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Stitt- No fence riding (for or against)-Pre 2017

For or Against keeping Stitt

  • For

    Votes: 112 84.8%
  • Against

    Votes: 20 15.2%

  • Total voters
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.
ordigger said:
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.
Wrong Digger. I do not want to see this team fail but I do have serious concerns about Head Coach Stitt based on his performance so far. I think he either produces this year or he be released with our appreciation for his efforts.
I do not want to hear "well,there's always next year" like we hear from state all the time.
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.
I agree that the poll was flawed from the outset. The author seemed to want to incite controversy rather that honestly gauge support for Stitt. And yes, Bobcats suck.
People need to quit being stupid. Being against extending Stitt right now has zero to do with hoping the Griz fail or signifies a person is rooting against them.
HelenaHandBasket said:
People need to quit being stupid. Being against extending Stitt right now has zero to do with hoping the Griz fail or signifies a person is rooting against them.

Right on Helena :thumb: , About time someone said it
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.

That wasn't the poll now though was it. So if you say no now, Pre-2017 then you are hoping this team fails.

Let' logically go through this for those that perhaps didn't understand the question...

For or Against keeping Stitt - PRE 2017

-- If No, explain for me how that is not a vote against all the players, coaches, fans and others. No means you want Stitt gone....for Stitt to be gone this team would have to fail. No Bobcat win, no playoff berth, no good season - and those are fans?
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?
I finally voted for against , Now for the first time in my life (at least in PR's eyes ) I can be called knowledgeable :shock:
ordigger said:
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.

That wasn't the poll now though was it. So if you say no now, Pre-2017 then you are hoping this team fails.

It's a stupid poll - real stupid. There are likely only a few who want Stitt gone right now. Everyone I know either believes the decision can be made following this season - or next. And, I think we can agree bobcats suck.
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.

That wasn't the poll now though was it. So if you say no now, Pre-2017 then you are hoping this team fails.

It's a stupid poll - real stupid. There are likely only a few who want Stitt gone right now. Everyone I know either believes the decision can be made following this season - or next. And, I think we can agree bobcats suck.

I actually agree with you that the decision should be made after the season. I've no problem with the thought.
ordigger said:
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.

That wasn't the poll now though was it. So if you say no now, Pre-2017 then you are hoping this team fails.

Let' logically go through this for those that perhaps didn't understand the question...

For or Against keeping Stitt - PRE 2017

-- If No, explain for me how that is not a vote against all the players, coaches, fans and others. No means you want Stitt gone....for Stitt to be gone this team would have to fail. No Bobcat win, no playoff berth, no good season - and those are fans?

So, your vote was to decide now to keep Stitt, no matter how the upcoming season turned out?

I certainly didn't read the poll question as deciding whether to fire Stitt right now before the season.

Wouldn't almost everyone want to see how the upcoming season turned out, before making decisions as to whether to renew/extend? Didn't the end of last season cause Haslam to re-think whether to give an extension late last fall?
ordigger said:
SoldierGriz said:
ordigger said:
Mavman said:
Soo according to the poll egriz has 103 unknowledgeable fans and 17 knowledgeable fans.
Is this correct?

103 Griz Fans that cheer for the team
17 Anti Stitt/Griz fans that would rather seen this team fail so they can replace Stitt. Flawed logic.

I don't think so.

If the poll question would have asked:

1. Extend Stitt now.
2. Fire Stitt.
3. Wait until the end of the season to decide.
4. bobcats suck.

I think we'd see #3 and #4 with big numbers and number 2 with very small number...less than 17 for sure.

That wasn't the poll now though was it. So if you say no now, Pre-2017 then you are hoping this team fails.

Let' logically go through this for those that perhaps didn't understand the question...

For or Against keeping Stitt - PRE 2017

-- If No, explain for me how that is not a vote against all the players, coaches, fans and others. No means you want Stitt gone....for Stitt to be gone this team would have to fail. No Bobcat win, no playoff berth, no good season - and those are fans?
Absurd premise. Find an example of a school firing a coach two weeks prior to the beginning of the season for anything short of egregious and/or criminal behavior? Stupid poll made stupider by anyone trying to make it seem intelligent.
Digger, I don't think anyone wants to fire Stitt this very moment. Like it or not, we are stuck with him during the season.
Speaking only for myself, I have concerns about Stitt, but I will always support the Griz and cheer as loud as anyone.
HelenaHandBasket said:
People need to quit being stupid. Being against extending Stitt right now has zero to do with hoping the Griz fail or signifies a person is rooting against them.

But what about the people who are hoping for a bad season so they can say "I told you so" when Stitt gets fired? They need a place to vote too?

Maybe we need another poll just for them...
mtgrizrule said:
This is his 3rd year. I have always believed 3 years is a fair time to truly evaluate coaches and their future. Going into this season, I am on board for extending him, after this season. I feel he should be given the time to have his young talent mature, with him as coach. I also am not for a revolving door approach for head coach. For the most part the players are staying out of trouble and doing well in the class room as well.

The way this question was asked, and the comment that followed, led me to believe that there would be two choices, and ONLY two..
(1) Do you think it would be prudent and wise and do you believe that Coach Stitt should be guaranteed another year regardless of how this season turns out.
(2) Do you think it would be prudent and wise and do you believe that Coach Stitt should NOT be given another year, regardless of how this season turns out.
I happen to be of the opinion that it would be prudent and wise to have a third choice available of waiting and seeing how this year turns out BEFORE making that decision. My personal opinion is that even though I have serious reservations about Coach Stitt's ability to succeed as the Grizz head football coach, I feel it would be nothing less than foolhardy to try and make that final decision before the completion of the third and final year of his contract. Hence, I vote for a non-existent #3.
As I read through these posts, I noticed that some posters question whether other posters are good fans or not, depending on their answer to that question. I fail to see, from reading the question that was asked to start this thread (see above), how that is relevant, possible, or fair to say. As I mentioned, I have some serious doubts about Coach Stitt's ability to successfully lead the Griz football program where we would all like to see it go. It should, and does, go without saying, that even with those doubts, I passionately, totally, and completely support Coach Stitt and The Griz. I truly hope that they ALL have a wildly successful year this year, and for all years in the future. That being said, please don't insult me, by questioning my status as a "TRUE" Grizz fan, when quite the opposite is true, and has been for over 50 years!!!!!

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