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Stadium Pics from Saturday?


Well-known member
Does anyone have any pics of the expansion from Saturday? I couldn't get the videostream to work on Saturday and I've only came across the ones on montanagrizzlies.com and the Missoulian:




Anyone have any other good ones?
Unfortunately the bulk of the photos I took Saturday were unreadable but the last one of these I posted makes a great wallpaper.


Awesome photo....you sit right behind me.....Kevin??

Does anyone know if the pre-game video is on youtube yet?? It was hard to tell if the music playing was the same as the video but I wouldn't mind seeing. Thanks!!
NOhting special, but these are the ones I took.










And the entrance video i commented on before. It was a bust. Not sure what happened, but someone had to have messed that up.
MTGRIZ12 said:
Awesome photo....you sit right behind me.....Kevin??

Does anyone know if the pre-game video is on youtube yet?? It was hard to tell if the music playing was the same as the video but I wouldn't mind seeing. Thanks!!

Yip. That be me. Dan?

Thanks for the compliment on the photo. I wouldn't trade my seat for any other.
So, off topic, being that I am in Seattle now, lets just say I visited Missoula... What are my chances of getting in the gates for a game???

It would be my first Griz game in 23 years... I'd pay double....
Cuervohola said:
So, off topic, being that I am in Seattle now, lets just say I visited Missoula... What are my chances of getting in the gates for a game???

It would be my first Griz game in 23 years... I'd pay double....

Most definitely, hell I am sure an egrizzer has a spare ticket or would find you one. That is never a problem with all the egrizzers.
Cool, that would rock... Hell, I'd be satisfied just seeing the game on TV for the first time in years... Aint gonna happen here...

Can You brign food into WA / GRIZ??? I'd brign like 10 Hoagies from Hoagieville!!! :D
elkmcc said:
MTGRIZ12 said:
Awesome photo....you sit right behind me.....Kevin??

Does anyone know if the pre-game video is on youtube yet?? It was hard to tell if the music playing was the same as the video but I wouldn't mind seeing. Thanks!!

Yip. That be me. Dan?

Thanks for the compliment on the photo. I wouldn't trade my seat for any other.

Close...I guess you're 2 row's behind me...(Cory).....and I agree I wouldn't trade my seats for anything either.
MTGRIZ12 said:
elkmcc said:
MTGRIZ12 said:
Awesome photo....you sit right behind me.....Kevin??

Does anyone know if the pre-game video is on youtube yet?? It was hard to tell if the music playing was the same as the video but I wouldn't mind seeing. Thanks!!

Yip. That be me. Dan?

Thanks for the compliment on the photo. I wouldn't trade my seat for any other.

Close...I guess you're 2 row's behind me...(Cory).....and I agree I wouldn't trade my seats for anything either.

Absolutely. I was great to see everybody back too. It is amazing to think that we have been coming back to the same seats for 13 seasons now. I've watched your kids grow from infants to teenagers?, wow. Kudos to that btw. You take them with you all the time. I'm sure we will never have to worry about them becoming kitty fans. I can't wait for the game. See you there.
Cuervohola said:
So, off topic, being that I am in Seattle now, lets just say I visited Missoula... What are my chances of getting in the gates for a game???

It would be my first Griz game in 23 years... I'd pay double....
I have never had a problem finding a ticket on game day. There are always people with extra tickets willing to sell for 15-20 bucks.
It is funny that we've been there that long.....kids are 5 and 9 and HATE the Bobcats....even though we tell them we don't hate anything, you can strongly dislike but Hate is not a good thing.....unless it's the kittens :twisted: My girls are free to make any decision they want (within reason) we never stop them from wanting to explore and learn but they are forbidden from cheering for or becoming bobcats!! :lol:
That is another thing I love about the games and our seats is seeing all the same people every year and staying caught up with the out of towners.
MTGRIZ12 said:
It is funny that we've been there that long.....kids are 5 and 9 and HATE the Bobcats....even though we tell them we don't hate anything, you can strongly dislike but Hate is not a good thing.....unless it's the kittens :twisted: My girls are free to make any decision they want (within reason) we never stop them from wanting to explore and learn but they are forbidden from cheering for or becoming bobcats!! :lol:
That is another thing I love about the games and our seats is seeing all the same people every year and staying caught up with the out of towners.

My youngest son Grady picked up on the the "bobcat sucks" thing real early on from his older brother. It used to make my wife cringe when he would say it. I never encouraged it but privately enjoyed it. Needless to say there is no worry about any of my 5 kids ever turning to the dark side. My oldest son Joe and I started going to Griz games together back in '91 when he was about 6. To this day we have never missed a single game in WGS.