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Where Will FCS Football Land In College Football Realignment? W/ Big Sky Commissioner Tom Wistrcill

Same. I’ve always said a conference made up of:

Colorado State

I would take that in a heartbeat.
Keep wishing, no way in hell colorado state would want any part of that league... they would be better off waiting for a big 12 invite or an aac invite just about any where else than this.
For fans I think the the lack of a playoff games replaced with a single bowl game may not sit well. Financially it could be more benificial for the college but there may be a revolt.I think the average fan gives two shits about the quality of the teams played now at this level.As long as they can have a good time and win most that's pretty much it.
Same. I’ve always said a conference made up of:

Colorado State

I would take that in a heartbeat.
Montana state
Weber state

Would be mine, maybe throw in UNI and university of northern Arizona too.
Not here to obliterate you. I see what you are saying, and I totally get that feeling. I've had this conversation with others, and I don't begrudge you that at all.

For me, it isn't the "meaningless national championship vs a bowl game" that makes me lean toward being good with the FCS, it is the playoff run that we get to experience. That playoff run last year was incredible, and as a sports fan was the most fun of my adult life. It felt special. While it would be fun to fly out to that Alamo Bowl in San Antonio, or whatever random bowl in whatever place, it wouldn't match the excitement of a playoff run for me.

I don't see Montana ever competing with the Alabamas, Georgias, and Texases of the world. We just don't have the money or recruiting base that they do, and I don't personally expect that we ever will. If they do go to a system where those top programs are split off by the CFP system and the current G5 teams make their own playoff system, I would be happy to join that. I just really, really don't want to lose the playoff system. I don't give a shit about "purity," but the playoff system is just more fun for me and that's pretty much all I take into account in the matter because I have absolutely zero say in anything the University does.
While I agree wholeheartedly with the bolded statement, I don't really understand the reluctance to move up simply because of that. Montana competes at that level and against those programs in every sport besides football. Yes, I love the playoffs. Yes, I love competing for a "national championship". But I don't know of anyone who supports keeping football at the fcs level who also supports a move to DII for programs like basketball. Why is that? We have no chance at winning a national title there either, but for some reason people are happy to value things like conference championships and Dance appearances. I just don't understand the disconnect.
Keep wishing, no way in hell colorado state would want any part of that league... they would be better off waiting for a big 12 invite or an aac invite just about any where else than this.
I don't think they will have a choice. They are not and wont be considered for the mega conferences
They may not be in consideration for a mega conference right now, but I can't imagine they would be too thrilled about being in a 8 team conference where 6 of the proposed league members are still in the fcs...
The recent rumors seem to suggest that Washington State and Oregon State are going to attempt to re-build the PAC12. Of course, things can certainly change between now and then, but if they were to do that, here’s what I think they would probably do.

I think they would take at least 4 teams from the Mountain West, and 4 teams from the American. The most likely candidates from each league I think would be:

Mountain West
1. San Diego State
2. Boise State
4. Fresno State or Colorado State

1. Tulsa
3. Memphis
4. North Texas or Tulane

That right there would be a pretty good PAC 12 rebuild in my mind. It hits a lot of major media markets and a lot of these schools are high end mid major programs at a lot of sports. So if this does happen, then that opens up 4 spots in the Mountain West. I think the 4 most likely candidates would be:

1. Montana
2. Montana State
3. Sacramento State
4. UC Davis

This would get the Mountain West roughly 2.4 million people out of the Sacramento market and over 1.1 million people out of Montana. Certainly there would be other candidates from the Big Sky if the Mountain West wanted to expand further, but I think these would be the 4 most attractive. The big question would be what would the American do? Would they dip into the Dakotas? Or would they raid the Sun Belt and/or CUSA? Things could get interesting in the next 2 years
This league plus Idaho, Air Force, New Mexico and maybe Utah Tech and/or Weber gets more and more likely every day.

The fracture is coming soon. Thought this article was interesting

My favorite part of it was this:

“It’s true that this will only certify what has been happening all along. There always have been athletes with their eyes on the pros, boosters making under-the-table payments and coaches who claimed that their teams were families in one breath and bolted for a new team and a bigger contract the next.”

So, the programs with more money will continue to get better players in revenue sports. Wild.
Sadly my prediction is UM just sits on their hands and by doing such they just get left behind.
You know darn well that NDSU and SDSU, we’ll all the Dakota schools are feeling things out and I can just about guarantee they make the move. Especially if the G5 moves to a playoff format and they have solid knowledge such will happen.
It’s sad really to think about all the money spent on the Hall of Champions and WA Griz to really cement yourself as what will be DII.
Maybe we can battle it out with Valdosta!
I recall several years ago speaking to Don Read and asked if if he thought the Griz would ever FBS. He said yes but thought it would be a move by the entire BSC.
I think UM, MSU, Weber, SAC and the Dakota schools a could be on the phone talking to the MWC. Shoot maybe even the PAC2 about joining.
But again I think it’s safer to say we will be in the BSC as a DII with probably more new members as SAC and others will want to move on.
Sadly my prediction is UM just sits on their hands and by doing such they just get left behind.
You know darn well that NDSU and SDSU, we’ll all the Dakota schools are feeling things out and I can just about guarantee they make the move. Especially if the G5 moves to a playoff format and they have solid knowledge such will happen.
It’s sad really to think about all the money spent on the Hall of Champions and WA Griz to really cement yourself as what will be DII.
Maybe we can battle it out with Valdosta!
I recall several years ago speaking to Don Read and asked if if he thought the Griz would ever FBS. He said yes but thought it would be a move by the entire BSC.
I think UM, MSU, Weber, SAC and the Dakota schools a could be on the phone talking to the MWC. Shoot maybe even the PAC2 about joining.
But again I think it’s safer to say we will be in the BSC as a DII with probably more new members as SAC and others will want to move on.
What makes you think we’re just sitting on our hands? We continue to build facilities, up our NIL, provide the necessary resources, etc. That doesn’t sound like sitting on our hands to me. That sounds like everything they should be doing. Plus you have no idea what kind of conversations they’re having behind the scenes
The seismometers should get a good workout Thursday night Aug. 29, once NDSU beats Colorado on National TV. The dominoes will start to fall. Only 103 days and fantastic summer away! Neon Deion gonna stroke out. Where does he go where no one has possibly heard, or cares, about the event? Fiji, Northern Greenland, Outer Mongolia, Seychelles? Passport checkers gonna be hard pressed to keep a straight face.🤣
He could do commercials for Southwest Airlines 'Want to get away?' flights!👍
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What makes you think we’re just sitting on our hands? We continue to build facilities, up our NIL, provide the necessary resources, etc. That doesn’t sound like sitting on our hands to me. That sounds like everything they should be doing. Plus you have no idea what kind of conversations they’re having behind the scenes
It certainly is not showing in the quality of the recruits wanting to come play for the Griz.
It certainly is not showing in the quality of the recruits wanting to come play for the Griz.
Ya cause Missouri State is totally getting stellar recruits. That totally explains why they went 4-7 last year.

And idk about you, but I tend to think both our Freshmen and transfer classes were pretty damn good this year. Not sure what the hell you’re talking about

4 of the top 5 montana players left for the FBS and the #3 player only had an one offer and that was from army.None of the Montana freshman the griz signed had any FBS offers.
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4 of the top 5 montana players left for the FBS and the #3 player only had an one offer and that was from army.None of the Montana freshman the griz signed had any FBS offers.
How often do you think a Montana kid with FBS offers would go to UM? I would say zero.

4 of the top 5 montana players left for the FBS and the #3 player only had an one offer and that was from army.None of the Montana freshman the griz signed had any FBS offers.
This one sounds like it could use some research; how often to Montana HS kids with FBS offers pass them up to attend the U of M or any other FCS school in the state? Are there many examples from the past?

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