when I first read it.