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Mellott injury

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Torn meniscus with no scope job makes no sense for an athlete. I’ve had one on each knee. I skied 8, 9 and 10 days later. Bumps on day 10.
mthoopsfan said:
Torn meniscus with no scope job makes no sense for an athlete. I’ve had one on each knee. I skied 8, 9 and 10 days later. Bumps on day 10.
It depends a lot on how bad the tear is and where it is at. I had one trimmed back a bit and was playing basketball 7 days later. Fast forward 35 years and a more major tear in the same place put me out of commission for 3 months. You heal faster when you are young.

However, I'm not buying what MSU is selling. They pulled the same thing last year on us and Tommy played the whole game. He will be back in the game this Saturday. Seems like a scripted sort of thing to me. We will be prepared for him to play. I would also think that a few of the other players they are claiming to be injured will play as well. It's sort of the pregame, game they play every year. There are some other teams that pull the same sort of stunts. :roll:
oldrunner said:
mthoopsfan said:
Torn meniscus with no scope job makes no sense for an athlete. I’ve had one on each knee. I skied 8, 9 and 10 days later. Bumps on day 10.
It depends a lot on how bad the tear is and where it is at. I had one trimmed back a bit and was playing basketball 7 days later. Fast forward 35 years and a more major tear in the same place put me out of commission for 3 months. You heal faster when you are young.

However, I'm not buying what MSU is selling. They pulled the same thing last year on us and Tommy played the whole game. He will be back in the game this Saturday. Seems like a scripted sort of thing to me. We will be prepared for him to play. I would also think that a few of the other players they are claiming to be injured will play as well. It's sort of the pregame, game they play every year. There are some other teams that pull the same sort of stunts. :roll:

Zero chance Tommy plays this weekend.
ilovethecats said:
oldrunner said:
It depends a lot on how bad the tear is and where it is at. I had one trimmed back a bit and was playing basketball 7 days later. Fast forward 35 years and a more major tear in the same place put me out of commission for 3 months. You heal faster when you are young.

However, I'm not buying what MSU is selling. They pulled the same thing last year on us and Tommy played the whole game. He will be back in the game this Saturday. Seems like a scripted sort of thing to me. We will be prepared for him to play. I would also think that a few of the other players they are claiming to be injured will play as well. It's sort of the pregame, game they play every year. There are some other teams that pull the same sort of stunts. :roll:

Zero chance Tommy plays this weekend.

Seems everybody I know that has a possible tear (after MRI) they really don't know full details until a scope is entered. Am I wrong and they can tell it all from an MRI? Doctors out there (not ones that play it here on egriz) please gibe us you opinions?
ilovethecats said:
Zero chance Tommy plays this weekend.


My take is that they have confidence in Sean Chambers to get it done. After Weber the Cats have Portland St. and then a bye week. They can wait until after the bye to bring him back.
ilovethecats said:
Zero chance Tommy plays this weekend.


Because he’s injured and not ready. Everything discussed here is just rumor. Like all boards.

We have a quality qb in chambers and we’re fortunate for that. Even if we didn’t, Tommy still wouldn’t play this weekend. Has nothing to do with any kind of script. It’s football. Guys get hurt.

My guess is he doesn’t play this week because he can’t. He doesn’t play next week cause we’re home against PSU and won’t need him. He won’t play the week after because it’s our bye week. If he’s ready to get snaps at home against Poly maybe we’ll see him some. If for no other reason than to get him game reps before we travel to sac state. He’ll play against sac state.
oldrunner said:
mthoopsfan said:
Torn meniscus with no scope job makes no sense for an athlete. I’ve had one on each knee. I skied 8, 9 and 10 days later. Bumps on day 10.
It depends a lot on how bad the tear is and where it is at. I had one trimmed back a bit and was playing basketball 7 days later. Fast forward 35 years and a more major tear in the same place put me out of commission for 3 months. You heal faster when you are young.

However, I'm not buying what MSU is selling. They pulled the same thing last year on us and Tommy played the whole game. He will be back in the game this Saturday. Seems like a scripted sort of thing to me. We will be prepared for him to play. I would also think that a few of the other players they are claiming to be injured will play as well. It's sort of the pregame, game they play every year. There are some other teams that pull the same sort of stunts. :roll:

Wat? When did Vigen supposedly do this? I know there are some other teams and coaches that play games with the two deep, fudge about player injuries and availability, etc. But to my knowledge that isn't something Vigen does?
oldrunner said:
mthoopsfan said:
Torn meniscus with no scope job makes no sense for an athlete. I’ve had one on each knee. I skied 8, 9 and 10 days later. Bumps on day 10.
It depends a lot on how bad the tear is and where it is at. I had one trimmed back a bit and was playing basketball 7 days later. Fast forward 35 years and a more major tear in the same place put me out of commission for 3 months. You heal faster when you are young.

However, I'm not buying what MSU is selling. They pulled the same thing last year on us and Tommy played the whole game. He will be back in the game this Saturday. Seems like a scripted sort of thing to me. We will be prepared for him to play. I would also think that a few of the other players they are claiming to be injured will play as well. It's sort of the pregame, game they play every year. There are some other teams that pull the same sort of stunts. :roll:

Tommy wasn’t really a question last year around Cat/ gris. Vigen is actually a bit more brutally honest with injuries compared to a lot of college coaches. I think choate was the last one to play stump the dummy when apparently Bobby spent night and day preparing for Troy in 2019. With that- you probably won’t see Tommy dressing this weekend. It’s a long season and we’ve got a bye coming up after PSU. Chambers and reed can get the job done in the mean time.
poorgriz said:
oldrunner said:
It depends a lot on how bad the tear is and where it is at. I had one trimmed back a bit and was playing basketball 7 days later. Fast forward 35 years and a more major tear in the same place put me out of commission for 3 months. You heal faster when you are young.

However, I'm not buying what MSU is selling. They pulled the same thing last year on us and Tommy played the whole game. He will be back in the game this Saturday. Seems like a scripted sort of thing to me. We will be prepared for him to play. I would also think that a few of the other players they are claiming to be injured will play as well. It's sort of the pregame, game they play every year. There are some other teams that pull the same sort of stunts. :roll:

Wat? When did Vigen supposedly do this? I know there are some other teams and coaches that play games with the two deep, fudge about player injuries and availability, etc. But to my knowledge that isn't something Vigen does?
Last year's regular season game.Tommy injured, wasn't supposed to play, and played the whole game.
oldrunner said:
poorgriz said:
Wat? When did Vigen supposedly do this? I know there are some other teams and coaches that play games with the two deep, fudge about player injuries and availability, etc. But to my knowledge that isn't something Vigen does?
Last year's regular season game.Tommy injured, wasn't supposed to play, and played the whole game.

Sixx was probably hammered when he made those comments.
ilovethecats said:

Because he’s injured and not ready. Everything discussed here is just rumor. Like all boards.

We have a quality qb in chambers and we’re fortunate for that. Even if we didn’t, Tommy still wouldn’t play this weekend. Has nothing to do with any kind of script. It’s football. Guys get hurt.

My guess is he doesn’t play this week because he can’t. He doesn’t play next week cause we’re home against PSU and won’t need him. He won’t play the week after because it’s our bye week. If he’s ready to get snaps at home against Poly maybe we’ll see him some. If for no other reason than to get him game reps before we travel to sac state. He’ll play against sac state.

Got it. Thanks. I thought maybe you knew something about his injury that other people didn't.
oldrunner said:
poorgriz said:
Wat? When did Vigen supposedly do this? I know there are some other teams and coaches that play games with the two deep, fudge about player injuries and availability, etc. But to my knowledge that isn't something Vigen does?
Last year's regular season game.Tommy injured, wasn't supposed to play, and played the whole game.

Gotchya. I honestly don't remember that but sometimes my memory sucks so I'll believe you. If Vigen literally said, "Tommy is not playing this Saturday.", and the 2-deep did not list him (Which is where we're at with Tommy this weekend), then yes I agree that's playin games by the HC. All said, I seriously doubt Tommy plays vs Weber.
poorgriz said:
oldrunner said:
Last year's regular season game.Tommy injured, wasn't supposed to play, and played the whole game.

Gotchya. I honestly don't remember that but sometimes my memory sucks so I'll believe you. If Vigen literally said, "Tommy is not playing this Saturday.", and the 2-deep did not list him (Which is where we're at with Tommy this weekend), then yes I agree that's playin games by the HC. All said, I seriously doubt Tommy plays vs Weber.

Then I’m picking Weber. Tommy is better than Chambers.
mthoopsfan said:
poorgriz said:
Gotchya. I honestly don't remember that but sometimes my memory sucks so I'll believe you. If Vigen literally said, "Tommy is not playing this Saturday.", and the 2-deep did not list him (Which is where we're at with Tommy this weekend), then yes I agree that's playin games by the HC. All said, I seriously doubt Tommy plays vs Weber.

Then I’m picking Weber. Tommy is better than Chambers.

He might be, but if so it's a slim margin. Sean wasn't voted captain by his teammates three times at Wyoming and once at MSU for no reason.
poorgriz said:
mthoopsfan said:
Then I’m picking Weber. Tommy is better than Chambers.

He might be, but if so it's a slim margin. Sean wasn't voted captain by his teammates three times at Wyoming and once at MSU for no reason.

Scats just a 3.5 point favorite against Weebs.
AZGrizFan said:
poorgriz said:
He might be, but if so it's a slim margin. Sean wasn't voted captain by his teammates three times at Wyoming and once at MSU for no reason.

Scats just a 3.5 point favorite against Weebs.

No kidding? An away game against a top 10 team and we’re still favorites? Crazy….
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