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72 days


Well-known member
Missouri State comes to WGS.
Fall Camp begins in 45 days.
I'm sure most of you anal retentive ________(fill in the blank)can hold on to whatever you normally hold on to for a little over ten weeks, and not imploding or exploding.
It's the first day of summer!
Do summer stuff, whatever that is, leave the internet behind, smell the flowers, listen to bird calls, listen to the babbling brooks, or just listen to the wind blow(lots of that where I'm at). Take a break! Clear you head. EGriz will be here when you return(probably). 👍
Enjoy your summer!
It's the first day of summer!
Do summer stuff, whatever that is, leave the internet behind, smell the flowers, listen to bird calls, listen to the babbling brooks, or just listen to the wind blow(lots of that where I'm at). Take a break! Clear you head. EGriz will be here when you return(probably). 👍
Enjoy your summer!
You've obviously never visited Texas in the summer. Acceptable summer activities must include a/c.
No and you never visited antartica either.I do not think he mentioned Texas in his comments
Pretty sure mom wasn’t talking to you. If she was she might’ve asked you how you know that South Dakota States back ups are so well prepared since they hardly played in any regular season games. Then again, maybe not since this thread is about enjoying summer. In Alabama we generally need AC too or lots and lots of sun screen and a wet place to hang out.
Mom, GUILTY! Got to Albuquerque a couple times(late fall/winter).
You sound like my late uncle who came up from Southern Arizona to NC Montana to avoid the heat. It was comical to see him wearing a Cardigan Sweater, shivering, sitting in the shade, while I'm in a T-shirt and sweating my balls off.
You could always come to Montana and take a break from that sh*t.👍
Missouri State comes to WGS.
Fall Camp begins in 45 days.
I'm sure most of you anal retentive ________(fill in the blank)can hold on to whatever you normally hold on to for a little over ten weeks, and not imploding or exploding.
It's the first day of summer!
Do summer stuff, whatever that is, leave the internet behind, smell the flowers, listen to bird calls, listen to the babbling brooks, or just listen to the wind blow(lots of that where I'm at). Take a break! Clear you head. EGriz will be here when you return(probably). 👍
Enjoy your summer!
You are actually totally not wrong... I say that entirely self aware. :ROFLMAO:

Though I have a feeling this is a Don Quixote moment.
Mom, GUILTY! Got to Albuquerque a couple times(late fall/winter).
You sound like my late uncle who came up from Southern Arizona to NC Montana to avoid the heat. It was comical to see him wearing a Cardigan Sweater, shivering, sitting in the shade, while I'm in a T-shirt and sweating my balls off.
You could always come to Montana and take a break from that sh*t.👍
I take a trip to MT every fall, just about the time that I think I will go crazy if I have to endure any more 100° days. My trips are ostensibly to visit my folks but always miraculously coincide with a Griz game or two. This year is no exception.

Albuquerque is hot but not nearly as bad as Texas. New Mexico is much drier and cools off at night thanks to elevation and mountains. Fall in New Mexico is the best time of year, especially in the northern mountains where you can see lots of color.
I have sibling in Phoenix, and I had spent a year in Dallas. Every time I tell him I couldn't take the heat in Arizona, he reminds me it is just like Montana. You spend 3-4 months of the year inside, just different months.
I have been to Phoenix a couple of times in August and was pretty sure I was going to die if I had to spend more than 10 minutes outside. I do not know how people live there. Seriously.
I have been to Phoenix a couple of times in August and was pretty sure I was going to die if I had to spend more than 10 minutes outside. I do not know how people live there. Seriously.
Honestly, it sounds worse. There are many snow sports that are fun. I don't know many "120 degree desert heat" sports.
Honestly, it sounds worse. There are many snow sports that are fun. I don't know many "120 degree desert heat" sports.
There should be a place that’s 60-65 for three months and 75 for nine months. It should be near tall mountains with snow on them so people can slide down the snow in various ways for fun. And then, we’ll place an ocean next to it so people can slide on the water in various ways for fun. People will hate everything about it. It’ll be glorious.
I have been to Phoenix a couple of times in August and was pretty sure I was going to die if I had to spend more than 10 minutes outside. I do not know how people live there. Seriously.
I considered a job on the lovely lower Colorado River. I was told it gets 'hot' for about two weeks in late summer. 'Hot' was defined as 125°. I stayed up north.😂
I take a trip to MT every fall, just about the time that I think I will go crazy if I have to endure any more 100° days. My trips are ostensibly to visit my folks but always miraculously coincide with a Griz game or two. This year is no exception.

Albuquerque is hot but not nearly as bad as Texas. New Mexico is much drier and cools off at night thanks to elevation and mountains. Fall in New Mexico is the best time of year, especially in the northern mountains where you can see lots of color.
Agree with Da Boyz. The humidity in Texas is crazy this time of year. Shit, Oklahoma City is humid. It's not Georgia or North Carolina humidity, but it's humid. You feel sweaty and wet all the time. The sweat doesn't evaporate like in Montana, New Mexico, or Arizona. You shower, dry off, and still feel wet. It's hot and miserable-especially this time of year. And it's Texas, so you have to deal with all the assholes who think they're just so great! It's unbearable in so many ways.
I considered a job on the lovely lower Colorado River. I was told it gets 'hot' for about two weeks in late summer. 'Hot' was defined as 125°. I stayed up north.😂
I spent four summers in Tempe. 117 is normal; above that is considered hot. We once had 20 straight days where the temp never got below 100. 106 at 6 AM is tough to handle. I love the guys that say, "but it's a dry heat." Put them under that sun for an hour and see what their message is.
I’m going to be in turnaround at my refinery from the beginning of September to the end of October and will practically miss this entire season, so I’m going to try not to think about that as I enjoy my summer 😔