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Unofficial Griz vs Sioux Game Day Thread

We’ve resorted to our whole season being about beating the cats. Three straight years of no playoffs. At Montana that is ridiculous. Sad times to be a Griz football fan. Will it ever get better? Will we ever be a contender? I think yes every year but then the last three years have happened and I honestly don’t know anymore.
Just got off the phone with my brother in law he asked what the hell is going on, I told him that somehow the Griz have been time traveling back to the Dornblazer days, and he said "not even they were as bad as this".
So we can’t seem to be able to kick our way out of a wet paper bag, but we’re not willing to change anything to see if it helps? Why not put in the other quarterback?
IdahoGrizFan said:
So we can’t seem to be able to kick our way out of a wet paper bag, but we’re not willing to change anything to see if it helps? Why not put in the other quarterback?

Seriously, the game is over anyway. Wouldn’t hurt.

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