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Large number of Idaho FB players involved in brawl; lineman sucker punches son of large donor

Well, yeah, if he deserved it then 44 FB players involved in a brawl is no big deal. ;)
I didn't see anything that said that more than 1 player hit the guy. Just because a group of 40 walks to a place, where only 1 person is hurt enough to go to the ER, doesn't mean much to me. Other than virtually none of the 40 were involved in hitting the guy. Hey, you're a lawyer. Why does it take 4.5 months to get to the bottom of what happened to one guy? The photos show that he got clobbered. An article said people saw who hit the guy. What's so hard about bringing charges if a chargeable assault occurred? Something is holding this up, or perhaps has even stopped it. I know an article said this was a sucker punch. But what if it wasn't, and the "victim" threw the first punch or initiated the "fight"? Something is causing the university to seemingly not take action too.
Well said. I've said the same thing from day one. That ten week investigation line is Old News. It's now TWENTY WEEKS. Do the math. Coverup in progress! This needs further pressure, namely the Idaho BOR(or whatever they are called)and the BSC to weigh in and get some sense of justice/retribution for the February F___up. Can't blame the coaches for their players behavior, other than recruiting athletically talented garbage, but the UI Administration's probable meddling in this needs to be exposed and held to account. The Civil Action has nothing to do with this mess. It's a side show. The more light shined on this shitshow the better.
Look, I have absolutely no idea what happened here, other than the information provided in the scant news articles. Certainly we had an opportunity to learn much more, but you know, ya gotta protect your access and all. Also, GRIZ fans are spoiled brats for wanting someone who gets paid to do so to ask a few relevant questions.

That all said, it has not exactly been a stellar year for UI or the Moscow police in the national media. It's not difficult to imagine a scenario in which an under the table decision was made by both parties to...let's say "de emphasize" this story to avoid more bad pub.
...bury it, AKA.
I totally respect UI and their football program, but this stinks to high heaven. Fu*k that 'under the table sh*t.'

I just expect that programs, when sh*t happens, be judged to the same standard Griz football was held to about twelve years ago. Do your homework, read your in history.
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I didn't see anything that said that more than 1 player hit the guy. Just because a group of 40 walks to a place, where only 1 person is hurt enough to go to the ER, doesn't mean much to me. Other than virtually none of the 40 were involved in hitting the guy. Hey, you're a lawyer. Why does it take 4.5 months to get to the bottom of what happened to one guy? The photos show that he got clobbered. An article said people saw who hit the guy. What's so hard about bringing charges if a chargeable assault occurred? Something is holding this up, or perhaps has even stopped it. I know an article said this was a sucker punch. But what if it wasn't, and the "victim" threw the first punch or initiated the "fight"? Something is causing the university to seemingly not take action too.
Totally agree with all of this. But, we’ll likely never know. You raise great questions that no media outlet has asked (to my knowledge).
we know the night it was reported....from that you can go to the blotter for that night...probably could email the reporter and get that information.
Found the blotter. I have never looked into stuff like this before, so help me out. Which of these is the case number --

24-M01058 Citizen Dispute


Also, found an article with some more information. Turns out a few kids were treated by EMTs at the scene.

"Moscow Police responded near campus just before 11 p.m. because of a “large fight” with multiple people, according to a dispatch report. Moscow Police Cpt. Tyson Berrett said witnesses reported many of the people involved were football players.

The fight took place at a party with nearly 100 people attending, Berrett said. Two to three students were treated by EMTs at the scene. The department is currently questioning people who are a part of the athletic program and reviewing video footage of the night, Berrett said. No one had been arrested or charged as of Friday."
Ah, got it. So, I’ll just co-assistant manage this 7Eleven AND cover the BSC conference with more depth and breadth than anyone. 😉
yup, I am a homeless drunk currently living off the grid, if I had transportation to Moscow I would dig into it but at present I need to make a new sign as my old one got ruined in last nights rain. I would try and spoon feed everyone but that just makes them want more spoon feeding....anyone catch the debate last night?
Found the blotter. I have never looked into stuff like this before, so help me out. Which of these is the case number --

24-M01058 Citizen Dispute


Also, found an article with some more information. Turns out a few kids were treated by EMTs at the scene.

"Moscow Police responded near campus just before 11 p.m. because of a “large fight” with multiple people, according to a dispatch report. Moscow Police Cpt. Tyson Berrett said witnesses reported many of the people involved were football players.

The fight took place at a party with nearly 100 people attending, Berrett said. Two to three students were treated by EMTs at the scene. The department is currently questioning people who are a part of the athletic program and reviewing video footage of the night, Berrett said. No one had been arrested or charged as of Friday."
there you go....wasn't that hard was it?
there you go....wasn't that hard was it?
Yes, it is, lol. I'm asking which of those is the case number so that I can put it into the form? I'm hoping that you are actually a retired popo and can help a brother out here.

I submitted with the Moscow ID. Will let you know if anything ever comes of it
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yup, I am a homeless drunk currently living off the grid, if I had transportation to Moscow I would dig into it but at present I need to make a new sign as my old one got ruined in last nights rain. I would try and spoon feed everyone but that just makes them want more spoon feeding....anyone catch the debate last night?
Why wouldn’t you get a weather balloon and Doppler so you would’ve known it was gonna rain? Can’t expect the news to do everything for you.

Why wouldn’t you get a weather balloon and Doppler so you would’ve known it was gonna rain? Can’t expect the news to do everything for you.
I usually can tell when it is going to rain but someone was generous and gave me $20 and of course I spent it on good drink and never felt the ground around me start to flood. my fault for sure. I normally pick better spots to pass out. I don't need to predict the weather just need to make sure when I black out it is on higher ground.